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How to Find and Hire Good iOS App Developers
I N T R O D U C T I O N There are 2.2 Billion apps already available in the app store. On top of that, more than 500 million unique customers visit app store every week, it’s the second largest store after Android. So, if you are planning iOS app development, you should have an objective to offer something new to your target audience. Not only it will increase the user experience but also help you to achieve success. In case, you are not technically adept, consider hiring offshore developers. Here is the Process of Sourcing and Hiring iOS App Developers
1 . S O U R C I N G - H I G H - Q U A L I T Y D E V E L O P E R S : Save up your time, search the developers on the search enginesand socialmedia. Big brands usually Hire offshore developersusing a directapproach. Using this strategy, you can scale up your development team witha reduced overheadcost.
2 . B A C K G R O U N D - R E S E A R C H : It’s essential toconduct thorough background research on the developers, analyze their work quality and execution time. You can also approach the companies directly to understand their experience with your industry before you hire iOS app developers. Thorough investigation will help you filter out less competent offshore development teams & hire iOS developers that are the best match for yourbusiness.
3 . R F P & F E A T U R E S : Most of the offshore development teams will ask you to share a detailed list of functionalities required in the application (google maps, social sharing, account creation, CDN, Third-party API,etc.). After sharing the details, you can expect a proposal from the iOS app developers along with cost, time and deliverables. This proposal will help you to hire a desired team of iOSdevelopers.
4 . M I L E S T O N E - B A S E D A P P R O A C H Hire offshore teams that are ready to work on a milestone-based approach & minimize the app development time. It will help you to work with iOS developers on certain milestones & measure their performance at eachstep. If they can achieve these small milestones easily, then you can hire them for long-termprojects.
5 . F I N A L I Z I N G- A- T E A M -O F- R E L I A B L E- O F F S H O R E- D E V E L O P E R S : Once you’ve finalized a reliable offshore development team, you can close the deal with a contract and sign anNDA. This Contract can be in the form of a JV, Patnership or an offshoring contract.
U N D E R S T A N D I N G - R E Q U I S I T E - L A N G U A G E S & I O S - A P P - D E V E L O P M E N T - E N V I R O N M E N T : Since an application has multiple features and functionalities, the development process will require different skills.Moreover, budgeting of the app comes down to the man-hours (which largely depends on the language required to develop an iOS application). Thus, you should find out the languages necessary to develop your application.
C O S T B E N E F I T S : I N - H O U S E V S O F F S H O R E D E V E L O P E R S : If you don’t have an in-house team already, then it’s a wise decision to hire dedicated offshoredevelopers. Working with offshore developers will help save up to 70% of the development cost. Companies providing offshore development services usually have experience working with some bigbrands.
F R E E L A N C E R S , D E V T E A M S , & O F F S H O R E D E V E L O P M E N T C E N T E R ( O D C ) : FREELANCERS You can hire the freelancers that work on a one-time project. These freelance iOS developers can create smaller modules of the application or can fix bugs.
DEV - TEAMS Dev teams provide the perfect middle- ground between freelance iOS developers and large-scale companies. They work within your budget and provide premier customer service throughout the process. They are best suited for B2B applications and mid-to-large scale development requirements.
O F F S H O R E - D E V E L O P M E N T - C E N T E R ( O D C ) : Many large-scale development companies provide different levels of service and execution. These companies are best suited for large-scale SaaS or hardware driven apps (that requires maximum performance). Companies that offer offshore development services have global offices providing greater reach when it comes to scaling.
C O N C L U S I O N The above-shared tips will definitely help you findproficient iPhone app developers. In case you want to know the cost to hire android app developeror want afree consultation on your app development, drop us an email at “sales@vibhuti.biz”.
C O N T A C T - I N F O R M A T I O N WWW.VIBHUTI.BIZ N Broadway, Turlock, CA 95380, USA SALES@VIBHUTI.BIZ +1-408-599-2991