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The K ¯ - nucleus Elastic Scattering and Momentum Dependent Optical Potentials

The K ¯ - nucleus Elastic Scattering and Momentum Dependent Optical Potentials. Nankai University Xian-Hui Zhong. K-G equation for K-nucleus interaction. K-G equation :

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The K ¯ - nucleus Elastic Scattering and Momentum Dependent Optical Potentials

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  1. The K¯ -nucleus Elastic Scattering and Momentum Dependent Optical Potentials Nankai University Xian-Hui Zhong

  2. K-G equation for K-nucleus interaction • K-G equation: where k is the K¯-nucleus interaction wave number ,is the reduce energy, is the coulomb potential. K atom and K¯- nucleus scattering …all need determine K- nucleus optical potential .

  3. The strong attraction potential of K¯-nucleus Some results from different models: • 1、 DD model (fit K atom data): -200±20 MeV • 2、RMF model (fit K atom data) :-180 ±20 MeV • 3、analysis K production in heavy ion collision: -80~-120 MeV • 4、chiral dynamical (K atom):-50 MeV Does K- nucleus optical potential have momentum dependent? PRC,67(2003)047601

  4. The potential model ofK- nucleus interaction • 1、DD(density dependent) model: with Nuclear density Reduce mass Saturation nuclear density

  5. 2、Relativistic mean field model: • With mean field approximation: Scalar field Vector field

  6. 3、Hybrid model(RMF+DD) • The real part of potential : RMF model The virtual part of potential : DD model

  7. The elastic scattering cross section of K¯-nucleus • 1、the results of DD,RMF and Hybrid model can not reproduce the experimental data at all!?

  8. 2、Considering momentum dependence • If the optical potential depends the entrance momentum of K¯ and noted: • where is the real and virtual part of potential independent momentum.

  9. 2、The results of Considering momentum dependence Considering momentum dependence, the experimental data can be fit well!

  10. Summary and outlook • 1、K- nucleus optical potential has momentum dependence. • 2、fitK- nucleus elastic scattering experimental data yields:real part potential: -45 -55 MeV;virtual part: -35 MeV (strong absorptive). • 3、K- nucleus elastic scattering is sensitive to the potential of the nuclear surface. • 4、由于K原子、K-核散射、K产生、K凝聚都与K-核相互作用势VK相联系,因而当前K-核势的理论研究受到关注。 • 5、 K-核势的强吸引导致K-的能量EK随着核密度的增加而减小,当减小到比电子化学势还要小就会出现K凝聚。中子星内部是否能够出现K凝聚与KN散射长度和K-核势强度VK0有关

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