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CSEP Background

Learn about China's top-down approach to energy policy through CSEP's impactful initiatives in transportation, buildings, and industry sectors, with a focus on renewable energy and low-carbon development paths. Discover key achievements and strategies.

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CSEP Background

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  1. CSEP Background Sector Technology Policy • Transportation • Buildings and Appliances • Industry • Electric Utilities • Renewable Energy • Low-Carbon Development Paths

  2. Beijing Office

  3. NDRC MOST MOC SEPA SERC MOF SBT Other Ministries Approach: Top-Down State Council State Council

  4. Senior Policy Advisory Council "CSEP spends small money, does big things.” “ 花小钱办大事”

  5. Senior Policy Advisory Council C H I N E S E M E M B E R S CHEN Qingtai Vice President, Development Research Center of the State Council CHEN Yuan Governor, China Construction Bank FU Zhihuan Chairman, Finance and Economics Committee, National People’s Congress HUANG Yicheng Former Minister of Energy MAO Rubai Chairman, Environmental Protection & Resources Conservation Committee, National People's Congress LOU Shiwei Vice Minister, Ministry of Finance PAN Yue Vice Administrator, State Environmental Protection Administration QIU Baoxing Vice Minister, Ministry of Construction QU Geping Former Chairman, Environmental Protection & Resources Conservation Committee, National People's Congress SONG Mi Vice Chairwoman, State Electricity Regulatory Commission XU KuangdiVice Chairman, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference; Former Mayor, Shanghai YANG Jike FormerVice Chair, Chinese Peoples’ Political Consultative Conference ZHANG Guobao Vice Chairman, National Development and Reform Commission

  6. Senior Policy Advisory Council International Members Trustee and former President, David and Lucile Packard Foundation Former Chair, NY State Public Service Commission FormerDirector, EnergyandAtmosphereProgram, UnitedNationsDevelopmentProgram Former Administrator, U.S. EPA; President/CEO, Aqua International Partners Former Assistant Secretary for Policy, U.S. Department of Energy • Colburn Wilbur • Peter Bradford • Thomas Johansson • William Reilly • Susan Tierney

  7. Approach: Bottom-Up • Beijing Municipality • Bus Rapid Transit • Advanced Technology Vehicles • Green Pricing • Demand-Side Management • Cogeneration • Carbon Reduction Planning • Hebei Province • Public Benefits • Fund • Xian City • Bus rapid transit Shanxi Province Generation Performance Standards Xi’an City Bus Rapid Transit • Shandong Province • Iron & Steel Sector Voluntary • Energy Efficiency Agreements • Generation Performance Standards • Jiangsu Province • Demand-Side Management • Public Benefits Fund • Generation Performance • Standards • Wind Concession • Chongqing Municipality • Building codes • Bus rapid transit • Shanghai Municipality • Residential and Commercial • Building Codes • Green Pricing • Cogeneration • Demand-Side Management • Advanced Technology Vehicles • Bus Rapid Transit • Carbon Reduction Planning • Sichuan Province • Renewable Energy Mandatory • Market Share Chongqing Municipality Commercial Building Codes Gas Appliance Standards • Kunming City • Bus Rapid Transit • Zhejiang Province • Power Sector Regulatory Reform • Generation Performance Standards • Guangdong Province • Wind Concession • Power Sector Regulatory • Reform • Energy-Efficient Windows • Fujian Province • Renewable Energy Mandatory Market Share

  8. SevereCold Severe Cold Beijing Cold SevereCold Cold Nanjing Wuhan Shanghai Chengdu Chongqing Cold Hot Summer Cold Winter Moderate Hot Summer Warm Winter Buildings & Appliances • Appliance Standards & Labeling Lighting Refrigerators Air Conditioners Washers TVs Water Heaters Power Supplies • Building Energy Codes

  9. Results: Appliance Standards 34 large coal plants by 2020. New lighting, clothes washer, and TV standards will displace • Four new standards and labels will save • 9% of all residential electricity in 2010 • cut 19 million tons of carbon in 10 years. Source: LBNL

  10. SevereCold Severe Cold Cold Beijing Cold SevereCold Nanjing Wuhan Shanghai Chengdu Cold Chongqing Hot Summer Cold Winter Moderate Hot Summer Warm Winter Results: Building Codes • Residential and commercial building codes • Fourteen Central and South China provinces • Cut energy use of new buildings by 50% • Five pilot cities developing • implementation -16 provinces -High population zone Source: Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

  11. Industry • Equipment Standards Motors, pumps, fans, etc. • Energy Efficiency Agreements Carbon-intensive sectors (steel, cement, pulp & paper, petrochemicals) 1,000 Largest Enterprises Program

  12. Electric Power • Utility Regulatory Reform • Pricing policies; wires charges • Demand-Side Management • Integrated Resource Planning

  13. Results: Electricity • National Regulatory Policy • State Electricity Regulatory Commission • Mission: Environment, energy efficiency and renewable energy • Energy Efficiency Power Plants • Pilots in Jiangsu, Shanghai, Beijing

  14. IGCC Schematic HRSG H S 2 SULFUR RECOVERY Feeds Gasification Gas Refining End-products Combustion Turbine Oxygen Electricity Steam Syngas Chemicals Hydrogen SULFUR /CO2 MERCURY Ammonia Syngas REMOVAL REMOVAL Syngas Coal Methanol Sulfur Mercury Solids CO2 Sequestration Option

  15. Renewable Energy Goal: Encourage bulk purchases, to drive down costs and speed commercialization. • Mandatory Market Share • 2010: 5% of primary energy to be RE, including 60 GW RE electricity • 2020: 10% primary energy to be RE, including 120 GW RE electricity • Public Benefits Funds • Wind Concessions • Distributed Generation

  16. China Renewable Energy Law • 10% by 2020 • 120,000 MW: • small hydro • wind • biomass • solar • ~$20 billionwind market

  17. 200 MW Gansu 400 MW Inner Mongolia 400 MW Jilin 100 MW Ningxia 100 MW Liaoning 120 MW Xinjiang 400 MW Hebei 200 MW Shandong 350 MW Jiangsu 200 MW Shanghai 400 MW Fujian 100 MW Jiangxi 500 MW Guangdong 100 MW Guangxi Total Increase: 3570 MW Results: Wind Concessions2006 - 2010

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