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Introduction to Research

Introduction to Research. by Dr. Daniel Churchill. About The Facilitator. Dr. Daniel Churchill Faculty of Education The University of Hong Kong Email: dchurch@hku.hk Phone: 2859.1141. About MITE6025. There will be 8 sessions MITE6025 blog http://mite6025.wpmu.cite.hku.hk/

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Introduction to Research

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  1. Introduction to Research by Dr. Daniel Churchill

  2. About The Facilitator • Dr. Daniel ChurchillFaculty of EducationThe University of Hong Kong • Email: dchurch@hku.hk • Phone: 2859.1141

  3. About MITE6025 • There will be 8 sessions • MITE6025 blog http://mite6025.wpmu.cite.hku.hk/ • The purpose of this course is to introduce to methods of research and contribute to you preparation for MITE/MILM Dissertation/Project

  4. About the Sessions • Lessons • Group Activities • Critical Readings • Assignment

  5. Assessment • Group work • Individual Assignment: Write a Research Plan

  6. Content Overview • What is Research? • Educational Research • Research Classification: Basic and Applied Research • Approaches to Educational Research: Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research • Descriptive Research, Correlational Research, Causal-comparative Research, Experimental Research • Historical Research and Naturalistic Inquiry • Task 1

  7. What is Research? • Research is the systematic and objective approach to scholarly inquiry: • Directed toward the solution of a problem and advancement of human knowledge though the development of theories • Utilizes carefully designed procedures that apply rigorous analysis • Builds on expertise: • Knows what is already known about the problem • How others have investigated it • Remains objective and logical by applying every possible test to validate the procedures employed, the data collected, and the conclusions reached

  8. Educational Research • Educational Research explains, predicts and/or control educational phenomenon • Educational research is conducted in the following way: • Define -- a significant problem, hypothesis or question • Plan -- review literature to establish background to the study, identify methodology, plan procedure • Execute research procedures -- collect data e.g., interviews, surveys, questionnaires, observations • Analyze data -- qualitatively, quantitatively or a mixed way • Draw conclusions and recommendations

  9. Research Classification • Basic or Fundamental Research -- develops theories • Applied Research -- application of theory to the solution of a problem and improvement in practice: • Evaluation Research -- systematic process of gathering data to make a decision • Research and Development -- develops effective products for use in education • Action Research -- improvement in practice

  10. Examples of Applied Research • Evaluation Research: • Should Alfred Lim be placed in a program for students with specific learning ability? • Research and Development: • Develop a set of learning objects to facilitate students understanding of motion and forces • Action Research: • What can be done to prevent students’ misconceptions in the topic of “Moon Phases” in sciences class? • Activity -- Let’s think of some possible questions

  11. Approaches to Educational Research • Quantitative approach -- involves collection of numerical data and statistical analysis (deductive analysis) • Descriptive research • Correlational research • Causal-comparative research – cause relationship • Experimental research – setting condition and apply to real case and do the comparison. • Qualitative approach -- involves collection of narrative data (interview transcript, field notes) in search for understanding (inductive analysis) • Historical Research – past records to do the evaluation. • Naturalistic Inquiry • Ethnographic Research – like school culture. • Case Studies – e.g. school, class (study class independently)

  12. Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research

  13. Descriptive Research • Descriptive research involves collecting numerical data to test hypotheses or answer questions regarding the subjects of the study • The data are collected through a questionnaire, an interview, or an observation • A researcher reports the numerical results for one or more variables on the subjects of the study. • Some examples: • How do primary school teachers spend their time on computer? • How do parents feel about increased computer use in the school?

  14. Correlational Research • Correlational research attempts to determine whether and to what extent, a relationship exists between two or more numerical variables • This relationship can be used to predict the value of one variable for a subject if you know the other variable • Correlation implies prediction but not causation • A researcher uses the correlation coefficient to report the research • Some examples: • The relationship between intelligence and computer use. • The use of an aptitude test to predict computer use in a science class.

  15. Causal-comparative Research • Attempts to establish cause-effect relationships among the variables of the study, that is, that values of an independent variable have a significant effect on a dependent variable • In causal-comparative research the independent variable is not under the experimenters control but has to take values of an independent variable as they come • Some examples: • The effect of computer use on information literacy at the end of the first grade. • The effect of gender on science achievement through use of technology.

  16. Experimental Research • Similar to causal-comparative research but the independent variable is under control of a researcher • Some examples: • The comparative effectiveness of computer-based tutorials versus learner-centered e-learning activities on thinking skill • The effect of positive reinforcement on attitude toward ICT

  17. Historical Research • Historical research is involved with the study of past events. • Collection and objective evaluation of data related to past events in order to test hypotheses that may help to explain present events and anticipate future events • Some examples: • Factors leading to the development of computer literacy • Effects of decisions of the ICT Integration in Schools Initiative of EMB on Hong Kong Education

  18. Naturalistic Inquiry • Naturalistic inquiry includes ethnographic research and case studies to study of current events • It involves the collection of extensive narrative data on many variables over an extended period of time in a naturalistic setting. • Some examples: • A case study of parental involvement at an ESF school – find a real case to study. • A multi-case study of students who excel despite computer illiteracy – find few of students with good grade but not good for computer literacy. • A teacher as designer of on-line learning

  19. For Information • Some additional research approaches are: • Meta-research -- synthesizes previous research (usually in quantitative way) • Design Experiment -- new approach to research that emerged in education technology community

  20. Overview of Approaches to ER

  21. Let’s See What we Understand • Work in pairs. Go through list of M Sc/B Ed research abstracts at http://www.cite.hku.hk/alumni/dissertation/ • Classify come of the topics from these abstracts into the six research approaches. Identify at least one topic for an approach • Present the outcome to the class supporting your classification

  22. Group Task • Setup your groups blog • You can setup a blog for free at: • http:// wpmu.cite.hku.hk • http://www.blogger.com • Or other blog of your choice • In the first post the team should introduce each member (preferably provide photos) • First task: • Discuss in your group and identify one research topic which you think it would be good idea to explore. • Develop research question and classify it in one of the research types • Present the outcome in your blog.

  23. Reading for next week • Read this article in preparation for next week. Try to integrate elements of this article into your group activity. • Lim, C.P. , & Hung, D. (2003). An activity theory approach to research of ICT integration in Singapore schools. Computers & Education, 41(2003), 49-63.

  24. References • Ravid, R. (2000). Practical statistics for educators. (2nd ed). New York, NY.: University Press of America, Inc.

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