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Web components for genetic resources site, observation methodology and evaluation data

Web components for genetic resources site, observation methodology and evaluation data Ch. U. Germeier & L.Frese. Web based components for AEGRO and AVEQ. An Integrated European In Situ management work plan: implementing genetic reserves and on farm concepts (AEGRO).

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Web components for genetic resources site, observation methodology and evaluation data

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  1. Web components for genetic resources site, observation methodology and evaluation data Ch. U. Germeier & L.Frese

  2. Web based components for AEGRO and AVEQ An Integrated European In Situ management work plan: implementing genetic reserves and on farm concepts (AEGRO) Population level information systems for model crops (e.g. Beta). An integrated model for in situ and ex situ data. Data sources and analysis for Beta. Searching, mapping and editing in PLIS Beta. Avena Genetic Resources for Quality in Human Consumption (AVEQ) Online repository and roadmap for observation methodologies in evaluation. Field plan generation. Generate lists and spreadsheet templates for field observations. Edit experiment and treatment details including strains for artificial inoculation. Import spreadsheets and upload plot pictures. Outlook

  3. Population level information systems for model crops (Avena, Beta, Brassica, Prunus) • Development of information models for in situ management of plant genetic resources field work on the population level. • Development of a web application for information on already known sites and additional tools supporting in situ field work (mobile application based on the CyberTracker development framework). • Propose concepts for data exchange and the integration of project results in existing information systems (e.g. the European Central Crop Databases). • Integration of historical occurrence (distribution) data.

  4. In Situ Ex Situ is collected Accession is within a is within a is within a Characterisation Evaluation Monitoring Ecogeography: Climate Soil Habitat Vegetation n 1 n n 1 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 An Integrated Model for In Situ and Ex Situ Data Occurrence Individual Patch Site Natural Environment (Protected) Area Location (administrative unit) Political Environment

  5. Number of entries (accession, cataloguenumber) Geographic Data Sources EUROSTAT (NUTS / LAU, 2003) *111 074 locations described on 4 levels Natura 2000 Database (J.Iriondo to detect occurrences in protected areas) Data Sources Beta Biological Data Sources GBIF Excel downloads (2007) EURISCO Excel downloads (2007) PCGRIN DBase download (2007) ECCDB: IDBB (2007) 20 355 * 7 155* 2 506** 10 435** * restricted to Europe ** worldwide

  6. Analysis of occurrences for Beta

  7. Searching through a geographic hierarchy

  8. Map occurrences in protected or non-protected areas

  9. Interactive correction of occurrence data

  10. Would it work with BioGeomancer ?

  11. Interactive correction of occurrence data

  12. Interactive correction of occurrence data

  13. Searching through a taxonomic hierarchy

  14. Mapping a Large Taxon (B. vulgaris ssp. maritima)

  15. AVEQ: Avena genetic resources for quality in human consumption Develop web solutions for managing cooperative multisite genetic resources evaluation and facilitate the inclusion of project data into a central database by promoting standardized ways of documentation and data generation: • Online repository for observation methodologies, • Online description of field experiments and treatments, - Online fieldplan generation, download of pdf and Excel templates, • Spreadsheet upload with routine calculations (e.g. emergence, yield, seed weight)

  16. Online repository for observation methodologies

  17. Methodology roadmap for evaluation experiments

  18. Online – Fieldplan Generation

  19. Online – Fieldplan Generation

  20. Generate Lists and Excel Templates for Field Observations

  21. Generate Lists and Excel Templates for Field Observations

  22. Edit Experiment Details

  23. Edit Treatment Details

  24. Edit Pathogen Strains

  25. Map and Upload Excel Files • Calculators: • Percentages • Area extrapolation • Sample moisture harmonization

  26. Documentation of Plot Pictures

  27. Outlook • Vision: • The user community manages the database themselves by using the online tools. • They are able to adapt and further develop these tools for their purposes themselves with the source code available in an open source repository. Next steps: - All source code developed for AEGRO and AVEQ will be made available in CropForge together with journal publications. • New projects: • Mobile apps for using the IDBB in exploration and monitoring of in situ CWR resources? • Using and improving the online tools developed for AVEQ in a Beta evaluation and characterization project? • Still to be done: update of passport data and / or stronger integration with EURISCO and GRIN passport data – will be difficult to attract funds for that.

  28. Thanks for your attention Acknowledgements: Carsten Höhne, Stefan Unger, Alexander Henning (Software Development) All project partners European Commission, DG AGRI council regulation 870/2004 Peter Koelln KGaA, Elmshorn, Germany Emco Ltd., Praha, Czech Republic Gemeinschaft zur Förderung der privaten deutschen Pflanzenzüchtung e.V. (GFP), Bonn, Germany

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