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The heart of COSMOS : correlated evolution of Galaxy , Stars and AGN w/

The heart of COSMOS : correlated evolution of Galaxy , Stars and AGN w/ Large Scale Structure. critical to : identify and quantify LSS how well can this be done w/ photo-z ?. redshift slice from  CDM sim. Frenk etal. Structures/Cluster identification :

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The heart of COSMOS : correlated evolution of Galaxy , Stars and AGN w/

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  1. The heart of COSMOS : correlated evolution of Galaxy , Stars and AGN w/ Large Scale Structure critical to : identify and quantify LSS how well can this be done w/ photo-z ?

  2. redshift slice from  CDM sim. Frenk etal

  3. Structures/Cluster identification : • adaptive smoothing avoid a priori assumptions w.r.t. shapes and sizes 2 possibilities : select all types of gal. or just early (red seq.) types (easier) but precludes investigation of environmental effects

  4. setup : select galaxies ==> RA, DEC, Z cube ==> accumlate  gal 2) average surface density in slice ==>  back 3) noise (  ) from galaxy counts (  gal ), including background steps : gaussian spatial filter at highest res. , cell = 0.01 deg find ra,dec’s cells w/ smoothed density (  gal -  back ) w/ snr > 4  smoothed snr (current width - twice current width) > 1  remove the delta (  gal -  back ) -- this res. - twice this res. increase the filter width -- go to #2

  5. All SED types

  6. All SED types

  7. ID structures as connected RA,DEC,z 3-d volume above cutoff preliminary connected pixels Finding chart for prelim. LSSs recombine manually ‘LSS’s which were sub-divided

  8. Final LSS (1-9 out of 37) gal w/i each LSS

  9. luminous early-type ==> dense core of LSS

  10. 37 structures measure : centroids (RA, DEC, Z) , masses , # galaxies , probability

  11. LSS finding chart w/I COMOS field

  12. LSS mass : summing galaxies within

  13. Output catalog of galaxies w/i each LSS lss # galaxy seq # from phot-z caalog RA(-150 deg.)centroid weighted by galaxy counts (not mass) Dec(-2 deg.) centroid z centroid galaxy photometric mass galaxy SED type probability of galaxy in LSS vs background LSS seq# RA DEC Z M SED prob. 1 286122 0.1772 0.1118 0.7500 3.396e+09 3.67 0.377 1 286070 0.2271 0.1202 0.8100 8.570e+09 2.33 0.347 1 286156 0.2116 0.1164 0.8300 1.012e+09 3.33 0.339 1 285858 0.2086 0.1211 0.8500 8.185e+09 3.67 0.316 . . .

  14. LSS 2: z = 0.75 • Left: Subaru, Right: ACS • Red: Early Type, Green: Late type

  15. Left: Subaru, Right: ACS Red: Early Type, Green: Late type LSS 19: z = 0.50

  16. Early type (< 2) SEDs Late type (> 2) SEDs

  17. Prob. of halo mass structures LSS structure masses cosmos

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