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North High 2012-2013. Who is Who What is What New to Me. Welcome Back Vikings!. 32 nd Street Doors Students Use to Enter & Exit North High. A Few Reminders About Expectations , New Faces, and Interventions . Struggling for Success.
North High 2012-2013 Who is Who What is What New to Me
Welcome Back Vikings! 32nd Street Doors Students Use to Enter & Exit North High A Few Reminders About Expectations , New Faces, and Interventions
Struggling for Success If a teacher feels classroom interventions are not working for a student depending on the level of the offense. Calls Home May be Made Team / Student Conferences Family/Teacher/Student Conferences MAAP/Saturday School may be Assigned Referral to Community Based Organization, Social Worker, Counselor, Student Success Coordinator, Dean/Restorative Justice Security/Officer Referrals Principal Referrals 9. Transition/Engagement Center Referral WHO ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE!!!
Team Approach Our school is set up in more of a team approach. This is not a middle school thing! Having teams is a way to build community in our school. Defn: a social, religious, occupational, or other group sharing common characteristics or interests and perceived or perceiving itself as distinct in some respect from the larger society withinwhich it exists (usually preceded by the ): the community of scholars. Viking Scholars!
Main Office Val Id’s, School Mom Ms. Castaneda Leaving Early, Tardy, Etc. Treasurer Ms. Sweeney Fees, Bus Passes Ms. Veltze Principal Ms. Meggelin Principal Intern Ritchie Intern Ms. Baldivia
Additional Principals You will see us in the halls and in your classrooms, and we are always here to help! Mr. Bendjy Ms. Parrish Ms. Steele We will meet when you are out for a sport or activity. We will meet if you have attendance or discipline issues. We will meet if you have a scheduling issue or during testing .
Prevention and Intervention -Systems within our school to help provide support to our students, teachers, and community!
Counseling Office—IS NOW B144!! My office is B144B Why would a student see you in the hallways? During all class changes to help students find their way to class. During lunch to be more accessible to students. Looking for loose change on the ground. When would a student get sent to you? or what is your job description? For any academic, college and career, or social emotional support. Would there be a procedure or someone they would be sent to before seeing you? No, but unless your need is extremely important you should not miss class to see me. What is one other thing that is important that they should know about you? I am here to help you in anyway. Please come see me if you need anything. I believe Vikings are just like Pirates - only cooler. Mr. Hacker Class of 2016 Class of 2014
Counseling Office—IS NOW B144!! Classes of 2013 and 2015 Concurrent Enrollment I am in room B144A . You will see me walk the halls making sure students are on time to class and being great Viking Scholars! Students see me whenever they need help! I can help with academics, personal/social issues or college/career support. You can come see me before school, at lunch or after school. Otherwise you need a pass from your teacher to come down and see me. The counselors are here to help you succeed! Have a great year.
Why would a student see you in the hallways? I would be out in the hallways talking to students and teachers, making sure students get to class on time, students are learning, teachers are teaching and that everyone on campus is safe. When would a student get sent to you? or what is your job description? A student would get sent to me if they are having issues in class and need some sort of intervention to get them back on track. A student would also be sent to me if they are having issues attending school or a specific class or just need to talk. Would there be a procedure or someone they would be sent to before seeing you? A student would need a pass from the dean’s office to see me or if the student needs to be removed from class, the security officer would escort them to the dean’s office. What is one other thing that is important that they should know about you? I just moved to Colorado from Florida and I am here if anyone needs me! Deans Office Mr. Ratner Students can find me in B102D or out in the hallways or in the lunchroom during lunch.
Deans Office Ms. Tisdale Students can find me in B-102, in the hallways and at many of the sports and afterschool activities here at North. Students should see me in the hallways every day and especially in the main entrance area checking for Viking Scholars in their uniforms! Students are sent to me for a variety of different reasons mostly dealing with issues in attendance and behavior. Our office is focused on being a positive place. We want to help keep kids on track towards reaching their graduation goals by making sure that they attend school regularly and are a positive contributor to our school. Our office is always open; you don't just have to be sent to us you can come on your own if you want!
Deans Office Mr. Allgeier Mr. Allgeier is joining us from Bruce Randolph where he was working as a dean. He will be in the cafeteria, visiting your homes, and up in your kool- aid if needed. Otherwise he is a pretty relaxed guy who is easy to talk to if your having any type of problem or need someone. He is in office B102B. Just don’t let him catch you out of uniform or causing drama mama!
Social Worker Ms. Ulmer is joining us from MLK this year. She will be here 5 days a week and located in B145 right next to the counselors. You can see her about any social emotional issue you might be having including issues with friends, family, or here at school. She may see you on an individual basis or you may be invited to join a group she runs during the year. She is a great resource!! Student Success Coordinator Mrs. Wolver works on College Readiness, Transitions, Learning Communities, and Body of Evidence Folders. Come see here in A202C if you ever have a great idea or need some help!
Security Welcome Officer Gomez Campus Security Team Joyce, Juana, and Damon are all back!!
Clinic Don’t forget our clinic is here to work with you to get your physicals, immunizations, answer health questions, and get you patched up and back to class in no time! Ms. Busch- Nurse Denver Health Center Staff
Academic Success Center A-Wing houses many of our Community Based Organizations. There are 3 basic types of organizations at our school: 1. Offered as a choice that you seek out. Some of our organizations are here for on going drop in support such as after school optional tutoring/enrichment or are in your classroom as a guide. Labs are also set up to offering math and writing support. 2. At times you will be referred to an agency if you need additional help. You may be assigned to this agency and be on their caseload or placed in a class. 3. Organizations classes that you choose to take part in to become a leader or mentor as a way to give back to your community.
Colorado Youth for A Change – 9th/10th Where would a student find you? Students can find me in my office at A202-A When would a student get sent to you? or what is your job description? As an early intervention specialist for Colorado Youth for a Change my job is to ensure kids who are struggling academically (1-2 F’s) get back on track and stay in school. Think of me as a School Coach. Would there be a procedure or someone they would be sent to before seeing you? In order for a student to be sent to me a couple of things must occur. First, they have to be struggling academically in the 1-2 F’s range, sometimes 3. Then, once the student is on my radar I have to be sure that I am the resource that would best fit their needs. With all the resources available at North we have to ensure we are placing the student in the right program. After these things occur the student would regularly meet with me. What is one other thing that is important that they should know about you? I do what I do because I enjoy seeing students succeed. I hope to see all my students obtain a college education. ____________________________________ DantéBills|Early Intervention Specialist|North High School
Colorado Youth for A Change – 11th/12th Where would a student find you? Students can find me in my office at A202-B When would a student get sent to you? or what is your job description? As an late intervention specialist for Colorado Youth for a Change my job is to ensure kids who are struggling academically find a way to stay motivated to graduate and go beyond their high school diploma. Would there be a procedure or someone they would be sent to before seeing you? A students must be referred to me by their school counselor or the engagement center. Then we would set to work on credit recovery and a plan for academic success! What is one other thing that is important that they should know about you? Dalia is passionate in her belief that every student has the ability to succeed. It has been amazing to see her unfailing belief that every story needs to be heard and woven into a new path for success. As she works on her degree to become a counselor- she puts 100% energy into every student on her caseload! KSW. ____________________________________ Dalia Flores|LateIntervention Specialist|North High School
9th Grade A241 LC & Core Classes Y E A R ity City Year is here for the entire school year supporting classrooms, after school tutoring, clubs & activities for 9th Grade Jeff Miguel Hometown: Dekalb, IL “I serve to create, via my own action, the change I wish to see in the world.” Arielle Ortmann Hometown: Bridgewater, NJ “I serve because I believe in the future of North High students and want to push them to their potential.” Emily Berry Hometown: Newtown, PA “I serve because I believe in the youth of our community.” La’Kyla Byrd Hometown: Denver, CO “I serve to make a positive impact in the lives of our youth.” Kristen Dyke Hometown: Grand Haven, MI “I serve because I believe that education is the most powerful tool in which to change the world, to promote peace and social justice throughout humanity.” Mackenzie Grimstad Hometown: Missoula, MT “I serve because I believe in the importance of education and the encouragement of our younger generations to reach their highest potential.” Joel Hoffman Hometown: Stevens, Point, WI “I serve because an education is a powerful tool that should be at the disposal of our youth.” Jaime Levine Hometown: Springfield, VA “I serve because a year of my life can help engage a student in a lifetime of learning.” Mike Marshall Hometown: Nashville, TN “I serve to show my students the opportunities that can await them with the benefit of an education.” Kate Meath Hometown: Syracuse, NY “I serve because I believe there is nothing more valuable than the minds of our students.”
Mi Casa A126 The resource center at Mi Casa will provide a many opportunities for students in 10th -12th grade primarily after school. Opportunities will include a place to hang, get homework help, tutoring, technology courses, athletes boosting eligibility, and much more! Do you want to take what your working on in Learning Community to the next level? There will be many opportunities to work on resumes, job opportunities, and taking the leap towards getting your career started!
Uplift YESS Mentoring Offers a class with peer mentors made up of seniors and select juniors who tutor struggling sophomores. Concentration on community service and motivation. Offers a class on social emotional awareness and finding leadership potential within. Emphasis on college readiness and community service.
Additional Partnerships EDUSS- SES Provider for those who qualify for afterschool tutoring. If students complete minimum hours of tutoring they receive a laptop. Goodwill Industries- Provide support for jobs, resumes, and on site resources for other partners to provide students with school to career skills. Colorado I Have a Dream- Works with Class of 2014 students who were identified in 7th grade. Has a classroom in A Wing to provide after school support. Writing and Math Labs- Drop in tutoring support for math and writing. Engagement Center- Students who are 20 or more credits behind are given an opportunity to try school in a different setting. + Many Pre-Collegiate and Tutoring Partnerships outside of school building…ask your counselor how to get involved!!!!
Ameri-Corps Terri DavalosParent and Community Engagement SpecialistsDepartment of Parent and Community Outreach • Work collaboratively with the AmeriCorps Program Manager to co-supervise 2 AmeriCorps members per school site, coordinate day-to-day AC activities and collect data for the AC program evaluation. • Work in conjunction with school principal and staff to develop, manage, and support school partner efforts that are relevant and effective in advancing student success. • Collaborate with appropriate school administrators and staff to assist in resolving parent concerns. • Address parent concerns that arise at targeted schools. • Serve as a member of the Collaborative School Committee (CSC) and School Leadership Team (SLT) at the assigned school site. • Maintain updated inventory of school and community partnerships via Resource Directory • Assist targeted schools with developing parent involvement plans AmeriCorps Members at North High School • Each AC member manages an identified caseload of 20 NHS students each month to support attendance (Tier II students 85-95%). • Members will conduct a minimum of two home visits for each assigned caseload student per month. • Build relationships with parents and students to increase engagement • We provide positive reinforcement for good or improved attendance. • Advertise school events such as parent teacher conferences, family nights, or TCAP reminders. • Design and organize service projects to meet a need based on community and North needs. • Design and organize service projects for students at North. • Members will sign parents up for Parent Portal Accounts and can provide trainings and technical assistance to the parent community. AmeriCorps program • AmeriCorps Program will make up to 150 weekly calls for NHS students to provide positive reinforcement for good or improved attendance and to advertise school events such as student led conferences, family/college nights or TCAP reminders, etc.
MAAP The “Missing Assignments Aren’t Permitted” Program is designed to assist students who have not completed their homework, refused to participate in class work/activities or who have failing grades. When a student has not completed work, has not participated in class work/activities, and/or has demonstrated that he or she may not be understanding material he or she will be assigned a MAAP session after school. Each grade-level team will develop its own program procedures and communicate these clearly to the students and families.
ASI The After School Intervention Program is designed to hold students accountable for on-going minor infractions that create disruptions to the learning environment after other interventions by the teacher have failed. Teachers do not assign ASI. This is done by the Dean and Administrators. Teachers should follow the Consequence/Infraction chart to determine the proper step in intervening regarding behavioral concerns. If these interventions are not successful in diminishing behaviors the Deans or the Assistant Principal in charge of discipline should be notified. (Refer to the Infraction/Consequence Chart.) The program will be held after school from 3:35 to 4:15 p.m. on most Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Transitions/Engagement/ If a traditional school setting like North is not working out and students are interested in finding out about other school options they work with Ms. Ubaldo. If I am at North for meetings with families, administrators or P&I team. I have no office at North. I am at any DPS HS in the Northwest Region where I am needed. I am a Transition Liaison for DPS office of Post Secondary Readiness. The Transitions Team goal is to lower the drop-out rate across the district by advocating for students who are academically disengaged from school and ensuring they are either on a viable graduation pathway in their current school or, if not, actively supporting them through a transition to a school program in which there is a clear graduation or GED pathway. Would there be a procedure or someone they would be sent to before seeing you? Referrals for a transition go through Katie Wolver, Matt Larson and Nicole Veltze. What is one other thing that is important that they should know about you? No matter your circumstances in life, you can succeed in school if you put your heart and mind to it! I am here to help you succeed! The best way to reach me is by email myrna_ubaldo@dpsk12.org or phone 720.215.0719.
Library Media Center Our fabulous librarian Ms. Martinez is back to help you with all your library media needs! New books have been purchased and the computers are all fired up! Futures Center Ms. Ximena Quintana will now have her center sponsored by Leprino Foods stationed in the library. Students needing help with scholarships and college applications should stop by frequently! Seniors will spend a lot of time in here this fall!!
Elective Changes Are you dedicated to learning more about yourself and preparing for after high school? We have expanded our offerings in: ROTC Choir/Band Options Uplift Where there is not room to change Core Classes WONT Change unless TRUE ERROR World Language Classes Reading Interventions Credit Recovery ESL