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The Bottom Line: What you need to know…. Connecting children and families to coverage is completely aligned with our mission There’s a good chance you could raise money to do it. The Bottom Line: What you need to know…. ObamaCare is the law of the land and it’s not going anywhere
The Bottom Line: What you need to know… • Connecting children and families to coverage is completely aligned with our mission • There’s a good chance you could raise money to do it November 6, 2014
The Bottom Line: What you need to know… • ObamaCare is the law of the land and it’s not going anywhere • Connecting Americans to coverage is completely aligned with our mission • Insurance companies understand that the better the law works, the more money they will make • United Ways and 211s have incredible reach to the uninsured, reach that no other organizations have • United Ways and 211s should monetize our outreach and education efforts AND GET PAID TO DO THIS WORK! • Figure out how broad your reach is, and shop it around – insurance companies and foundations will be very interested to know how you reach people and how many you can reach, and help us give them new customers November 6, 2014
Agenda • Brief Overview of the Affordable Care Act • Outreach and Enrollment for the new Health Benefits Marketplaces – Consumer Assistance • Marketing – the Messaging that Resonates with Consumers • Advocacy for the Full Funding of Medicaid November 6, 2014
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 • Passed by Congress and signed by President Obama in March 2010 • 32 million Americans could gain coverage through an expansion of Medicaid to cover families earning 133% of the Federal Poverty Line (FPL) • Graduated scale of premium subsidies for those between 134 and 400% of FPL • Health Benefit Exchanges at the state level or by the federal government expected to cover roughly 16 million more Americans • Private health insurance reforms, such as: • No pre-existing conditions or lifetime caps • Free prevention screenings • Coverage for children on parents’ plans up until the age of 26
Who Can Be Navigators? • Community and consumer-focused non-profit groups (like United Ways and 211s!!) • Trade, industry and professional associations • Ranching, fishing and farming entities • Chambers of commerce • Partners of the Small Business Administration • Unions • Licensed insurance agents and brokers • Other entities capable of carrying out the required duties
Navigators assist with five things… • Public education campaigns • Medicaid and CHIP eligibility and Advanced Premium Tax Credits • Enrollment process • Referrals • Language and culture November 6, 2014
SHOP Marketplace for Employers • Purchasing pool to increase buying power and reduce administrative costs • Small businesses with fewer than 100 workers eligible • Those businesses with fewer than 50 are not required to provide health insurance November 6, 2014
The 2014 Enrollment Opportunity Enroll more than 16 million people in new coverage options } Millions 9 million in Exchange coverage } 7 million in Medicaid or CHIP Source: July 2012 CBO estimates
Enrollment isn’t a snap… Take-up in optional public benefit programs * Does not include populations automatically enrolled in the low-income subsidy.
Two-thirdsof the uninsured live in twelve states • Arizona • California • Florida • Georgia • Illinois • Michigan • New Jersey • New York • North Carolina • Ohio • Pennsylvania • Texas Where are the Uninsured?
Demographic Profile of the Uninsured(Nonelderly Adults, Ages 18-64) 62% Live in Families with at least One Full Time Worker 47% 53% Source: Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, October 2012
Limited Public Awareness 83% The majority of uninsured Americans who may be Medicaid eligible don’t know the health reform law will help them. 75% Three out of four of the newly eligible want in-person assistance to learn about and enroll in coverage. Enroll America Research, November 2012
Building an Effective Campaign Paid advertising on TV, radio, online, and in print media Grassroots field efforts Constituency engagement Creative use of social media Earned media events and Activities in communities to magnify messaging Paid advertising on TV, radio online, and in print media Education & engagement through partner entities with direct reach to target populations National and local surrogates Data, Analytics, Micro-targeting Strategic Partner-ships Enrollment assistance by trusted community sources
For many, looking for health coverage is a negative experience. If you had to look for health insurance now, what feelings do you think you would have? How they want to feel is confident, informed, secure, satisfied, and in control.
An Action Plan for Organizations • Identify the leading partners in your state or area (you don’t have to be the expert!) • Recognize everyone’s role in outreach • Create an outreach and public education plan • Disseminate information • Follow up, follow up, follow up! Collaboration is the name of the game!
How are you currently partnering with organizations to discuss enrollment? What are you currently doing in regards to current program outreach activities and planning for future health coverage outreach efforts? What tools / resources have you used in the past and what are you currently using? Have you leveraged your workplace giving campaigns to inform contributors of opportunities in the community? Describe coalitions that you currently participate in that have a health as a focus. Successes? Unlikely partners?
What are the three things I can do? • Talk to your friends and family about Open Enrollment 2013/2014 and the new options that will be available to them • Get informed and prepared to handle the call volume and health insurance questions that are coming • Stay tuned to www.enrollamerica.org and www.healthcare.gov for more information November 6, 2014
State and/or Local United Ways Advocating for Medicaid Maximization • 1: Yes, we are absolutely advocating for Medicaid Maximization in our state! • Alaska Nevada • California South Carolina • Colorado Tennessee • Illinois • Iowa • Florida • Michigan November 6, 2014
State and/or Local United Ways Advocating for Medicaid Maximization • 2: Yes, but we are working behind the scenes. • Arizona • Georgia • Indiana • Louisiana • Maine • Montana • Ohio • Washington November 6, 2014
State and/or Local United Ways Advocating for Medicaid Maximization • 3: We are not quite sure – we’re still feeling it out. • Alabama Rhode Island • Arkansas Texas • Maryland Utah • New Jersey Wisconsin • North Carolina • Pennsylvania November 6, 2014
United Way Advocacy on Medicaid • 4: No, we do not plan to advocate on this issue at this time. • District of Columbia • Minnesota • New York • NB: The political leadership of these jurisdictions are fully supportive of accepting Medicaid money. Advocacy on this front is not necessary. November 6, 2014
Key Medicaid Messaging • DON’T CALL IT MEDICAID EXPANSION! • Accepting Medicaid money • Strengthening Medicaid • Serving everyone eligible for Medicaid • Maximizing Medicaid • Families care about their health and financial security. Medicaid is a pocket-book issue • A close look at the calculus shows that Medicaid is good for state budgets and economies • Kids can’t learn if they’re not healthy. Education outcomes are dependent upon Health Access November 6, 2014
Key Medicaid Messaging • Expanding Medicaid is a good deal for our state. It’s a smart/small investment that saves dollars and is good for our bottom line. • Use state-level data/research when possible that shows potential savings outweigh the costs • It will ensure health dollars are spent more effectively by reducing uncompensated-care costs for hospitals and clinics that currently serve people without insurance • It will bring millions in federal funding into the state. Let’s bring back our tax dollars to pay for our state’s priorities • Republican Governors on Medicaid Maximization: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WOqxDOjCOs November 6, 2014
Key Medicaid Messaging • Failure to maximize Medicaid will have negative consequences for local hospitals: • Many of our state’s hospitals rely on Medicaid dollars to provide essential services and equipment, such as state-of-the-art NICUs and professional development training to doctors and nurses • Without Medicaid, hospitals will be forced to absorb all the costs for treating the uninsured – causing some hospitals, especially those in rural areas, to close • Hospitals are essential to keeping our communities healthy and they are also economic engines. Accepting Medicaid money helps keep them strong. November 6, 2014