Leonhard Euler Biography
Euler’s Life Leonhard Euler, born April 15, 1707, was a Swiss mathematician and physicist who worked at Petersburg Academy and Berlin Academy of Science. He was one of the founders of pure mathematics. Even after going completely blind in 1766, Euler continued to publish papers. In his lifetime he managed to publish over 800 papers. He also won the Paris Academy prize 12 times. Mathematics seemed to come so naturally to him. Leonhard Euler made major contributions in mechanics, optics, magnetism, differential equations, and electricity.
The Seven Bridges of Konigsberg Konigsberg was a city in East Prussia laid out on the River Pregel. Regions of the city were connected by bridges. The citizens of Konigsberg unsuccessfully tried to find a way to tour the entire town, crossing each bridge exactly once. The Seven Bridges of Konigsberg problem was done by Euler in 1735 and laid the foundations of graph theory. He concluded that no such route existed. Each destination required an even number of entrances and exits in order to work.
Bibliography • http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Euler.html • http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/195201/Leonhard-Euler • http://www.amt.edu.au/euler.html