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Evaluation - what is needed for the Universities

Evaluation - what is needed for the Universities. Lígia Maria Ribeiro University of Porto lmr@reit.up.pt Evaluation of Research using a CRIS Annual CRIS Seminars Series 13-14 September 2010 Brussels. Agenda. What is EUNIS? EUNIS main activities Using CRIS at U.PORTO

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Evaluation - what is needed for the Universities

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  1. Evaluation - what is needed for the Universities Lígia Maria Ribeiro University of Porto lmr@reit.up.pt Evaluation of Research using a CRIS Annual CRIS Seminars Series 13-14 September 2010 Brussels

  2. Agenda • What is EUNIS? • EUNIS main activities • Using CRIS at U.PORTO • EUNIS Research Workshop • Universities requirements • Conclusions

  3. What’s EUNIS? • European University Information Systems • www.eunis.org

  4. EUNIS Objectives • IS in European HE&R institutions • communication • collaboration • co-operation • To liaise with major suppliers • To liaise with organizations setting the strategic agenda • From its beginning, EUNIS often acts as: • a European complement to national organizations • an opening of minds beyond the national frontier • Foster the development, the quality and innovation of IS for HE&R in Europe.

  5. EUNIS today • Members • ≈150 • Over 130 HE&R institutions and about 10 national consortiums • 29 countries • Linked Organizations • TERENA • EDUCAUSE & ECAR • EAIE (European Association for International Education) • EUA (Presidents) • CAUDIT (Australia) • ASAUDIT (South Africa)

  6. EUNIS annual conferences 2003 Amsterdam (Netherlands) 2004 Ljubljana (Slovenia) 2005 Manchester (UK) 2006 Tartu (Estonia) 2007 Grenoble (France) 2008 Aarhus (Denmark) 2009 Santiago de Compostela (Spain) 2010 Warsaw (Poland) NEXT > 1995Düsseldorf (Germany) 1996 Manchester (UK) 1997 Grenoble (France) 1998 Prague (Czech Rep.) 1999 Helsinki (Finland) 2000 Poznań (Poland) 2001 Berlin (Germany) 2002 Porto (Portugal)

  7. www.eunis.ie

  8. EUNIS other events • Workshops • ELFT (eLearning Task Force) • RS3G (Rome Student Systems and Standards Group) • EAIEDigital Student Data Portability (DSDP) Task Force • MIS Task Force • Rectors seminars • University Information Systems Strategy and Policy • Paris, November 20-21, 2003 • Impact of the Bologna Process on Information Technology in European Universities • Paris, March 23rd-24th 2006 • Discuss strategic subjects in relation with the usage of ICT in HE&R

  9. http://www.eunisresearch2010.it/ Future rector seminar ?

  10. Universities’ Mission “ Knowledge is capable of being its own end” (J. H. Newman) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:John_Henry_Newman_-_Project_Gutenberg_13103.jpg

  11. A new start for the Lisbon Strategy (2005) “Knowledge drives productivity growth. In advanced economies such as the EU, knowledge, meaning R&D, innovation and education, is a key driver of productivity growth. Knowledge is a critical factor with which Europe can ensure competitiveness in a global world where others compete with cheap labor or primary resources.” http://eur-lex.europa.eu/smartapi/cgi/sga_doc?smartapi!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=en&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=2005&nu_doc=24; retrieved 28 August 2010

  12. R&D+I • Growing concern for: • Transparency • Accountability • Comparability • Performance indicators • Assessment • University rankings • simple indicator-based systems are attractive • reduced costs; effortless of reading • more appropriate and sophisticate systems are needed • quantitative & qualitative indicators; multidimensional approach

  13. Assessment Exercises • Several assessment exercises are in place • International assessments • National assessment • International panels • Self-assessment • Institution • Study-programs • Research • Staff

  14. The role of IT • Collect and organize data • Substantial financial and HR resources involved • Need to reduce the overhead • IT helps! • Information Systems • Institution-wide (integrated view) • Teaching and Learning • R&D • Administration • Management • Easily relate the information needed • Produce semi-automatic reports • Motivate the users to populate the IS

  15. University of Portowww.up.pt • State University created the 22nd March 1911 • Largest in Portugal • 14 Faculties,1 Business School and 69 R&D units • ≈31 000 Students / 2 300 Professors and Researchers / 1700 Staff

  16. Unidirectional info flow Bidirectional info flow SIGARRA Front-Office (CRIS +) GRH Human Res. Management GA Student Management DSpace Content Management Aleph Library Management Moodle Learning Management Primavera Financial Management SIGARRA Radius LDAP Identity Management Oracle DBMS WF engine App. Server

  17. CORDIS

  18. SIGARRA :: Full Text and access levels keywords: CORDIS

  19. SIGARRA :: Open Access Repository SIGARRA Full text Open access

  20. SIGARRA :: Thesis orientation

  21. Open Access Policy :: Authors • Registration of all U.PORTO scholarly research in SIGARRA. • Include full text for each publication (PDF). • Select open access whenever possible. • Try “SPARC Author Adendum” http://www.arl.org/sparc/author/addendum.shtml

  22. Open Access Policy :: Academic Services • Registration in SIGARRA of all Master and PhD Thesis (full text, PDF). • Select open access whenever possible.

  23. Open Access Policy :: Libraries • Guarantee meta-data quality for each publication registered in SIGARRA.

  24. U.Porto Internal assessment • Self-assessment • Institution • Study-programs (+ external accreditation) • Annual assessment of professors • implications on career progression • Quantitative indicators • Automatic from SIGARRA • Qualitative information • Filled in SIGARRA SIGARRA

  25. EUNIS Research Workshop • Institution-wide integrated IS: not so many • connection of IS with IR is very weak • CERIF compliance: weak (but increasing...) CRIS IR very weak

  26. Bologna Workshop Panel [1/2] • Which are the main research data sharing needs that should be addressed at European level? • research products, citations, impact factors, research groups, instruments, project related data • Skills, metrics • Which are today the main barriers to the satisfaction of these needs? • Technological, cultural, political, organizational… • Cultural, organizational

  27. Bologna Workshop Panel [2/2] • Can we identify a roadmap to meet research data sharing and exploitation requirements? • Should the solution be centralized or distributed • Distributed, standards (CERIF-XML) • What should be done to address the first step? • Survey, pilot, interoperability working group… • Survey, working group, pilot

  28. Universities requirements • To reduce the overhead for assessment exercises • Improve information management across the institution • Integrated institutional-wide information systems • Support assessment exercises on IS/CRIS • To provide valid information on HE across national borders • Set of world-wide comparable indicators • Ensure interoperability • IS/CRIS and IR • CERIF (EU recommendation)

  29. Conclusions • Research evaluation processes are complex and sophisticated transparency tools are needed • A distributed, open and interoperable European system is a goal to achieve • cooperation between organizations working with HE & R institutions in Europe • awareness of stakeholders

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