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NES miHealth master course 2013 Emrik Suichies & Dr. Rainer Viehweger . WELL COME ! . Principle of Change. [. Things don`t easily appaear or disappear again, t hey change from one state – form to another. Today`s program : Introduction – motto for the day
NES miHealth master course 2013 Emrik Suichies & Dr. Rainer Viehweger WELL COME!
Principle of Change [ Things don`t easily appaear or disappear again, they change from one state – form to another.
Today`sprogram: Introduction – mottofortheday - stress release On bodyandothertechniques General guidelinestousethe miHealth SMF – explanation, live scans, practiceexperience Q & A
Working modes on body off body • all miHealth functions • both electrodes with skin contact. • electric as well asmagnetic impulses. • activating/energizing • all cycles and miHealth functions • electrodes without skin contact • magnetic impulses • seducing,calming skin
Intensity intensity 3 strong weak middle INTENSITY 5 1 3 1 2 3 4 5 Normally intensity 1 is used. Blockages, which do not respond. Extra stimulation, i.e. in case of leck of energy.
Techniques meridianes trigger point maximum point general brushing E asymmetry cross brushing diagonal – thinking in spirales symmetric areas knee
The miHealth also measures The pointreadingmodeallowstomeasuretheskinresistanceandto find those points/areaswithin in bodyregion, whichcanbeusedbestfor miHealth treatment at the moment. Wemeasurealways on body. We use the same function for the point reading and the treatment.
The miHealth also measures General applicationrules: Alwaysstart a treatmentwithtechniqueswithoutmeasuring. At the end of any treatment : general balancing of the autonom nervous system (1. pathways on the back, 2. neck region) Whensymptomsdon`tchangewhenbrushingorwhenthereare actuallynosymptomsatthemoment, but usedto – atnight..
Applicationofpointreadings In generalforbalancingthe autonom nervoussystem, alwaysaffects skinareas in relationtosympatheticandparasympatheticinnervation. (neck region, pathways on the back) Biggerareasaroundasymmetries (a symptomis an asymmetry!) 3. Abdomen, upperandlower half, singleorpairedor diagonal quadrants. Segmental courseofthe Head zones, courseof nerve cords, always fromthemidlinetotheperiphery 5. Alongmeridianpathwaysor on acupuncturepoints on a meridian
Interpreting point readings high The point readings don`t show absolute values, but relative values. We compare the values to each other – see the three pathways on the spine right - left or within a measured area. value time middle Low < 40 middle = 40 - 80 high > 80 low
pointreadings After theselectionofthefunction tobeusedtouchthis symbol E
10:05:06 Point readings Acute balance The side buttons increase or decrease the dosage limit value. Activate the point reading mode.
Point reading 10:05:06 Point reading mode Acute balance 10 point reading value 2% activates dosage deletes graphic readings stops point reading mode
Physical Ready Dosage mode 2:06 Start value Actual value End value Acute Balance 10 45 0 10% end value actual value value start value 1 2 3 4 5 time from point reading to therapy: simply press the button to increase power
Dosage mode time 01:06 Balance, akut 10 45 0 The dosage treatment screen 10% back to point reading 1 2 3 4 5 stops dosage
Values andtreatment Initial value: valueforhow fast istheresponseto thesignal, depends on skinimpedance 26 56 56 Dosagevalue: howlongisthechangeoftheskinimpedance due tothesignaluntilthereisnochangeanymore – end oftreatment. The higherthevaluethebetteristheabilityoftheareatochange.
Values andtreatment The biggerthedifferencebetweentheinitialvaluesthebetteristheregulation in thebetteristheregulation in theorganism. The dosageisthetherapy. We may additionally work on the areas with highest dosis values with local techniques.
exampleregion 1 1 Asymmetry and/or Reciprocal zone 2
exampleregion 2 Reallysmall asymmetries or high intensity after ineffectivetechniques Cross on theasymmetry Start in thecentre, thenabove, below, leftandright
Pathways on the back Parasympathetic start: in themidlinebelow C7, downwardstothe sacrum, thenmidline neck possiblydosagehereor atthe end Sympathetic Parasympathetic
Pathways on the back Parasympathetic nextsteps: start top left (below C7), thenright, nextleftsidebelow, thenrightagainand so on, at last neck left, thenrightside Sympathetic Parasympathetic
Neck region Parasympathetic start: neck leftbesidemidline, then 2x downwards, nextrowmoreouterpart ofthe neck asshown in thepresentation nextsteps: same procedere on the rightside Sympathetic Dosage atthe end ofeveryside
further techniques abdomen 1 neckls 1 2 abdomen 2 Three pathways on the back 2 2 3 1 1 Abdomen 3
General guidelines Protocol Communication &cell energy Matrix Carrier Biocell
General guidelines Protocol On body & off body Focus on actual symptom: a) dyscomfortacutebalance, chronicbalance b) tissue, physiologymuscle, joint, bone, digestion, hearing etc. c) energyenergy, recharge, male, female etc.
General guidelines Protocol • Emotional aspects and integration: • Mind app‘s: • energy align • inner peace • mental clarity • ESR • liberator.
Possiblefurthertechniques 1: Lookingforasymmetries on bodymode Treatment in off bodymode Controloftheresult on body exercise
Possiblefurthertechniques 2: Search forasymmetries on body Initial treatmentwith: matrixcarrier + biocell Tissuetesting on body:muscle, nerve, bone, joint Treatment after testing on or off body Final check Exercise
Possiblefurthertechniques 3: Search for asymmetries off body Treatment off body : generalbrushing, spirals, changesofdriection – alwayswatchyourclient ! Exercise
Body – symmetry - rules: Single mirroring Right – left – oppositesite Front - back Above - below, proximal - distal Agonist – antagonist Mirroring on the same limb proximal – distal i.e. shoulder - wrist
Body – symmetry - rules: Double mirroring Right – left – oppositesite – proximal - distal example: shoulder - wrist - opposite wrist knee – elbow - opposite elbow neck - lower back - underbelly
Body symmetryrules: Multiple mirroring right – left – oppositesite – proximal - distal - front - back shoulder - wrist - opposite arm - opposite leg - ancle knee – elbow - opposite site front - back neck region - lower back - lower abdomen left - right - upper abdomen
Body symmetryrules: Projectionsofthefaceto different bodyregions front chest abdomen Gesäß, Damm Upperandlower back Projectionsofthoseregionstotheface
Scanned miHealthFunctions • Half-automated integration of the ProVision scanning software and the miHealth device • Correction of energetic distorsions and blockages in a broader form thanInfoceuticalsormiHealthaloneortogethercould do SMF SMF
How they work • PreparethebodyfortheuseofInfoceuticals • Go deeperthanthemoresymptombasedmiHealthfunctions - holistic • Patients/clientsoftenfeelthe immediate effects. • Increaseefficiencyoftherapies
SMF: Related NES Information and Proton resonancefrequency (Global Scaling) For a certainareaor Matrix regulation
First feedbacksofpatientsandclientsshowed: SMF`sincreasetrustandconfidencewiththetherapistandhisusedmethods
SMF 4 groups A 1-8 B 1-16 C 1-6 MR 1-10 40 newfunctionsforthemiHealth
miHealth screen ProVision Version 2 update
A group: joints A1 atlas A2 cervicalspine A3 thoracicspine A4 lumbarspine A5 sacro-iliacjoint A6 tailbone A7 elbow A8 knee
A group: joints A1 atlasregion EI7 + proton resonance carrier frequency The gallbladder meridian (part of EI7) runs in this area. relates further to: the grey matter of the brain, to muscles and ligaments (posture, blow to the head, whiplash, eye movements), to sympathetic blood pressure, to immune activation, the GI tract and many others.
A group: joints A2 cervicalspine EI5, EI6 and CCH information + proton resonance carrier frequency bladder meridian and an inner branch of the kidney meridian run through this area. relates further to medulla oblongata, the liquor cerebri and spinalis, the spine, spinal nerves, tubulifunction in the kidneys, ectodermal tissue in general, pH-regulation, lymphatic system, oedema in general and many others.
A group: joints A3 thoracicspine EI5 and EI11 information + proton resonance carrier frequency The Bladder meridian runs here and the region provides the innervation for the stomach organes. This combination is also found in the musculo-skeletal screen for the thoracic spine.
A group: joints A4 lumbarspine EI3 and EI4 information + proton resonance carrier frequency Inner branches of the small intestine meridian and the heart meridian are connected to the small intestine. Small intestine problems often cause problems in the lumbar spine. relates further to the fire element, bones, spine, mucous membranes of the gut, pelvis, neurotransmitters, anxiety, depression and others.