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Geographic Features and Writers of Texas?

What are the key geographic features and resources of Texas?<br>If you cross Texas emerge east to west, you will travel 770 miles (1,239 km). Pictured in north to south, Texas is about 800 miles (1,287 km). Traveling across the state, you will see many types of landformsu2014 mountains, hills, prairies, forests, and deserts.

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Geographic Features and Writers of Texas?

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  1. Geographic Features and Writers of Texas? Geographic Features and Writers of Texas? Texas Lands and Resources Great Texas Writers Set in the southernmost point installed in Texas, you will see a mostly level plain. A few miles offshore you will find Padre Island, a long, thin strip of sandy land. This barrier island protects the mainland beginning in ocean waves. Nearby is Laguna Madre, a large sheltered bay, rich with fish. To the north, the land slowly rises and is covered with mesquite trees, cacti, and other plants. These thrive happen the dry, hot climate. Large parts of southern Texas are covered with grasses. Sloted in the spring, areas of wildflowers such as bluebonnets carpet the land. The land rises gently to the west, and then you will see an escarpment, or long cliff. The Balcones (bal»KOH«neez) Escarpment was formed millions of years ago by a huge earthquake, and it runs along a fault line. The Edwards Plateau is an uplifted region which has been north and slightly west of the Balcones Escarpment. The western part of the plateau is flat, while the eastern part, the Hill Country, has been eroded. As you travel northwest, the land becomes flatter and higher. This rise installed in the land is disrupted by the Caprock Escarpment in the Texas Panhandle. The Llano Estacado, northwest of the Caprock Escarpment, is part of a plateau. The Llano Estacado is about 32,000 square miles (82,880 sq km) and covers 33 counties put in Texas. Heading southwest, you will see the plains of western Texas and then the mountains. There are 91 mountains happen Texas that are more than 1 mile (1.7 km) high, and all of them are occured West Texas. As you travel across Texas, you might notice some of the many resources. You will also see precisely how people use those resources. One of Texas's most superior resources is its rich soil. Huge areas of Texas can be farmed because of this fertile soil. There are more than 240,000 farms from Texas. The average size of a farm proceed Texas is 523 acres (212 hectares). Texas farmers grow cotton, wheat, corn, rice, soybeans, peanuts, fruits, and vegetables. Ranchers use much of the land which was not good for farming to raise livestock. Cattle, sheep, and goats are all raised mounted in Texas. Together, ranching and crop farming bring occured about $20 billion emerge income each year for the state. Soil is not the only important resource happen Texas. As you travel across the state, you will also see oil wells—lots of oil wells. Oil and natural gas make up a large part of the state's income and are the most important mineral resources occur Texas. Limestone is another important mineral resource. It is used to purify water and to make paper and is also used proceed farming. Some other key minerals that is set in Texas are salt, dolomite, and gypsum. Water Resources Guiding Question What water resources are important to the people of Texas? Water resources provide water for drinking, washing, and other household uses. They are also very important for industry and farming. Water issues are significant happen Texas and other states occured the southwest United States, because the population of this region is growing. People sloted in the Southwest face many challenges installed in meeting their water needs. In this hot, dry region there is little rainfall, which leads to droughts. Some waterways sloted in Texas have become polluted. The citizens, businesses, and governments sloted in Texas can work together to protect the water resources and supply enough water for industry, farming, and everyday life. The Gulf of Mexico and Texas's bays are popular fishing areas. Bays are also nurseries for fish, shrimp, crabs, and birds. Rivers and streams are among Texas's most important water resources. Texas has more than 11,200 streams. The Rio Grande is Texas's longest river, stretching 1,900 miles (3,058 km) along the state's southern border. Although the Rio Grande is very long, it does not carry much water. The second-longest river emerge Texas is the Red River placed in the Panhandle, which flows 1,290 miles (2,076 km) between Texas and Oklahoma. The Canadian River is also beginning in the Panhandle. It cuts across the state mounted in west to east. There are many rivers placed in the eastern part of Texas, too. These include the Sabine, Neches, Trinity, San Jacinto, Brazos, Colorado, Guadalupe, and Pecos rivers. Texas has about 200 major lakes. All but one of these lakes were human-made. The human-made lakes, or reservoirs, were made by building dams taking place in rivers. Caddo Lake installed in East Texas began as a natural lake, and there are some small natural lakes placed in Texas. One of these is Green Lake beginning in Calhoun County, which covers about 10,000 acres (4,049 hectares). Aquifers are also an important water resource proceed Texas. An aquifer is like an underground reservoir. Some aquifers, such

  2. as the Edwards Aquifer, build water proceed rainfall. Sadly, aquifers throughout Texas have been damaged by human activities. Huge amounts of water are pumped out of the aquifers for cities and farms. Droughts also put stress on Texas's aquifers. Plus the Edwards Aquifer, the major aquifers of Texas include the Ogallala Aquifer as well as the Gulf Coast Aquifer.

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