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Advanced Embedded Systems. Lecture 4 Specification Languages. Advanced Embedded Systems. 8. Java Was designed as a platform independent language; It can be executed on any machine with an interpreter of the internal byte code representation of Java programs;
Advanced Embedded Systems Lecture4 Specification Languages
Advanced Embedded Systems 8. Java • Was designed as a platform independent language; • It can be executed on any machine with an interpreter of the internal byte code representation of Java programs; • The byte code representation is very compact thus requiring small memory space (advantage in ESs); • Java supports exception handling, simplifying recovery in case of run-time errors; • Provides automatic garbage collection avoiding potential problems in applications that have to run long time without ever being restarted; there is no danger of memory leakages due to missing memory deallocation; • Java support concurrency (includes threads); • Java supports object orientation and Java development systems come with powerful libraries; applications are fastly implemented;
Advanced Embedded Systems • Standard Java is not designed for real-time systems; missing characteristics: • The size of the application does not includes the size of the run-time libraries; it must be added; • No direct control over I/ O devices is available in standard Java (for safety reason); • Automatic garbage collection requires some computing time; in standard Java, the instance in time at which automatic garbage collection is started cannot be predicted; the worst case execution time is difficult to predict; • Java does not specify the order in which threads are executed if several threads are ready to run; • Java programming environments: • Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE); • Java Standard Edition (J2SE); • Java Micro Edition (J2ME): environment for embedded systems; • CardJava: environment for SmartCard applications;
Advanced Embedded Systems 9. VHDL • It is a textual HDL; • Graphical HDLs were appropriate for simple digital systems; the most common building block was a gate; • The strength of textual languages is that they can easily represent complex computations including variables, loops, function parameters and recursion; • When digital systems became more complex (for example for designing VHSICs), textual HDLs replaced graphical HDLs; • A key distinction between common software languages and HDLs is the need to describe concurrency among different hardware components; • VHDL uses processes for this; • VHDL was standardized by IEEE;
Advanced Embedded Systems • A single process may be sufficient for simple hardware components but several processes may be needed for complex hardware; • Processes communicate through signals (correspond to physical wires); • Another distinction comes from the need to model time; HDLs include support; • A unit to be modeled is called design entity or VHDL entity; • A design entity is composed of an entity declaration and one or several architectures; • Example: a full adder:
Advanced Embedded Systems • The entity declaration: entity full_adder is -- entity declaration port (a, b, carry_in: in Bit; -- input ports sum carry_out: out Bit); -- output ports end full_adder; • Architectures consist of architecture headers and architecture bodies; structural and behavioral bodies; • Behavioral bodies show how to compute output signals from input signals and local state; ex.: architecture behavior of full_adder is – architecture begin sum <= (a xor b) xor carry_in after 10 Ns; carry_out <= (a and b) or (a and carry_in) or (b and carry_in) after 10 Ns; end behavior
Advanced Embedded Systems • Structural bodies describe the way entities are composed of simpler entities (components): the full adder is made by components i1, i2 and i3 (half_adder and or_gate): • Connections between components and entity ports are described in port maps; ex.: architecture structure of full_adder is – architecture head component half_adder port (in1, in2: in Bit; carry: out Bit; sum: out Bit); end component; component or_gate port (in1, in2: in Bit; o: out Bit); end component signal x, y, z: Bit; -- local signals begin -- port map selection i1: half_adder -- introduction of half_adder i1 port map (a, b, x. y); -- connection between ports i2: half_adder port map (y, carry_in, z, sum); i3: or_gate port map (x, z, carry_out); end structure;
Advanced Embedded Systems • The general syntax for processes is: label: -- optional process declarations – optional begin statements – optional end process; • Wait statements may be included in processes for suspending a process; different kind of wait statements: • wait on signal list: suspend until one of the signals in the list changes; • wait until condition: suspend until condition is met; • wait for duration: suspend for a specified period of time; • wait: suspend indefinitely; • As an alternative to wait statements, a list of signals can be added to the process header; the process is activated whenever one of the signal changes its value;
Advanced Embedded Systems • Ex.: model of an AND gate which will execute its body once and will restart every time one of the inputs changes its value: process (x, y) begin prod <= x AND y; end process; • The model is equivalent with: process begin prod <= x AND y; wait on x, y end process; • The execution of a VHDL model consists of: • The initialization phase; • The repetitive execution of process statements: a repetition is called a simulation cycle; in each cycle the values of all signals in the description are computed;
Advanced Embedded Systems • The initialization consists of the following steps: • At the beginning, the current time, Tc, is assumed to be 0 ns; • The driving value and the effective value of each explicitly declared signal are computed and the current value of the signal is set to the effective value; this value is assumed to have been the value of the signal for an infinite length of time prior to the start of simulation; • Each process in the model is executed until it suspends; • The time of the next simulation cycle, Tn, is calculated according to the rules of the 5th step of the simulation cycle, below; • A simulation cycle starts with setting the current time to the next time at which changes must be considered; • This time, Tn, was either computed during the initialization or during the last execution of the simulation cycle; • Simulation ends when the maximum value of the current time, TIME’HIGH, is reached; • A simulation cycle consists of the following steps:
Advanced Embedded Systems • The current time, Tc, is set equal to Tn; simulation ends when Tn = TIME’HIGH and there are no active drivers or process resumptions at Tn; • Each active explicit signal in the model is updated; the new value is assigned if Tc corresponds to the time at which these values become valid; signals that change their value generate events which, in turn, may enable the execution of processes that are sensitive to that signals; • For each process P, if P is currently sensitive to a signal S and if an event has occurred on S in this simulation cycle, then P resumes; • Each process that has resumed in the current simulation cycle is executed until it suspends; • The time of the next simulation cycle, Tn, is determined by setting it to the earliest of: • TIME’HIGH; • The next time at which a driver becomes active; this is the next instance in time at which a driver specifies a new value; • The next time at which a process resumes; this time is determined by wait on statements;
Advanced Embedded Systems 10. Verilog and System Verilog • Is another HDL; • Standardized as IEEE 1364: Verilog 1.0 in 1995 and 2.0 in 2001; • Has similar features with VHDL: • A set of connected design entities describe a design; • Design entities can be described behaviorally; • Processes are used to model concurrency of hardware components; • Bit-vectors and time units are supported; • Similar number of users; • Differences: • Multiple value logic is included in the language; • Verilog provides more features for transistor – level descriptions; • VHDL is more flexible: e.g. it allows hardware entities to be instantiated in loops; this can be used to generate a structural description, e.g. n bit adders without having to specify n adders and their interconnections manually;
Advanced Embedded Systems • System Verilog = Verilog 3.0 and 3.1; • Extensions to Verilog 2.0: • Additional language elements for modeling behavior; • C data types (int) and type definition facilities (typedef, struct); • Definition of interfaces of hardware components as separate entities; • Standardized mechanism for calling C/ C++ functions; • Some mechanisms for calling Verilog functions from C; • Enhanced features for describing an environment (called testbench) for the hardware under design and for using the testbench to verify the design by simulation; • Classes known from object-oriented programming for use with testbenches; • Dynamic process creation; • Standardized interprocess communication and synchronization, including semaphores; • Automatic memory allocation and deallocation.
Advanced Embedded Systems 11. SpecC • Models systems as hierarchical networks of behaviors communicating through channels; • The descriptions consist of behaviors, channels and interfaces; • Behaviors contain ports, locally instantiated components, private variables and functions and a public main function; • Channels encapsulate communication and include variables and functions used for the definition of a communication protocol; • Interfaces connect behaviors and channels; they declare the communication protocols which are defined in a channel; • SpecC can model hierarchies with nested behaviors; fig. shows a component B which includes sub-components b1 and b2:
Advanced Embedded Systems • The sub-components are communicating through integer c1 and through channel c2; • b1 and b2 are executed concurrently, which is denoted by the keyword par in SpecC; • The following model describes the structural hierarchy: interface L {void Write(int x)}; interface R {int Read (void)}; channel C implements L,R {int Data; bool Valid; void Write(int x) {Data=x; Valid_true;} int Read (void) {while (!Valid) waitfor (10); return (Data);}} behavior B1 (in int p1, L p2, in int p3) {void main (void) {/* …*/p2, Write(p1);}}; behavior B2 (out int p1, R p2, out int p3) {void main (void) {/* …*/p3=p2, Read();}}; behavior B(in int p1, out int p2) {int c1; C c2; B1 p1(p1, c2, c1); B2 b2(c1, c2, p2); void main (void) {par {b1.main(); b2.main();}} };
Advanced Embedded Systems 12. Other languages • Esterel • Reactive language: when activated with an input event, Esterel model reacts by generating an output event; • It is a idealized model which does not treats overlapping time ranges and events that arrive while the previous reaction has not been completed; • Synchronous language: all reactions are assumed to be completed in 0 time and it is sufficient to analyze the behavior at discrete moments; • Communication is broadcast type and instantaneous: all signals generated at a particular moment in time are also seen by the other parts of the model at the same moment in time; • MATLAB/Simulink • Is a modeling and simulation tool based on mathematics; • Actual systems can be described in the form of partial differential equations; this approach is appropriate for modeling physical systems, such as cars, planes and then simulating their behavior.
Advanced Embedded Systems 13. Levels of hardware modeling • Design process may be started at various levels of abstraction; • These may be high levels describing the overall behavior of the system to be designed or lower levels, for ex. specification of electrical circuits; • A variety of languages exist for each level; some languages cover several levels; • System level: • “System level” may denote the entire embedded system, the system which includes the embedded system, the environment … • The models must include mechanical support also; • Solutions: VHDL-AMS, MATLAB … • Algorithmic level: • The algorithms that are intended to be used within the embedded systems are simulated; • Ex.: MPEG video encoding algorithms for evaluating the video quality; • Models consist of single processes or cooperating processes;
Advanced Embedded Systems • Instruction set level: • Algorithms have already been compiled for the instruction set of the processor to be used; • Simulations allow counting the executed number of instructions; • Coarse-grained model: only the effect of the instructions is simulated and their timing is not considered; the information available in assembly reference manuals (instruction set architecture) is sufficient for defining such models; • Transaction level model: transactions, such as bus writes and reads and communication between different components are modeled; • Fine-grained model: cycle-true instruction set simulation: the exact number of clock cycles required for an application can be computed; this requires a detailed knowledge of the processor hardware in order to correctly model, for ex., pipeline stalls, resource hazards, memory wait cycles etc. • Register-transfer level: • All the components are modeled: registers, ALUs, memories, decoders,..
Advanced Embedded Systems • Gate-level models: • Models contain gates as the basic components; • Provide accurate information about signal transitions and can therefore also be used for power estimations; also delay calculations can be more precise than for the RTL; • However, delay and power consumption calculations are estimates because information about the length of wires and about the capacitances are insufficient; • Gate-level models are sometimes used in situations in which gates are only used to denote Boolean functions; it is not necessary (in the model) that gates represent physical entities, only the behavior of the gates is considered; • Such models are called also “Boolean function models” (less used term); • Switch-level models • Use switches (transistors) as basic components; • In contrast to gate-level models, they can reflect bidirectional transfer of information;
Advanced Embedded Systems • Circuit-level models: • The basis of simulations consists in circuit theory and its components (current and voltage sources, resistors, capacitances, inductances, macromodels of semiconductors); • The most used simulator is SPICE; • Layout models: • Reflect the actual circuit layout; they include geometric information; • Layout models cannot be simulated directly because the geometric information does not directly provide information about the behavior; • Behavior can be deduced by correlating the layout model with a behavioral description at a higher level or by extracting circuits from the layout; • In a typical design flow, the length of wires and the corresponding capacitances are extracted from the layout and back-annotated to description at higher levels; more precision can be obtained for delay and power estimations; • Process and device models: • Models can be obtained for fabrication of circuits;
Advanced Embedded Systems 14. Language comparisons • None of the language presented so far meets all the requirements for specification languages for ESs; overview: • There are conflicting requirements so it is not very likely that a single language will be appropriate for all types of applications, for ex.: distributed control dominated applications and local data flow dominated applications; • Different languages will be used for different complexity of ESs: assembly language for simple ESs, C for more complex ESs, SDL ...
Advanced Embedded Systems • Fig. shows how different languages and combinations can be used: • HLL, like SDL, StateCharts can be translated into C, then in assembly language; • SDL and StateCharts can implement functionality in hardware, by translating them into VHDL; • C and VHDL can be viewed as intermediate languages between HLL and physical ESs; • Java can be translated in object code and in VHDL;
Advanced Embedded Systems 15. Dependability requirements • In many cases the specification of the functional behavior of the system must be completed with the specification of safety requirements; • Safety requirements have to be considered from the beginning of the design; • The design of safe and dependable systems is a topic by its own; • The following features must be considered: • For safety critical systems, the system as a whole must be more dependable than any of its parts; • The order of failures is 1 failure/ 109 hours; this is 1000 times less than typical failure rates of chips; • Fault-tolerance mechanisms must be used; • Due to the low acceptance failure rate, systems are not 100 % testable; • Safety must be shown by a combination of testing and reasoning; abstractions must be used to make the system explainable;
Advanced Embedded Systems • Design faults and human failures must be taken into account; • For addressing these challenges, the following design principles were proposed: • Safety considerations may have to be used as the important part of the specification, driving the entire design process; • Precise specifications of design hypotheses must be made right at the beginning; these include expected failures and their probability; • Fault containment regions, FCRs, must be considered; faults in one FCR should not affect other FCRs; • A consistent notion of time and state must be established; otherwise it will be impossible to differentiate between original and follow-up errors; • Well-defined interfaces have to hide the internals of components; • It must be ensured that components fail independently; • Components should consider themselves to be correct unless two or more other components pretend the contrary to be true (principle of self-confidence);
Advanced Embedded Systems • Fault tolerance mechanisms must be designed such that they do not create any additional difficulty in explaining the behavior of the system; fault tolerance mechanisms should be decoupled from the regular function; fault tolerance mechanisms will affect the power consumption so a balance must be made; • The system must be designed for diagnosis; for ex. it has to be possible to identify existing but masked errors; • The man-machine interface must be intuitive and forgiving; safety should be maintained despite mistakes made by humans; • Every anomaly should be recorded, these anomalies may be unobservable at the regular interface level; this recording should involve internal effects, since otherwise they be masked by fault tolerance mechanisms; the records will be used in diagnose and for eliminating the sources of the failures; • A never-give up strategy must be provided; ESs may have to provide uninterrupted service; the generation of pop-up windows or going offline is unacceptable.
Advanced Embedded Systems Reliability, safety and security • Are closely related: • Reliable (dependable) system design: it is ensured that systems work even when internal or external problems occur; it is assumed that problems are not caused maliciously; • Safety-critical system design: means to apply methods to make sure systems operate safely, independent of the cause of the problem; • Security: approaches the malicious attacks; • The relation between dependability and security is shown in figure:
Advanced Embedded Systems • Attributes of dependability and security: • Availability of correct service; • Continuity of correct service; • Safety from catastrophic consequences on users and their environment; • Maintainability through modifications and repairs; • Confidentiality of information; Reliable system design • Some ESs must be designed and built to be highly reliable: • Automotive electronics; • Avionics; • Medical equipment; • Critical communications; • Critical data handling (e.g. purchasing data, medical data); • There are classical solutions for making digital systems to operate for long periods with low failure rates;
Advanced Embedded Systems • Differences between the design of traditional reliable computers and reliable ESs: • Reliable systems are often distributed (e.g. automotive, avionics, medicine); • ESs are vulnerable to new types of attacks; reliable computers were traditionally servers or machines that were physically inaccessible; ESs are generally working in unprotected environments; • Fundamentals of reliable system design • Reliable systems are designed to recover from faults; • Sources of faults: • Physical faults: are caused by manufacturing defects, radiation hazards etc. • Design faults: are the result of improperly designed systems; • Operational faults: generated by human errors, security beaches, poorly designed human-computer interfaces etc. • Details of faults are not important for users; they care only about how systems react to faults; the system must react in such a way as to minimize the fault’s effect on the user;
Advanced Embedded Systems • Metrics to quantify system reliability: • Mean time to failure (MTTF): given a set of perfectly functioning systems at time 0, MTTF is the expected time for the first system in that set to fail; • It is used also for characterizing the reliability of a single system; • It is calculated by: • The reliability function: describes the probability that a system operate correctly in the time period [0, t]. R(0) = 1 and R(t) monotonically decreases with time; • The hazard function, z(t): is the failure rate of components; for a given probability function, the hazard function is defined as:
Advanced Embedded Systems • Faults characteristics: • Faults can be measured empirically or modeled by a probability distribution: • A common model is the exponential distribution; another function is the Weibull distribution; • An empirically distribution, for many hardware components, is the bathtub function, shown in fig.: • It is similar to the cross-section of a bathtub; • Generally it was observed a quickly fail of components, followed by a long period with few failures and, finally, an increase of the failures due to long term wear mechanisms;
Advanced Embedded Systems • Actions after a fault: • Fail: some systems fail without trying to even detect an error; • Detect: the detection of an error is the next step; even if the system stops at this point, the information provided by the detector can be useful; • Correct: some errors may be corrected, for ex. memory errors; • Recover: it is a more complex process, it may take more time than a simple correct operation; • Contain: the system may take steps to ensure that a failure does not corrupt a large part of the system; • Reconfigure: one way to contain a system is to reconfigure the system so that different parts of the system perform some operations; for ex., a faulty unit may be disabled and another one, similar, enabled; • Restarting: it may be the best way to wipe out the effects of an error; this is particularly true for transient errors and some of the software errors; • Repair: software or hardware components can be modified or replaced to repair the system;
Advanced Embedded Systems • Solutions for high reliability: • Error-correction codes: introduce redundancy for detecting and correcting certain types of errors, for ex. single error correction/ double error detection; • Voting schemes: triple modular redundancy method: a computation unit has 3 copies and another unit compares the results obtained form the same inputs; if at least 2 are the same, that result is the correct one; if the 3 results differ each other, no result is obtained;
Advanced Embedded Systems • Watchdog timer: it is connected to a system that it watches (for ex. on the data bus); • When it rolls over it generates a signal that should be an interrupt source or a reset source; • In a correct operation mode, the system resets the watchdog timer before it reaches the roll over value; • Design diversity: • Is a design methodology intended to reduce the chance that certain systematic errors are included in the design; • When a design needs several instances of a given module, different implementations of that module are used rather than using the same module everywhere; • Ex.: in a system with several CPUs, several types of CPUs may be used rather than the same type everywhere;
Advanced Embedded Systems • Novel attacks against ESs and solutions • Physical access: many ESs are physically accessible to hackers; the information obtained can be used for attacking also other similar ESs; • Internet attacks: viruses or malicious attacks; • Attacks on automobiles: for ex. ESs from an automobile can be programmed to stall in certain conditions; if a large number of automobiles are programmed in the same way, a dangerous situation can occur; attacks on automobiles are more easy if the ESs are connected to Internet; • Battery attack: it tries to disable the node by draining its battery; for ex.: pinging a node over Internet may be enough to cause it to operate more often than intended and prematurely drain its battery; another ex.: a cell phone virus that causes it to repeatedly make calls; • QoS attacks: quality-of-service or timing attacks: if data for real-time control arrive at an ES and small delays in delivery are caused, the whole system may fail; important damages can be created because the entire dynamics of the system will be changed (for ex. in a system which controls fast-moving objects);
Advanced Embedded Systems • Attacks on sensor networks: they may occur at different levels of the network hierarchy: • Physical layer: jamming, tampering; • Link layer: collision, exhaustion, unfairness; • Network and routing layer: neglecting greed, homing, misdirection, black holes, authorization, redundancy; • Transport layer: flooding, desynchronization; • Power attack: is more easily used against ESs than general purpose computers; is based on the fact that measurements of the power supply of a CPU shows its internal activity; 2 sorts of power attacks: • Simple power analysis: inspects a trace manually and tries to determine the location of programs actions; • Differential power analysis: uses correlation to identify actions and key bits; this attack was originally aimed at smart cards, which take their power from the external card reader, but it can be applied to other ESs too; • Physical security: is a solution against the attacks; it has several forms, for ex.: ESs placed so that they are difficult to be detected, limited information in chips etc.