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Environmental Implications of Electromagnetic Energy: The 5G and Beyond Myth

This article explores the potential environmental impacts of 5G networks and the need for precaution in their rollout. It discusses the technical features of 5G, the ENCQOR 5G initiative in Canada, the use of powerful 5G from ground and space, latency improvements, and the concerns regarding EM radiation and public health.

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Environmental Implications of Electromagnetic Energy: The 5G and Beyond Myth

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  1. RTESE2019: Ottawa, Canada Environmental Implications of Electromagnetic Energy The 5G and Beyond Myth networks are likely to be rolled out commercially between 2020 and 2025 Riadh Habash, McLaughlin Research Chair: EM Energy and Health rhabash@site.uottawa.ca

  2. Upgrade to 5G: a beginning to unfoldConnecting 7 trillion wireless devices to serve 7 billion people 5G is the next generation standard of mobile technology beyond the 4G long-term evolution (LTE) commonly used today. It is intended to allow Internet-of-Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) to coexist. 10 years is the typical time needed for developing a wireless technology generation and 20for operation. In terms of processing power, 10 years means about 60times increase in capacity. 

  3. The ENCQOR 5G initiative, Canada • The ENCQOR initiative (Evolution of Networked Services through a Corridor in Québec and Ontario for Research and Innovation) represents a total investment of $400 million. • ENCQORconnects five digital giants (Ericsson, Ciena Canada, Thales Canada, IBM Canada, and CGI), governments of Canada, Quebec and Ontario. • It brings together industry, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the public sector, centres for innovation, and universities.

  4. Main technical features • Frequencies:Up to 4Guse several frequencies from 400 MHz to about 4 GHz, while5G uses 6 GHz to 300 GHz. • Photon energy:Electromagnetic (EM) radiation is composed of photons. • E = hfwhere h is the blanck’s constant (4.14 ×10-15eV.s; 1 eV = 1.602×10-19Jouls). It is obvious that photon energy of the 5G signal is larger than the other G signals. • Distance radiation can travel: 4G can travel several kilometers in a line of sight. 5G travels less distance but can be easily blocked by objects, therefore more transmitters are needed.

  5. For the 5G smart environment, a dense network of ground- and space-based cellular infrastructure is required because 5G signals do not travel as far4G. the QUESTION Do we really need this gradually penetrating EM exposure of the natural environment and all living beings? No Yes

  6. Powerful 5G from ground networks • Unlike 4G, in which a single antenna broadcasts over a wide area, 5G base stations and devices will employ phased array antennasthat emit focused, steerable beams that track each other.

  7. Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technology Qingqing Wu, et. Al. An Overview of Sustainable Green 5G Networks. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1609.09773.pdf

  8. Powerful 5G from space • Several companies (for example, SpaceX, OnWeb, Boing, Spir Global, Telesat) are proposing to provide 5G from space from a combined 20,000 satellites in low- and medium-Earth orbit that will blanket the Earth with powerful, focused, steerable beams.

  9. Space-enabled IoT No place on Earth will be free of EM radiation: The satellites will operate at a height of approximately 210 miles, and irradiate the Earth with extremely high frequencies between 37.5 GHz and 42 GHz. The Earth will therefore be comprehensively irradiated from outer space. https://www.esa.int/spaceinimages/Images/2018/05/Satellite_for_5G_infographic3

  10. Latency Bar Latency: 1990s : 1000 ms 2000s: 100 ms 2015s: 50 ms 2010s: 10 ms2020s: 1 ms Smart Grid and SCADA 3D/Virtual Reality Autonomous Driving Smart Parking Smart agriculture Short Links IoT and M2M Data Rate 10 kb/s 100 Mb/s 1 Gb/s 100 Tb/s Smart Environment WLAN Smart Buildings Wireless Roadmap Driven by Moore’s Law Cellular Smart Cities IoT and M2M Release of first 5G 3GPP Standard, 2019 Health Care Voice 1990s: GSM 2000s: GPRS 2010s: LTE 2015s: LTE Advanced 2020s: G5 2030: G6

  11. Why are UV, x rays, and γ rays called ionizing radiation?

  12. Ionizing EM radiationionizing materials that absorb it • Photons act as individual quanta and interact with individual electrons, atoms, molecules, and so on. Energy to ionize atom or molecule is 10 – 1000 eV. This means killing cells or damaging their ability to properly reproduce, therefore, cellreproduction isdisrupted. • Ionizing radiation including Ultraviolent , Gamma and X rays, a form of nuclear and cosmic EM radiation, can have highest photon energies in the EM spectrum.

  13. Electrosmog: Non-ionizing radiationA new form of environmental pollution! • Unlike ionizing radiation, EM fields in the non-ionizing part of the EM spectrum cannot damage DNA or cells directly. • Some scientists have speculated that such pollution could cause cancer through other mechanisms, such as by reducing levels of the hormone melatonin. • Effects can be non-linear because this is the first generation to have cradle-to-grave lifespan exposure to this level of EM radiation. • Precaution in the roll out of this new technology is strongly indicated.

  14. Public health • Concerns are about the untested aspects that 5G network including more cell towers and a constant chorus of higher-energy photons streaming through human bodies. • It is known that EM radiation that generates heat can be hazardous and may cause health effects. But a debate has been on-going for years as to whether EM radiation that has insignificant thermal effects, meaning, it heats only minimally, can compromise health. • Public health regulations may need to be updated to match appropriate independent science with the adoption of biologically based exposure standards prior to further deployment of 4G or 5G technology.

  15. Public perception of risk • The public perceive risks from EM exposure as likely and even possibly severe. Reasons for public fear include media publications of new and unconfirmed scientific studies, leading to a feeling of uncertainty and a perception that there may be unknown hazards. • Education programs as well as effective communications and involvement of the public and other stakeholders at appropriate stages of the decision process before installing EM sources can enhance public acceptability.

  16. C4ST: Canadians for Safe TechnologyA not-for-profit, volunteer-based coalition of parents, citizens and experts whose mission is to educate and inform Canadians and their policy makers about the dangers of the exposures to unsafe levels of radiation from technology. • Antennas: Many EM radiation antennas are within meters of homes and schools • Safety Code 6: No evaluation is presented in Safety Code 6 • Cancer: Class 2B designation, possible human carcinogen by the WHO. • Skin: Interactions between EM radiation and toxicants that exist in the skin. • Military applications: For example, activedenialsystems. • Inadequatesafetystandards:IEEE, ICNIRP, Safety Code 6 as well as WHO. • Past issues: Asbestos, cigarette smoking and bisphenol-A (BPA), etc.

  17. EHT: Environmental Health Trust Athink tank that promotes a healthier EM environment through research, education, and policy. Based on thermal effects Based on biological effects

  18. Physicians for Safe TechnologyA group of physicians and health professionals whose mission is to provide trusted leadership in promoting, healthy and safe environments through the safer use of technology at home, in schools, in the workplace, in healthcare settings and in communities. • Headlines: • Wildlife Are More Vulnerable to Wireless Radiation • Trees are Harmed by Radiofrequency Radiation • Plants, Bacteria snd Fungi Affected by Microwave Radiation • Bird Migration Disrupted More by Weak Magnetic Fields • Bee Behavior Disruption by Cell Phone Radiation  • 5G Deployment More Harmful for Insects: The Resonance Effect   • Human Survival Linked to Biodiversity and Healthy Ecosystems

  19. Classification from IARC/WHO • In 2011, WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified EM fields as Group2B“possibly carcinogenic to humans.” This classification is based on “an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer, associated with wireless phone use.”

  20. Opinion from ECSCENIHRIn 2015, the European Commission Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks reviewed EM in general. It found that, overall: • Epidemiologic studies of extremely low frequency fields show an increased risk of childhood leukemia with estimated daily average exposures above 0.3 to 0.4 μT, although no mechanisms have been identified and there is no support from experimental studies that explains these findings. • Epidemiologic studies on high frequency exposure do not show an increased risk of brain tumors or other cancers of the head and neck region, although the possibility of an association with acoustic neuroma remains open.

  21. Statement from SCHEER • The 2018 European Commission Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) concludes: • The lack of clear evidence to inform the development of exposure guidelines to 5G technology leaves open the possibility of unintended biological consequences.

  22. Conclusion from US/Italy • In 2018, the U.S. National Toxicology Program and the Ramazzini Institute in Italy have both concluded that EM radiation is a potential cancer risk. • The sciencealso raises concerns that the implementation of 5G networks will harm not only humans, but also the environment and wildlife, particularly the bees, butterflies and other pollinators needed to grow our food sources. • EM radiations can disrupt the magnetic "compass" that many birds and insects use for migration.

  23. Case from Brussels • Cities in Europe are calling for bans on 5G due to health concerns and the need to raise their protective safety limits. • A 5G Pilot project in Brussels was halted due to environmental and health concerns. The Environmental Minister Celine Fremault stated, “I cannot welcome such technology if the radiation standards, which must protect the citizen, are not respected, 5G or not … The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit.”

  24. How to make key 5G environmental friendly? Metamaterials Energyharvesting technologies: RF-to-DC Green 5G device‐to‐device (D2D) communication Green machine‐to‐machine (M2M) communication Energy‐efficient 5G architecture SE: Spectral Efficiency EE: Energy Efficient Qingqing Wu, et. Al. An Overview of Sustainable Green 5G Networks. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1609.09773.pdf

  25. Metamaterials for 5G efficient antennas Metamaterials are composite media treated or engineered to produce unique physical properties that are not found in naturally occurring materials. They are developed by gathering multiple elements made from composite materials such as plastics or metals and characterized by their engineered EM properties across any frequency domain with an ability to manipulating EM waves by blocking, absorbing, or bending. 

  26. Energy harvesting technologies Wind, Sun, RF, Thermal, Mechanical, Biochemical, Radioactive A simplified functional diagram of how EM energy can be harnessed from the environment and converted into DC power for another application. https://www.mwrf.com/systems/harvesting-energy-rf-sources

  27. Metamaterials for healthier EM environment

  28. Finally, care about your EM working environment Thank You Thank you

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