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Secure Land Rights for Women and Men in the Post-2015 Agenda

Secure Land Rights for Women and Men in the Post-2015 Agenda. D. Hien Tran December 10, 2013 ODI Roundtable – The Possible Shape of a Land Transparency Initiative. A Look Back: Millennium Development Goals and Rights to Land and Property. Landesa’s Post-2015 Advocacy.

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Secure Land Rights for Women and Men in the Post-2015 Agenda

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  1. Secure Land Rightsfor Women and Men in the Post-2015 Agenda D. Hien Tran December 10, 2013 ODI Roundtable – The Possible Shape of a Land Transparency Initiative

  2. A Look Back: Millennium Development Goals and Rights to Land and Property

  3. Landesa’s Post-2015 Advocacy

  4. Post-2015 Recent Developments

  5. Growing Momentum

  6. Growing Momentum

  7. Land and Governance in Post-2015 • Governance discussion has been broader and not focused on land governance or any other area specifically. • Discussion has focused on broader issues and concepts of : • High-Level Panel Report Goal 10: Ensure good governance and effective institutions • Provide free and universal legal identity, such as birth registrations • Ensure that people enjoy freedom of speech, association, peaceful protest and access to independent media and information • Increase public participation in political processes and civic engagement at all levels • Guarantee the public’s right to information and access to government data • Reduce bribery and corruption and ensure officials can be held accountable

  8. Land and Governance in Post-2015 • There has been some discussion of land rights in the context of the rule of law, access to justice, and legal empowerment. • UN Technical Support Team Issues Brief: Conflict Prevention, Post-conflict Peacebuilding and the Promotion of Durable Peace, Rule of Law and Governance: • But the discussion on land rights focuses more on their role in helping to achieve goals related to poverty reduction, gender equality, food security, and environmental sustainability. “It is now widely recognized that improved security of tenure for land and property is critical to ensure social and economic progress across rural and urban settings and that the rule of law facilitates the protection of land, property and other resource rights.”

  9. Key Takeaways on “Why” Land/Property Rights in Post-2015 Framework The cross-cutting nature of land and property rights for women and men represents a substantial opportunity: Efforts to strengthen and enforce them can help achieve multiple goals in a post-2015 agenda.

  10. Now – What should this look like? Governments are still engaged in consultation process and seeking proposals for what targets and indicators could be used to show progress toward particular goals

  11. Targets: Accuracy, Inclusiveness, Clarity

  12. Indicators: Guiding Principles

  13. Possible Outcome-Focused Indicators in Post-2015 Context

  14. Thank you.

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