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Understanding Marxism and Literary Criticism

Explore the foundational theories of Marxism and how they shape literary criticism. Learn about Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the history of Marxism, and its influence on literature, society, and ideology.

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Understanding Marxism and Literary Criticism

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  1. Teori Sastra(Marxism)

  2. Marxism and the history Marxism, or Scientific Socialism, is the name given to the body of ideas first worked out by Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820-1895). In their totality, these ideas provide a fully worked-out theoretical basis for the struggle of the working class to attain a higher form of human society--socialism.

  3. The contributors of Marxism theory Karl Marx (German, 5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883) was a Prussian bornPhilosopher,economist,sociologist, journalist, and revolutionary socialist. Born in Trier to a middle-class family, he later studied Political economy and Hegelian Philosophy. As an adult, Marx became Stateless and spent much of his life in London, England, where he continued to develop his thought in collaboration with German thinker Friedrich Engels and published various works, the most well-known being the 1848 pamphlet The Communist Manifesto. His work has since influenced subsequent intellectual, economic, and political history.

  4. The contributors of Marxism theory Friedrich Engels (England, 28 November 1820 – 5 August 1895) was a German Philosopher,social, scientist, Journalist, and businessman. He founded Marxist Theory together with Karl Marx. In 1845, he published The Condition Of a Working Clas in England, based on personal observations and research in Manchester. In 1848, he co-authored The Communist Manifesto with Marx, though he also authored and co-authored (primarily with Marx) many other works, and later he supported Marx financially to do research and write Das Kapital. After Marx's death, Engels edited the second and third volumes. Additionally, Engels organised Marx's notes on the Theories of surplus value, which he later published as the "fourth volume" of Capital.He also made contributions toFamily economics

  5. Two economics means of production within a society • Base • Engenders and controls all human institutions and ideologies • Superstructure • All social and institutions, political, and educational system and religion and art.

  6. German Ideology Work of Marx The Communist Manifesto Das Capital

  7. German ideology • Marx Declares that “consciousness does not determine life: life determines consciousness” • Human defines themeselve • He said that our ideas and concept about ourselves fashioned in everyday discourse in the language of real life

  8. The communist manifesto • States that the history all of existing societies is the history of class struggle • They declare that the capitalists, or the bourgeoisie, had successfully enslaved the working class, or the proletariat through economic policies and production of goods

  9. Das capital • History became the basis for 20th century Marxism, Socialism, and Communism. • History, an understanding of people and their actions and beliefs is determine y economic conditions. • Marx maintains that an intricate web of social relationships emerges when any group of people engage in the productions of goods

  10. Marxism: Focuses • Dialectic Materialism -- Marx and Vulgar Marxism • Literature, Society & Ideology: Althusser as a focus • Marxist Literary Theorists: Jameson and Eagleton

  11. Marxist Criticism A Marxist critic may begin such an analysis by showing how an author’s text reflects his or her ideology through an examination of the fictional world’s characters, settings, society, or any other aspect of the text.

  12. Luis althusser • Althusser believes that the prevailing ideology form the attitudes of people in society through a process he calls interpellation or “hailing the subject” • The people’s worldwide is thus craftily shaped by a complex network of message sent to them through the element contained in the superstructure , including the arts.

  13. Marxist theory • Fredric Jameson believe that the function of literary analysis is to uncover the political unconscious present in a text. • He said that all critics must be aware of their own ideology when analyzing a text and must therefore possess dialectical self-awareness.

  14. Marxist theory • Terry Eagleton • Believes that literature is neither a product of pure inspiration nor the product of the author’s feelings • Literature is a product of an ideology. The ideology is a result of the social interactions that occur between people in definite times and locations • The critic’s task is to reconstruct an author’s ideology

  15. Marxism methodology • Concerns for the working classes and the individual • Recognizing the interrelatedness of all human activities • Deals with more than the conventional literary themes, matters of style, plot, characterization and the usual emphasis on figures of speech and other literary devices.

  16. Concerns of marxism • Author’s life • Time/period in which the text was written • Cultural milieu • Ideology expressed by the author

  17. Types of marxism Neo-Marxism Cultural Marxism Analytical Marxism Post-Marxism Marxist Humanism • Classical Marxism • Marxism-Leninism • Western Marxism • Libertarian Marxism • Structural Marxism • Marxist Feminism

  18. The example of marxism theory in literature work (Indonesian poem by Acep Zamzam Noor)

  19. Kau pun Tahu Kau pun tahu, tak ada lagi cinta Dalam pengembaraanku Bintang-bintang yang kuburu Semua meninggalkanku Lampu-lampu sepanjang jalan Padam, semua rambu seakan Menunjuk ke arah jurang Kau pun tahu, tak ada lagi cinta Dalam setiap ucapanku Suara yang masih terdengar Berasal dari kegelapan Kritik-kritik yang kusemburkan Menjadi asing dan mengancam Seperti bunyi senapan Kau pun tahu, tak ada lagi cinta Dalam puisi-puisiku Kota telah dipenuhi papan-papan iklan Maklumat-maklumat ditulis orang Dengan kasar dan tergesa-gesa Mereka yang berteriak Tak jelas maunya apa Kau pun tahu, tak ada lagi cinta Dalam doa-doaku Aku sembahyang di comberan Menjalani hidup tanpa keyakinan Perempuan-perempuan yang kupuja Seperti juga para pemimpin itu – Semuanya tak bisa dipercaya Kau pun tahu, tak ada lagi cinta Di negeriku yang busuk ini Pidato dan kentut sulit dibedakan Begitu juga tertawa dan menangis Mereka yang lelap tidur Bangunnya pada kesiangan Padahal ingin disebut pahlawan ini adalah contoh penerapan marxisme dalam puisi berjudul Kau pun Tahu karya Acep Zamzam Noor

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