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Homiletics. Preaching and Teaching. Normally ascribed to preaching Rhetoric of teaching Difficult to describe if misunderstood. Definition: The artful skeletonization of thought and the purposeful delivery of that thought. Homiletics. Homiletics styles of outlines and deliveries.
Homiletics Preaching and Teaching
Normally ascribed to preaching Rhetoric of teaching Difficult to describe if misunderstood Definition: The artful skeletonization of thought and the purposeful delivery of that thought Homiletics
Homileticsstyles of outlines and deliveries the Homily The simplest form of delivery and requires little preparation. Typically the reading of a passage of scripture with an occasional commentary. This is many times mistaken for a good form of preaching. Although it has it’s benefits it lacks much detail or meat in it’s presentation. This style was very popular in early England and not as popular today.
Homileticsstyles of outlines and deliveries The Acrostic This is done for memory sake and is very effective. The downfall of this approach is a form of topical message and comes totally from the speakers head. Scripture may or may not be used and may or may not be related. The theme is set by the acrostic word leaving the speaker at liberty to make up points just to fill in the points. This adds to the weakness of this form of teaching scripture. B – book, Gods I – Inspired , B – Black, L – Lords Book E – Exciting You can see this acrostic although memorable is not very useful or scriptural.
Homileticsstyles of outlines and deliveries The Topical A Topical sermon although it comes directly from the speakers head may include one or several Bible references. One would typically see several points tied together by a single theme. The main points can be supported by memorable illustrations, jokes, or side stories. Each level of sub-points can be developed topically or using any other method. What to do with the Bible Read in the Bible Run with the Bible Rest in the Bible Rejoice in the Bible Recruit with the Bible Although this outline is topical, it’s not teaching scripture it’s teaching a thought in some preachers/teachers head.
Homileticsstyles of outlines and deliveries • Alliteration To begin each sub-point with the same sound or letter of the alphabet. This is thought to be done to help the speaker and listeners to keep the outline in memory. This technique can be used with any outline type. What to do with the Bible Read in the Bible Run with the Bible Rest in the Bible Rejoice in the Bible Recruit with the Bible
Homileticsstyles of outlines and deliveries The Textual The textual outline is where a short text supplies all the main points of the delivery. Sub-points can be delivered by any other means. The advantage is the delivery is tied to a small portion of scripture with all its point coming from scripture. The disadvantage is its brevity. The sub-points are left up to the speakers background and ability along with the efficacious application of illustrations, jokes, and stories. What to do till Jesus comes Give attention- 1Tim. 4:13 to reading to exhortation to doctrine
Homileticsstyles of outlines and deliveries What to do till Jesus comes Give attention- 1Tim. 4:13 to reading in the morning in the afternoon in the evening to exhortation to family to church to unsaved to doctrine Old testament New testament My doctrine The Textual/ Topical A Textual/ Topical outline can be developed by simply combining the two methods where textual is preeminent. The example to the right shows the limits are still controlled by the weaker of the two styles. The main points are textual and the sub-points are topical having no foundation or direct tie to scripture. Even though this outline looks more thorough it is as weak as a topical outline.
Homileticsstyles of outlines and deliveries The Expository A longer passage of scripture is used here. All the main points and the sub-points all come from scripture in the same passage. This form of outline is thought to be the most accurate because the complete outline is from the passage. The person attempting to discover the thought being delivered by scripture must understand the historical, cultural, geographic, as well as language translation difficulties. This outline is more likely to be in context since it is a larger passage.
Homileticsstyles of outlines and deliveries Romans 1 1Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, 2(Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures,) 3Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh; 4And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead: 5By whom we have receivedgrace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name: 6Among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ: 7To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. 10 Revelations of Paul PAUL REVEALS SELF [ROM.1:1-7] • Paul a servant ________bond slaves_________ 2. Paul a called Apostle __ a type of messenger_____ 3. Paul separated _______unto the gospel_________ PAULS REVEALS THE GOSPEL 4. Concerning ____________Jesus_____________ 5. Made of the seed __In the flesh______________ 6. Declared to be _____In the spirit with power_____ PAUL REVEALS OUR GIFT, MISSION & PURPOSE 7. We have received _____ grace ______________ 8. We have been given _______ apostleship, ______ 9. Your obedience _obedience to the faith among all nations 10. Your call _______ ye also the called _____________
Homileticsstyles of outlines and deliveries The deliverer can develop thought in many combinations of Homily, Acrostic, Topical, Textual, and Expository using these outlining methods in combination to make the outline unique to him/her. My fear is to teach God’s word in such a way to bring an inaccurate interpretation so that one of His children could be led astray. My goal is to keep all my thoughts and outlines as close to what the original writers intended without my head interfering with scripture. Always use much caution, prayer, and study. Never deliver God’s word lightly.
Homileticsstyles of outlines and deliveries Homiletics is by some thought only to be the stand-up delivery styles of a preacher. Whether a Billy Sunday, a Billy Graham or yourself there are some characteristics which must be understood and dealt with or developed. I consider the most important to be eye contact. You’re not looking at cabbages. You’re not looking over their heads. Look into their eyes. If their not looking at you their not paying attention. If you are intending to communicate something important you had better get their attention quickly and hold on to it. This is not an easy task but all you learn about Homiletics is focused on this principal. God’s word is important. It better be exciting. Learn to put it into their hearts in such a way they will remember it. If you feel called and commanded to proclaim the word, Learn to communicate well.
Homileticsstyles of outlines and deliveries Part of eye contact is contacting everyone. Did you ever see a one eyed preacher? He leans on his pulpit and preaches to only one side of the audience. One would think his wife or girl friend sits on the other side and that’s why he won’t look that way. The second most important characteristic is your voice. Use it to your advantage. Don’t abuse it or over use it. Use the extremes only occasionally. Extremes in volume, pitch, and softness can be very effective to break the monotony and make your speaking exciting. Clear enunciation and lack of colloquialisms make your speech professional and clear. Many down home preachers want to misuse the English language to appeal to the good ole boys but they don’t realize their making themselves appear uneducated and illiterate as well. That’s not what God’s representatives want for an image. God’s student should spend hours of work interpreting and preparing, act and speak like it.
Homileticsstyles of outlines and deliveries Your voice requires practice just like any other athlete. If you run, you stretch, then walk, jog then run. After warming up you sprint. You don’t sprint then warm up. You need to learn to speak diaphragmatically. Use your correct breathing to obtain good volume and good lower tone. The experts say a high squeaky voice is much less pleasing than a lower clear voice. Use volume occasionally for impact because if you use it to often your audience will tune you out. The use of a soft voice occasionally for impact can be just as captivating. Good clear pronunciation and 60% volume is adequate to allow room for variation. Don’t mispronounce tough words. Use your on-line helps like http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Timothy%201:16&version=KJV or http://www.biblestudytools.com/kjv/2-timothy/1-16.html or any other site but practice. Don’t worry if you blow it everybody does. Just don’t make up excuses for poor preparation and pronunciation.
Homileticsstyles of outlines and deliveries These are the basics. Many other things can destroy a good outline like poor or sloppy dress. Poor use of hand motions or gestures, or to much walking around. A Little walking carefully used is good. Overuse this privilege and the audience won’t keep up with you. Structure your preaching for your audience. Be prepared to adjust your presentation to the audience. You, after preparing your outline, adapt it to the audience. While in Bible School, 15 or so students were brought to a large church to practice what they had learned. With their prepared outlines they were then assigned a Sunday school class to deliver their learned skills. I was the fortunate person to get assigned to the kindergarten class. My text was in Hebrews chapter 13. Respect your parents Vs 7 Remember them that have rule over you Vs 17 Obey them that have rule over you Vs 24 Salute all them that have rule over you
Homileticsstyles of outlines and deliveries You know I had to trim all the illustrations, jokes, and stories. All the sub points got set aside as well. You know we talked about prayer for their parents and church leaders, obedience, and the meaning of saluting someone. All the children enjoyed learning how and why we salute. The children went around the rest of the day respectfully saluting every leader in the church. They learned the lesson and I learned to deliver my detailed outline trimmed. Respect your parents Vs 7 Remember them that have rule over you Vs 17 Obey them that have rule over you Vs 24 Salute all them that have rule over you