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What is the TIP?

PUBLIC HEARING Draft Amendments FY 2011/12 – 2015/16 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). What is the TIP?. Federal legislation requires the TPO to prepare and adopt a TIP annually. The TIP identifies how all federal and state transportation money is anticipated to be spent.

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What is the TIP?

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  1. PUBLIC HEARINGDraft Amendments FY 2011/12 – 2015/16 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

  2. What is the TIP? • Federal legislation requires the TPO to prepare and adopt a TIP annually. • The TIP identifies how all federal and state transportation money is anticipated to be spent. • Projects = highway, public transit, rail, aviation, bicycle, pedestrian, safety, and freight-related projects.

  3. Content • FDOT Five-Year Work Program (FY 2011/12-2015/16) • Obligated Fiscal Year 2010 projects that are federally funded • Local government CIP transportation projects

  4. Purpose of Amendments • Must be consistent with the Long Range Transportation Plan • Projects must be listed in the TIP with the correct phasing and funding in the year of expenditure in order to receive federal funds

  5. Public Hearing Notice A legal ad was placed in the Lakeland Ledger on October 2, 2011 to notice this public hearing. Notice is provided in accordance with the adopted Polk TPO Public Participation Plan which complies with federal requirements regarding public involvement in the TPO process.

  6. US 27 @ Student Drive Traffic signal update: – new signal, pedestrian & ADA features. Protect left turns on US 27: – construct turn lane on Student Dr. Design and construction in FY 2012 Total = $ 94,000

  7. SR 37/S Florida Ave @ Pipkin Rd/Lake Miriam Dr Intersection Improvement: - bring EB to SB right turn under signal control - remove free flow right turn conditions - Upgrade all pedestrian and ADA features Design and construction in FY 2012 Total = $ 52,277

  8. SR 563/Harden Blvd @ Ariana St • Intersection Improvement: • Modify separators to extend left turn lanes • Bring EB right turns on Arian under signal control • Design and construction in FY 2012 • Total = $ 89,361

  9. SR 60/Polk Ave @ Walker St/MLK Blvd • Intersection Improvement: • Modify existing full median opening to a dual directional median opening • Extend EB and WB left turn lanes on SR 60 • Design and construction in FY 2012 • Total = $ 64,163

  10. Rock Ridge Rd Bridge Bridge Replacement: - Replace deficient bridge and correct horizontal alignment Design and construction in FY 2012 Total = $ 90,000

  11. Rock Ridge Rd from US 98 to Deen Still Rd • Signing and Pavement Markings: • Install audible and vibratory edge lines • Advance curve warning signs with flashing beacons and chevron signs at curves • Design and construction in FY 2012 • Total = $ 10,000

  12. SR 17 from Seminole Ave to Osceola Ave • Drainage Improvements: • Add railroad/construction phase to drainage project for installation of pip under railroad tracks • Requires flagman • Design and construction in FY 2012 • Total = $ 5,000

  13. Recommendation The Citizens’ and Technical Advisory Committees approved these draft amendments during their last respective meetings. TPO staff recommends the Board approve the amendments to the FY 2011/12-2015/16 TIP as presented.

  14. Public Hearing The Polk TPO holds all public hearings in compliance with Titles VI and VIII of the Civil Rights Act. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status. ROLL CALL VOTE REQUIRED

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