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Boosters Club Spring 2019: Support BHS Athletics | Broadneck Athletics

Attend Meet the Coaches Night at Broadneck to learn about Boosters Club initiatives, fundraising, and scholarship opportunities for student-athletes. Join as a member, volunteer, or sponsor to enhance the athlete experience.

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Boosters Club Spring 2019: Support BHS Athletics | Broadneck Athletics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Meet the Coaches Night Spring 2019 www.broadneckathletics.org

  2. AGENDA7 pm – 9 pm • Welcome & Introductions Mr. Kazmarek • Message from Administration Mr. Todd • Boosters Club Information Mrs. Scolaro • Athletic Policies Mr. Kazmarek • Education Based AthleticsMr. Kazmarek • Break-Out Sessions Head Coaches

  3. Athletic Department Principal Athletic Administrator Athletic Director Asst. Athletic Director Academic Advisor Athletic Trainer Athletic Aides (students) Mr. Todd Mrs. Kennelly Ken Kazmarek Andrew Villwock Sean Tettemer Brandee Hartz


  5. Bruin Athletic Booster Club 2018-2019 President: Kimberly Scolaro Vice President: Bob Stillwell Secretary: Charity Isaac Treasurer: Brenda Hall Communications: Melissa Bowen Concessions: Sophia Phillips, Stephany Cates, Julie Sheperd, Michelle Gamble, Jenna Butler Craft Bazaar: Kristen Crawford Beth Capps Membership: Lisa Cain Merchandise Stadium Store: Christina Gehring/Charity Isaac Sponsorship: Kath Murphy Volunteer Coordinator: Marie McAllister Mulch Sale: David Puglisi, John Bragaw

  6. How you can find us… Mark your calendars! We meet the second Monday of every month In the conference room off the main office. Our next meeting is April 8th, 6-7:30pm. Come and join us! Like us on Facebook: Bruin Athletic Boosters Club

  7. Who the Athletic Boosters are….. A non-profit organization comprised of dedicated parent volunteers working to raise funds to supplement the BHS Athletic Department in order to enhance the student-athlete experience. • We can provide this support through our large fundraising initiatives annually: • Membership (year round) • Craft Bazaar (winter) • Mulch Sale (spring)

  8. Annual Mulch Sale Boosters Spring Fundraiser! Mulch is $5.50/bag for 3 cubic foot bag, dark brown, high quality mulch. Free Delivery of 5 bags or more on the Broadneck Peninsula! New Location- Richard’s Tree Care Forms in your packet. All proceeds benefit the Boosters!

  9. What the Booster Club does… 100% of all Funds earned by the Boosters are used to support BHS student-athletes We provide funding for: Field maintenance (seeding fields, etc.) Faculty improvement Equipment Refreshes Team Needs/Requests Awards, Signage, Trophies Uniforms We also provide funding for Scholarships: Senior Awards • 2 - $1000 Scholarships to Seniors of Booster families • 2 - $1000 Athlete of the Year scholarships (male and female) • 2 - $1000 Phoebe Kelly and Tim McMullen awardee scholarships

  10. 30 Year History: • Original Field House • Original Concession Stand • Turf Field • Gym Lighting • Irrigation Systems • Baseball/Softball Scoreboards • Gymnasium Scoreboards • Swim Team Laptop -Stadium Press Box Renovation -Cross Country Course -FIELD HOUSE RENOVATION!

  11. What we need from you….. Membership – Become a member. Our Goal is 90% membership. Improved from less than 40% to over 65% this year. You should become a member every year! Team Booster Club Liaisons -Interested?  Contact Head Coach or a Booster  Volunteer Volunteer Support – Concession Stand–Volunteer to work during a game. Make new friends, it’s fun! Merchandise Store – Shop our Merchandise Store! Great new products this season! Sponsorship– Own a business? Become a sponsor, recruit local businesses to sponsor, and show your support to those who currently support the Boosters!

  12. Membership Levels BRUINATION Member: $1,000.00 – LIFETIME membership BOLD Member: $500.00 READY Member: $250.00 UNITED Member: $100.00 INNOVATIVE Member: $50.00 NEVER GIVES UP Member: $25.00 Cash, Check, Credit Card, PayPal Support our athletes – Please join today!

  13. ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT News and Notes

  14. Find Broadneck Athletics on the Web! • Website (get the latest news and sign up for team alerts) • broadneckathletics.org • Social Media • Twitter: @broadneckbruins • Facebook: Broadneck Athletics

  15. Senior Athletic Awards BanquetMay 20, 2019 • Every spring, Broadneck honors our senior athletes and coaches at our annual Senior Athletic Awards Banquet.  We also honor 25th Anniversary State Championship Teams, connecting our current athletes with historic alum. This event is a huge undertaking that requires the support of parents, alumni along with local business and community sponsors. • 100% of the money you donate will pay for the food, program, tickets, awards, etc for this year's event. Your donation is also 100% tax-deductible.And because of your donations, we're able to offer this banquet FREE of charge to all of our senior athletes & their families.

  16. SAAB Sponsorships • There are 3 levels of sponsorship (and recognition that comes with each). They are: EVENT SPONSOR - $300Includes: Free Sponsor/Business Ad* Read during all HOME 2017 Spring Lacrosse Games; Business/Sponsor Shout out on BHS Athletic Website & Social Media Outlets, Three (3) Dedicated Banquet Table Sponsorships, Listed as Event Sponsor on Banquet Program & Event Slideshow [Please email Shannon Hanratty at: shanratty@aacps.org to coordinate Ad]TABLE SPONSOR - $100Includes: Shout out on BHS Athletic Website & Social Media Outlets, 1 Dedicated Banquet Table Sponsorship, Listed as Table Sponsor on Banquet Program & On Our Event SlideshowOTHER: $______Any Donation is Appreciated. Sponsorships of any amount will be recognized on our Banquet Tables, in our Banquet Program & On Our Event Slideshow



  19. NEW LATENESS POLICY • Student-Athletes must attend all classes in order to participate in athletics. • In the event that a student athlete must miss time from the regular school day, they must get approval to participate in athletics at least 48 hours in advance. • To get approval, email the following staff at least 48 hours in advance: • Ms. Kennelly – rkennelly@aacps.org • CC: Mr. Kazmarek –kkazmarek@aacps.org • CC: Head Coach of the team

  20. NEW LATENESS POLICY – cont. • Approval is gained when Ms. Kennelly responds to the email. • In most cases, approval will only be granted if the student-athlete attends at least 50% of his or her classes on the day of the absence. • Student-athletes are required to self-report absences and Tardy Table consequences to their coaches. • Failure to self-report will result in suspension from the next game/contest and possible forfeiture.

  21. NEW LATENESS POLICY – cont. • Student-athletes are considered tardy before 7:45 AM and are considered absent after 7:45 AM • Student-athletes who are issued consequences at the Tardy Table must serve the consequences as scheduled. Consequences will not be rescheduled to accommodate athletic schedules. • Student athletes who serve an ISI or are suspended for any reason will serve a minimum of a one game/contest suspension.

  22. BUILDING SECURITY: All of us, athletes, coaches, and parents need to be mindful of securing our building after school and on weekends during our practices and games.

  23. BUILDING SECURITY cont: Athletes: • Never prop a door open using a stick, trash can or any other object. • You must always be supervised by your coaches while in the building. Parents: • Accurately arrange your pick up times for your children. Coaches cannot leave athletes unattended in our building. Coaches: • Will not leave athletes unattended in the building. • Will lock all doors behind them as they exit

  24. PERSONAL CONDUCT Any conduct deemed detrimental to the student athlete, team, and/or overall good of the school system, anytime, on or off campus, can result in penalties ranging from verbal reprimand to dismissal from the team as determined by the Head Coach.

  25. REMAIN DRUG, ALCOHOL & TOBACCO FREE Drugs, alcohol, and tobacco are unnecessary substances that theconditioned athlete must avoid. The use of these substances will not be tolerated. You are also not to be present at situations where the use of Drugs and Alcohol are knowingly present or are being illegally used. These guidelines concerning drugs, alcohol, and tobacco are in force at all times everywhere throughout the season. As a result of confirmed possession or usage of any drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products the athlete(s) will be removed from the team immediately

  26. SPORTSMANSHIP Athletes and fans are to maintain good sportsmanship at all times. Negative remarks to other teams, officials, or fans will not be tolerated. Conduct of our athletes at other athletic events will be expected to be exemplary. You as a Bruin athlete represent the best that Broadneck can offer and you are expected to conduct yourself with class and dignity at all times!

  27. Be a Fan.. In the stands! • At Broadneck High School, we take sportsmanship and supporting our student athletes very seriously. Please cheer with encouragement, support, and positivity. • Any fan that can not follow this simple request will be asked to leave and further actions will be taken if necessary.

  28. SOCIAL MEDIA Everything you post is public information. Do not have a false sense of security about your rights to freedom of speech. Understand that freedom of speech is not unlimited. The on-line social network sites are NOT a place where you can say and do whatever you want without repercussions. Any of the following actions may be considered to be detrimental to the team.

  29. Incriminating photos. • Derogatory language or statements. • Creating a serious danger to the safety of another. • Indicating knowledge of an unreported school or team violation-regardless if the violation was unintentional or intentional. Remember- Anything you post is PUBLIC and PERMANENT

  30. CULTURAL SENSITIVITY • ALL student-athletes will respect the cultural diversity of all students. • All student-athletes should feel accepted and included. • Any derogatory statements towards race, color, religion, or ethnic background are totally unacceptable and will lead to dismissal from the athletic program.

  31. TRANSPORTATION POLICY • It is an expectation that all students return by bus with their team. • Only in special circumstances will students be allowed to return home with their parents. • Self Transportation – In certain circumstances team may self transport to events. This transportation will be coordinated with the coach and the Athletic Director.

  32. CHAIN OF COMMAND Player Asst. Coach or JV Head Coach Varsity Head Coach Athletic Director / Asst. Athletic Director Asst. Principal assigned to Athletics Principal For any concerns, the athlete or parent should always contact appropriate coach first and work up the chain from there only if a resolution isn’t achieved.

  33. Education Based Athletics Respect the PROCESS NOT the Final OUTCOME “The process is the sacrifice.” – Ronda Rousey -

  34. The PROCESS • The thrill of competition and giving your best! • Growth and improvement as a player and a teammate. • Comradeship and enjoyment of being part of a team. • Being part of something that is BIGGER than yourself • Having FUN!

  35. WINNING • If winning is our ONLY focus than participation in athletics is a failure for one out of every two teams. • Placing winning at the forefront corrupts and destroys the quality of the athletic experience. • Winning is a very small part of the overall athletic experience, those who keep athletics in the proper perspective enjoys playing at a much higher level!

  36. Hey, how did you do today? • Most answers you hear is “we won” or “we lost” Emphasize the following • Did you have fun? • Did you learn anything? • Did you conduct yourself well? • Did you do your best? • Did you help others succeed? • Did you improve from last time?

  37. Don’t hesitate to contact us • Coach Kazmarek • kkazmarek@aacps.org • Coach Villwock • acvillwock@aacps.org • Brandee Hartz • Brandee.Hartz@atipt.com • Website www.broadneckathletics.org

  38. Best of luck for a great Spring seasonfor all of our student-athletes, coaches, parents, and volunteers!

  39. BREAK OUT LOCATIONS Track CAFETERIA Head Coach: Brianna Bostic Girls Lacrosse AUDITORIUM Head Coach: Katy Kelley Boys Lacrosse MAIN GYM Head Coach: Clay White Softball A 104 Head Coach: Deanna Hamilton Tennis MEDIA CENTER Head Coach: Kathy Perrotta BocceCHORUS ROOM Head Coach Greg Baron Baseball AUXILIARY GYM Head Coach: Matt Skrenchuk

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