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Objectives. Define PandemicDefine Avian FluContrast normal flu vs. pandemic fluExplore the current Avian Flu issueAnswer your questions. Background: Influenza . Contagious respiratory disease caused by the influenza virusOccurs both in birds and mammalsTypically remains specific to the spec
1. Pandemic Influenza CAPT Lynn Slepski, RN, MSN, CCNS
Senior Public Health Advisor
Immediate of the Assistant Secretary
Infrastructure Protection
2. Objectives Define Pandemic
Define Avian Flu
Contrast normal flu vs. pandemic flu
Explore the current Avian Flu issue
Answer your questions
3. Background: Influenza Contagious respiratory disease caused by the influenza virus
Occurs both in birds and mammals
Typically remains specific to the species in which they occur
4. Background: Influenza Virus A globular particle (about 100 nm in diameter)smallest unit of life
Cannot move or replicate on its own
Sheathed in a lipid bilayer (derived from the plasma membrane of its host)
8 RNA Molecules
HA genes (Hemagglutinin)
NA genes (Neuramidase)
NP (Nucleoproteins)
Variety of matrix, proteins, and polymerases
16 HA and 9 NA subtypes with
144 combinations possible
They are obligate intracellular parasites.
Probably there are no cells in nature that escape infection by one or more kinds of viruses. (Viruses that infect bacteria are called bacteriophages.)
Outside the cell, they consist of particles called virions.
Virions range in size from as small as the poliovirus shown above magnified some 450,000 times (courtesy of A. R. Taylor), which is 30 nm in diameter (about the size of a ribosome) to as large as the vaccinia virus which, at 230 nm, is larger than some bacteria.
The virion consists of
An outer shell, the capsid, made of protein. The capsid is responsible for
protecting the contents of the core
establishing what kind of cell the virion can attach to
infecting that cell
Some viruses contain other ingredients (e.g., lipids, carbohydrates), but these are derived from their host cells.
an interior core containing
the genome; either DNA or RNA The genes are few in number (3 - 100 depending on the species). They encode those proteins needed for viral reproduction that the host cell will not supply.
Often, one or more proteins (enzymes) needed to start the process of reproduction within the host cell.
They are obligate intracellular parasites.
Probably there are no cells in nature that escape infection by one or more kinds of viruses. (Viruses that infect bacteria are called bacteriophages.)
Outside the cell, they consist of particles called virions.
Virions range in size from as small as the poliovirus shown above magnified some 450,000 times (courtesy of A. R. Taylor), which is 30 nm in diameter (about the size of a ribosome) to as large as the vaccinia virus which, at 230 nm, is larger than some bacteria.
The virion consists of
An outer shell, the capsid, made of protein. The capsid is responsible for
protecting the contents of the core
establishing what kind of cell the virion can attach to
infecting that cell
Some viruses contain other ingredients (e.g., lipids, carbohydrates), but these are derived from their host cells.
an interior core containing
the genome; either DNA or RNA The genes are few in number (3 - 100 depending on the species). They encode those proteins needed for viral reproduction that the host cell will not supply.
Often, one or more proteins (enzymes) needed to start the process of reproduction within the host cell.
6. Human Influenza Highly contagious, spread by coughing and sneezing
Most dangerous to the very young, very old, immunocompromised and pregnant
Most are endemic influenza viruses, adapted to humans
Influenza A (H3N2, some H1N1), influenza B viruses
Drift: genetic changes little-by-little each year reason to change vaccine strains
Pandemics shift: abrupt replacement of gene segment (reassortment of 8 gene segments)
1918: Spanish Flu (H1N1) - ?AIV genes
1957: Asian Flu (H2N2) - 3 AI & 5 human
flu genes
1968: HK Flu (H3N2) - 2 AI & 6 human
flu genes
7. Background: Disease Mechanism The influenza virus invades cells of the respiratory passages.
Its hemagglutinin molecules bind to carbohydrate on the glycoproteins of the epithelial cells of the host.
The virus is engulfed by receptor mediated endocytosis.
The drop in pH in the endosome (endocytic vesicle) produces a change in the structure of the viral hemagglutinin enabling it to
fuse the viral membrane with the vesicle membrane.
This exposes the contents of the virus to the cytosol.
The RNA enter the nucleus of the cell where fresh copies are made.
These return to the cytosol where some serve as mRNA molecules to be translated into the proteins of fresh virus particles.
Fresh virus buds off from the plasma membrane of the cell (aided by the neuraminidase) thus
spreading the infection to new cells.
The result is a viral pneumonia. It usually does not kill the patient (the 1918 pandemic was an exception; some victims died within hours) but does expose the lungs to infection by various bacterial invaders that can be lethal. Before the discovery of the flu virus, the bacterium Hemophilus influenzae was so often associated with the disease that it gave it its name. The influenza virus invades cells of the respiratory passages.
Its hemagglutinin molecules bind to carbohydrate on the glycoproteins of the epithelial cells of the host.
The virus is engulfed by receptor mediated endocytosis.
The drop in pH in the endosome (endocytic vesicle) produces a change in the structure of the viral hemagglutinin enabling it to
fuse the viral membrane with the vesicle membrane.
This exposes the contents of the virus to the cytosol.
The RNA enter the nucleus of the cell where fresh copies are made.
These return to the cytosol where some serve as mRNA molecules to be translated into the proteins of fresh virus particles.
Fresh virus buds off from the plasma membrane of the cell (aided by the neuraminidase) thus
spreading the infection to new cells.
The result is a viral pneumonia. It usually does not kill the patient (the 1918 pandemic was an exception; some victims died within hours) but does expose the lungs to infection by various bacterial invaders that can be lethal. Before the discovery of the flu virus, the bacterium Hemophilus influenzae was so often associated with the disease that it gave it its name.
8. What is a Pandemic? An global epidemic that occurs when a new virus emerges in the human population
Occurs over a very wide area (several countries or continents)
Usually affects a large proportion of the population--very limited or no immune response
9. What Makes an Influenza Pandemic? More cases than expectedwidespread
Sudden shift in strain
Not expected (more pathogenic)
No pre-existing immunity
Longer (up to 18 months)
Multiple waves, each different
May be some advance notice (not a lot)
Medical infrastructure capacity compromised
10. Effects of Past Pandemics on the U.S.
11. The Seasonal or Regular Flu Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Follows predicable patterns
Caused by already circulating viruses
Some immunity built up from previous exposures
Usually healthy adults not at risk for serious complications
Normal flu season about 226,000 Americans are hospitalized
36,000 die from the disease
Most deaths occur among people older than 65 (90%)
on average, 98 of every 100,000 seniors with the flu die.
Prevention-competent vaccine & good hygiene practices
Influenza costs the U.S. economy about $12 billion annually in direct medical costs and loss of productivity.
As of March 18, 2006 103,188 cases below average
12. Pandemic virus production in 2 steps: AI virus infection of humans limited infections
Sustained human-to-human transmission reassortment (hybrid virus)
13. Pandemic Strain Emergence: Direct Infection
14. Pandemic Strain Emergence: Reassortment of Influenza A Viruses
15. Pandemic Challenges Pandemics are different from other emergencies because its likely that almost all locations will be affected simultaneously
Resources cannot be shifted geographically as in other emergencies
Every country will be affected, but countries with better plans will be less vulnerable to terrorism and other threats during a pandemic
16. Latest Reported Avian Outbreaks
17. Cases in Humans
18. World Health OrganizationCumulative Deaths H5N1 as of 8 May 06
19. H5N1 Evolution in Humans Genetic changes in virus
All human H5N1 isolates from Vietnam and Thailand resistant to adamantane family antiviral drugs
Changing epidemiology in Vietnam (Clade 1)
Increasing numbers of clusters
Expanding age range
Decreasing case fatality rate
New mutation emerging in Indonesia (Clade 2)
H5N1 is the most likely pandemic candidate TODAY
21. Intervention Strategies: Anti-Virals Moderate symptoms, shorten the recovery 1-2 days and make the infected less contagious
Four anti-viral drugs are available for influenza A viruses: amantadine, rimantadine, oseltamivir, and zanamivir
You can develop resistance
In 2004, isolated H5N1 viruses from poultry and humans in Asia that were resistant to two of the medications (amantadine and rimantadine) in Asia
Monitoring of avian viruses for resistance to influenza antiviral medications is ongoing
22. Intervention Strategies for Avian Flu: Vaccines There are currently no avian influenza vaccines approved in the U.S. for use on humans
Vaccine candidate under development (Clade 1)
Use as pre-pandemic vaccine
4-6 months to produce using current technology after the arrival of the organism
23. How Could H5N1 Get to USA?
24. Commercial Meat Imports
25. Captive birds
Example: 2 eagles from Thailand through Germany to Belgium
Possible but great distances reduce chances Illegal Commerce
26. Fighting cocks
Entry mechanism from Thailand to Malaysia
Possible risk
vvNDV in Fresno CA in 2000, Asian Fighting Cocks Illegal Commerce
27. Raw or undercooked products
DHS/PPQ confiscation of products from Asia (pickled eggs, 1000 year eggs)
Possible risk but would require feeding of scraps to birds Illegal Commerce
28. International Movement
29. Number of Episodes of Illness, Healthcare Utilization, and Death (HHS Plan, 2005)
30. When a Pandemic First Appears
There will not be enough vaccine
There will not be enough antivirals
The health care system will be stretched beyond its limits
Many sectors of society will begin to be affected: schools, businesses, large public gatherings, just-in-time commerce, air travel, and so on
31. Social Disruption May Be Widespread Strategies:
Social Distancing= 3 feet between people
Closing Places of AssemblySuspend large social gatherings to limit spread
Snow Days (weeks) and/or Furloughing non-essential workersvoluntary closings
Restricted movementborder or geopolitical boundaries & quarantine protocols
Plan for the possibility that usual services may be disrupted. These could include services provided by hospitals and other health care facilities, banks, stores, restaurants, government offices, and post offices.
Prepare backup plans in case public gatherings, such as volunteer meetings and worship services, are canceled
32. Transportation Services May Be Disrupted Strategies: Screen all arriving passengers at ports of entry (n=348)
Suspend Public Transportation to Limit Spread
Think about how you can rely less on public transportation during a pandemic. For example, store food and other essential supplies so you can make fewer trips to the store.
Prepare backup plans for taking care of loved ones who are far away.
Consider other ways to get to work, or, if you can, work at home.
33. Schools May Be Closed for an Extended Period of Time Strategy: Close schools (snow-days) to limit spread
Help schools plan for pandemic influenza. Talk to the school nurse or the health center. Talk to your teachers, administrators, and parent-teacher organizations.
Plan home learning activities and exercises. Have materials, such as books, on hand. Also plan recreational activities that your children can do at home.
Consider childcare needs.
34. RecapAvian Influenza Why is Avian Flu dangerous
May infect large populations of birds and poultry
Has infected humans exposed to diseased birds
May mutate to cause human infection
At least 4 known subtypes determined in Asia
Human to human transmission potential
No natural human immunity
No current approved vaccine
Potential for a pandemic influenza
High mortality rate (100% poultry / 80% human)
Current antiviral drugs somewhat ineffective
35. US Government Strategy: Focus is on Saving Lives Slow spread, decrease illness and death, buy time
Antiviral treatment and isolation for people with illness
Quarantine for those exposed
Social distancing
Vaccine when available
Local decisions
36. Criterion Required for a Pandemic The Avian H5N1 is widespread and endemic
There are continuous outbreaks in poultry
It has resulted in lethal mammalian infections
Virus is evolving
Sporadic human cases
Mostly young and healthy
Case fatality rate is 50%
Rare instances of person-to-person transmission
Sustained and rapid person-to-person transmission
Throughout Asia, with spread to Russia and Europe, newly spreading to North AfricaThroughout Asia, with spread to Russia and Europe, newly spreading to North Africa
37. So
What YOU Can Do-Personally Wash your hands
Every opportunity with soap and water
Every opportunity with waterless hand cleaner
Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze
Keep your environment clean
Disinfect surfaces-using household disinfectants
Common use itemsdoor handles
Personal use itemsyour phone
Teach your kidsthey will likely bring it home to you
Stay home when you are sick
38. Foodborne Bird Flu Meat and eggs from birds associated with HPAI outbreaks should not be used for human food or animal feed, and everyone should follow recommended food handling practices to minimize risk of exposure.
We dont have good evidence that humans acquire bird flu by eating contaminated poultry meat or eggs. However, meat and eggs from birds infected with LPAI could be contaminated by virus in the birds droppings, and HPAI virus is present in meat and egg contents. Therefore, foodborne transmission is at least theoretically possible, and adequate precautions should be taken to prevent foodborne transmission. Tigers in Thailand zoos developed influenza after being fed dead chicken carcasses, and may represent foodborne transmission in that species. In addition, 2 people in Vietnam who drank raw blood from an infected duck became infected, but it isnt clear what other exposures they had. While freezing and refrigeration help to preserve the virus, cooking and egg pasteurization conditions, except perhaps the process used for dried egg white powder, readily inactivate influenza virus.Meat and eggs from birds associated with HPAI outbreaks should not be used for human food or animal feed, and everyone should follow recommended food handling practices to minimize risk of exposure.
We dont have good evidence that humans acquire bird flu by eating contaminated poultry meat or eggs. However, meat and eggs from birds infected with LPAI could be contaminated by virus in the birds droppings, and HPAI virus is present in meat and egg contents. Therefore, foodborne transmission is at least theoretically possible, and adequate precautions should be taken to prevent foodborne transmission. Tigers in Thailand zoos developed influenza after being fed dead chicken carcasses, and may represent foodborne transmission in that species. In addition, 2 people in Vietnam who drank raw blood from an infected duck became infected, but it isnt clear what other exposures they had. While freezing and refrigeration help to preserve the virus, cooking and egg pasteurization conditions, except perhaps the process used for dried egg white powder, readily inactivate influenza virus.
39. www.pandemicflu.gov
40. Once again, nature has presented us
with a daunting challenge: the possibility
of an influenza pandemic
Together we
will confront this emerging threat and
together, as Americans, we will be
prepared to protect our families, our
communities, this great Nation, and our
President George W. Bush
November 2005
41. Questions ?????