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Dogwood Health Trust prepares to award grants in 2020. Learn about the Health Rankings in North Carolina and initiatives by Legacy Foundations. Access resources for health improvement in the region.
Legacy Foundation background • February 2019: “Dogwood Health Trust is now positioned to begin awarding annual grants to nonprofits and government agencies in 2020 for initiatives throughout the region once they figure out criteria and the application process. • The foundation will also help get the former legacy foundations up and running by providing them each with $5 million upon the closing of HCA’s purchase of Mission hospitals. The foundations will also receive $5 million at the end of year one of operations and one more $5 million installment at the end of year two. https://www.smokymountainnews.com/news/item/26424-hospital-foundations-find-new-mission
2018 North Carolina County Health Rankings The University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation ranks the overall health of counties for all 50 states, including North Carolina’s 100 counties. The most recent report, 2018 County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, (CHR&R) quantifies health outcomes and factors affecting people’s health within the state using the following five health measures: Rate of people dying before age 75 Percent of people who report being in fair or poor health Numbers of days people report being in poor physical health Number of days people report being in poor mental health Rate of low-birthweight infants The report illustrates what is keeping people healthy or making them sick and presents ways to create healthier places to live, learn, work and play. Source: www.countyhealthrankings.org/rankings/data/NC
2018 North Carolina County Ranking of Health Outcomes:Length of life and quality of life Health Ranking out of 100 counties in North Carolina 1 = Best health outcomes 100 = Worst health outcomes Source: www.countyhealthrankings.org/rankings/data/NC
SDOH Domain: Economic Stability Measure % Children – Free or Reduced Lunch Outcome W: 70.6% E1: 58.4% E2: 67.3% NC: 57.4% USA: 51.8% C3: 54.5% C4: 52.6%
Legacy Foundation Information • Highlands Cashiers Health Foundation, Cashiers https://highlandscashiershealthfoundation.org/, Ms. Robin Tindall, CFRE, Executive Director r.Tindall@highlandscashiershealthfoundation.org • Nantahala Health Foundation, Franklin, https://nantahalahealthfoundation.org/, Ms. Lori Bailey, MPA, Executive Director, l.bailey@nantahalahealthfoundation.org • Pisgah Health Foundation, Brevard, https://pisgahhealthfoundation.org/, Mr. Lex Green, CPA, President lex@PisgahHealthFoundation.org • AMY Wellness Foundation, Spruce Pine, https://amywellnessfoundation.org/, Mr. Luke Howe, Executive Director, l.howe@AMYWellnessfoundation.org • Gateway Wellness Foundation, Marion, https://gatewaywellnessfoundation.org/, search underway for Executive Director • WNC Bridge Foundation, Asheville, Mr. Scott Buchanan, MA, President, https://wncbridge.org/, sbuchanan@wncbridge.org
WNC Regions W-5 and W-6 Robin Tindall, CFRE, Executive Director r.tindall@hchealthfnd.org Ashlie Mitchell-Lanning, CFRE Associate Director a.mitchell-lanning@hchealthfnd.org Rhonda Oakley, Office Administrator r. Oakley@hchealthfdn.org Highlands, NC Lori Bailey, MPA Executive Director l.bailey@nantahalahealthfoundation.org Franklin, NC 2017 US Census Bureau and Woods & Poole Economics Inc. Growth Estimates
Highlands Cashiers Health Foundation initial funding strategies Cycle One: closed 7/15/19 Cycle Two: will open 9/16/19 and close 10/18/19 HEALTH: ACCESS TO CARE • Emergency Services and Public Transportation – Bringing the service to the people or the people to the service when help is needed is critically important because the rugged and remote terrain of our mountain communities can be a life-threatening barrier.• Indigent Care – Providing quality preventive and clinical services to qualifying uninsured and underserved individuals and families.• Behavioral Health – Increasing services and improving access for individuals.• Primary Care Physician Recruitment and Retention – Addressing the need for more primary care physicians serving our surrounding rural communities.• Supporting children and youth initiatives that address healthy lifestyles
EDUCATION • Supporting K-12 initiatives that reduce absenteeism and increase student access to health professionals and specialists when help is needed.• Advancing school technologies that provide academic enrichment.• Supporting school leadership through recruitment, professional development, and retention of teachers.• Supporting initiatives to expand learning opportunities for pre-school and early childhood ages.• Improving literacy for all ages.
COMMUNITY WELLBEING • Community Health Screenings • Programs that demonstrate outcomes in improving health and well-being. • Substance abuse program development POVERTY: HUMAN SERVICES We welcome applications for programs addressing needs in these areas: • • Hunger, food insecurity • • Affordable housing initiatives
Nantahala Health Foundation initial funding strategies Initial cycle will close 9/30/19 • Education • Career Technical Education: specifically, innovative projects that prepare individuals for the workforce, particularly by teaching job-readiness and retention skills other than technical skills for all ages. • Early Childhood Education initiatives: • assisting expansion of availability of childcare facilities, • increasing childcare affordability (such as scholarships for low-income families on the waiting list for voucher support), and, • increasing the availability of summer camps and after school programs. • Access to Health Care • Increasing access to health care, behavioral health services, medication assistance, and dental care.
Poverty • Alleviating poverty • Ending food insecurity for older adults • Providing or increasing emergency housing shelters • Quality of Housing • Increasing provision of home repair or rehabilitation for people in need • Providing access to mold remediation services • Special Interest Category: • Transportation. This has been identified as a primary need in our region which impacts all of the social determinants of health. We are looking to fund initiatives with either unique solutions and/or current efforts to provide transportation, especially those with collaborative efforts among human service or medical providers.
WNC Region C-3 Robert A. “Lex” Green, III, CPA President lex@pisgahhealthfoundation.org Lisa B. Fort, CFRE, Senior Development Officer l.fort@pisgahhealthfoundation.org Natalie Swenson, MS, CFRE, Strategic Partnerships Manager n.swenson@pisgahhealthfoundation.org Cathy Marie Wood, Grant Operations Coordinator c.wood@pisgahhealthfoundation.org Brevard, NC 2017 US Census Bureau and Woods & Poole Economics Inc. Growth Estimates
WNC Region C-4 • Population: 340,437 • % of WNC: 37.8% • 5 year growth estimate: 19,519 (5.7%) 2017 US Census Bureau and Woods & Poole Economics Inc. Growth Estimates
Pisgah Health Foundation initial funding strategies Initial cycle completed on letters of interest, next cycle for C3 and C4 opens 10/7/19 food insecurity • Projects that increase capacity and provide healthy food for food insecure families and individuals • Special consideration will be given to organizations seeking to create new food sources in unserved and rural areas SOCIAL COHESION • Outreach to low income and minority children to improve social connectedness to the community at large. • Special consideration will be given to organizations seeking funding to provide scholarships for low income minority children to attend summer camp programs Housing and homelessness • Projects that address the lack of affordable housing for low income families and individuals, especially relating to workforce development. • Special consideration for organizations seeking increase in support staff at homeless shelters • Initiatives that improve quality standards in housing for vulnerable populations.
childhood education • Increasing the long-term operations capacity of pre-k through12th grade social support organizations • Projects that will provide for nursing, mental health and career counselors in either nonprofit or education settings • Special considerations will be given to bilingual programs • Increased opportunities for early childhood education and improvement to high school graduation rates. OBESITY, SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH • Projects that bring awareness to the fact that mental health and substance abuse are true health issues within the community • Projects to create or expand substance abuse and mental health programs to improve mental health among citizens in the county • Special consideration will be given to programs using telemedicine and programs that train mental health professionals • Programs that are proven to lower child and adult obesity rates.
WNC Region E-1 • Population: 50,352 • % of WNC: 5.6% • 5 year growth estimate: 1,003 (2.0%) Luke Howe Executive Director l.howe@amywellnessfoundation.org Nora Frank Associate Director n.frank@amywellnessfoundation.org Caitlin Trew-Johnson Marketing and Communications Director c.trewjohnson@amywellnessfoundation.org 2017 US Census Bureau and Woods & Poole Economics Inc. Growth Estimates
AMY Wellness Foundation initial funding strategies Initial cycle closed 9/15/19 Housing • Housing needs are complex in our rural area, particularly with affordability and quality of the housing stock. In order to shape the most effective investments, consider applying for our planning grant to develop a housing coalition to study increasing the availability of safe, high quality affordable housing in Avery, Mitchell and Yancey counties. Food Insecurity • Increasing access to healthy food for food insecure individuals • Providing nutrition education • Demonstrably increasing the stock of healthy food in the community
Education • Increasing preschool enrollment including nonprofit projects supporting preschool costs for families in need • Increasing the availability of “school out” programs, such as programs providing care for school age children during snow days, after school, and/or summers • Community outreach providing parents with parenting classes, nutrition classes, and classes focusing on the importance of education • Mentorship for youth • Providing pro-social teen activities Poverty • Entrepreneur support for participants start or grow their own businesses • A planning grant to form a collaborative of community stakeholders with the goal of increasing the number of residents working at living wage jobs. Please only apply for this grant if your organization has relevant experience in living wage job development and convening relevant stakeholders.
Access to Health Care • Increasing the number of health care, dental, and mental health care providers • Providing school-based health initiatives • Providing health screenings to uninsured or under-insured residents Social Cohesion • Projects that address domestic violence, interpersonal violence, elder abuse, child abuse or neglect, or bullying. Special Interest Category: • Transportation. This has been identified as a primary need in our region which impacts all of the social determinants of health. We are looking to fund initiatives with either unique solutions and/or current efforts to provide transportation.
WNC Region E-2 • Population: 221,561 • % of WNC: 24.6% • 5 year growth estimate: 4,341 (2.0%) Currently managed by the Board of Directors, Gateway Wellness Foundation will be seeking an Executive Director starting later this month. 2017 US Census Bureau and Woods & Poole Economics Inc. Growth Estimates
Gateway Wellness Foundation initial funding strategies Initial cycle closes 9/30/19 Education • Youth empowerment programs – such mentors, social teen activities • Increasing preschool enrollment including nonprofit projects supporting preschool costs for families in need • Increasing the availability of after-school programs Social Cohesion • Increasing the number of interpreters in schools, healthcare settings, human service organizations, and other settings Access to Health Care • Increasing access to mental health care, substance abuse treatment, women’s health, medication assistance, weight loss programs, diabetes treatment, and/or resource navigators Food Insecurity • Measurably decreasing food insecurity and increasing the availability of healthy food
Housing • • Addressing issues of affordable housing including increasing affordable housing stock, providing education around purchasing and maintaining a home, and removing barriers to home ownership • • Increasing provision of home repair or rehabilitation for people in need • • Increasing access to emergency housing or providing shelter • Poverty • • Increasing the number of people employed in living wage jobs, through job training, job retention skills training, and/or removing barriers to employment. • Special Interest Category: • Transportation. This has been identified as a primary need in our region which impacts all of the social determinants of health. We are looking to fund initiatives with either unique solutions and/or current efforts to provide transportation, especially those with collaborative efforts among human service or medical providers.
WNC Bridge Foundation serving as Lead Pilot Entity for Healthy Opportunities Pilot for 9 contiguous counties within the Region 1 Medicaid service area: Avery, Buncombe, Haywood, Henderson, Madison, McDowell, Mitchell, Transylvania, and Yancey