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Subatomic Particles and Famous Scientists Review Game

Test your knowledge of subatomic particles and famous scientists in this fun Jeopardy chapter 4 review game. Get ready for your test tomorrow!

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Subatomic Particles and Famous Scientists Review Game

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Physical Science Chapter 4 Review Game

  2. Select a Category

  3. Subatomic Particles The three basic subatomic particles and their charges. 1 point Check

  4. Subatomic Particles What are electrons (1-), protons (1+), and neutrons (0)? 1 point Back to Category Slide

  5. Subatomic Particles The element indium has this many electrons. 2 points Check

  6. Subatomic Particles What is 49 electrons? 2 points Back to Category Slide

  7. Subatomic Particles Because of its small size, electrons have this as a mass (a.m.u.). 3 points Check

  8. Subatomic Particles What is 0 a.m.u.? 3 points Back to Category Slide

  9. Subatomic Particles The definition of the mass number. (Hint: What particles are inside?) 4 points Check

  10. Subatomic Particles What is the number of protons and neutrons? 4 points Back to Category Slide

  11. Subatomic Particles The atomic number of silver. 5 points Check

  12. Subatomic Particles What is 47? 5 points Back to Category Slide

  13. Famous Scientists Chapter 4 person who believed in fire, earth, water, and air. 1 point Check

  14. Famous Scientists Who was Aristotle? 1 point Back to Category Slide

  15. Famous Scientists All elements are composed of atoms… 2 points Check

  16. Famous Scientists Who was Dalton? 2 points Back to Category Slide

  17. Famous Scientists Discovered the nucleus of an atom by shooting alpha particles at gold foil. 3 points Check

  18. Famous Scientists Who was Rutherford? 3 points Back to Category Slide

  19. Famous Scientists Cathode Ray Tube…discovered there are charges in an atom. 4 points Check

  20. Famous Scientists Who was Thomson? 4 points Back to Category Slide

  21. Famous Scientists Our solar system was similar to the design of an atom. 5 points Check

  22. Famous Scientists Who was Bohr? 5 points Back to Category Slide

  23. Elements and Atoms Symbol of iron? 1 point Check

  24. Elements and Atoms What is Fe? 1 point Back to Category Slide

  25. Elements and Atoms Mg-27 has this many neutrons. 2 points Check

  26. Elements and Atoms What is 15 neutrons? 2 points Back to Category Slide

  27. Elements and Atoms Sodium has this many electrons in the 3rd level. 3 points Check

  28. Elements and Atoms What is 1 electron? 3 points Back to Category Slide

  29. Elements and Atoms The mass number for Cobalt. 4 points Check

  30. Elements and Atoms What is 59? 4 points Back to Category Slide

  31. Elements and Atoms The difference between Ni-58 and Ni-60. 5 points Check

  32. Elements and Atoms What is 2 neutrons? 5 points Back to Category Slide

  33. Miscellaneous 2, 8, 18, 32. 1 point Check

  34. Miscellaneous What is the maximum number of electrons in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th energy levels of an atom? 1 point Back to Category Slide

  35. Miscellaneous An electron that jumps up an energy level or two is in this. 2 points Check

  36. Miscellaneous What is excited state? 2 points Back to Category Slide

  37. Miscellaneous Sketch a diagram of one atom of O. 3 points Check

  38. Miscellaneous O has 8 protons and 8 neutrons in the nucleus and 8 electrons (2 e’s in the first, 6 e’s in the 2nd) in the electron cloud. 3 points Back to Category Slide

  39. Miscellaneous Sketch a diagram of one atom of Br-75. 4 points Check

  40. Miscellaneous Br-75 has 35 protons and 40 neutrons in the nucleus and 35 electrons (2 in the 1st, 8 in the 2nd, 18 in the 3rd and 7 in the 4th) in the electron cloud. 4 points Back to Category Slide

  41. Miscellaneous The color of potassium under a flame. 5 points Check

  42. Miscellaneous What is purple or lilac? 5 points Back to Category Slide

  43. Congratulations!You have completed the game of Jeopardy. Your test over chapter 4 is tomorrow. Good Luck!!!!

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