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Real HPE6-A82 Questions | 2020 HPE6-A82 Online Test Engine

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Real HPE6-A82 Questions | 2020 HPE6-A82 Online Test Engine

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  1. HP HPE6-A82 Dumps Aruba Certified ClearPass Associate Verified By Experts Get Prepared And Pass Your Exam Teach Yourself

  2. Ve rs ion: 4 .0 Q uesti on:1 W hat is RA DI US C hang e of A uthori zati on (C oA )? A. It al l ow s Cl earPass to transm it m essag es to the N e tw ork Attache d De vi ce /N e tw ork Attached Se rv er (N A D/ N A S) to m odi fy a us e r’ s se ss i on sta tus B. It al l ow s cl ie nts to i ssue a pri vi le ge escal ati on re que st to Cl earPass usi ng RA DI U S to sw i tch to TA C AC S+ C . It is a m e chani sm that e nabl es Cl earPass to assi g ne d a U se r-Base d Tunne l (U BT) be tw ee n a sw i tch a nd control l er for Dy na m i c Se g m e nta ti on D. It force s the cl ie nt to re -a uthe nti ca te upon roam i ng to an acce ss poi nt control le d by a fore ign m obi li ty control le r. Answer :A Re fe re nce: h ttp:/ / w w w. ar uba ne tw or k s. com / te chd ocs / C l e ar Pa ss /A ruba _ C P P M Onl i ne H e l p/ C onte n t/ C P P M_ U ser G ui de / E nforce / E P RA DI U S_ C oA . htm Q uesti on:2 W hi ch A uthori zati on Source support de vi ce profil e e nforce m e nt? A . Local user Re posi tory B. E ndpoi nt Re posi tory C . OnGuard Re posi tory D. G ust U se r Re pos i tory Answer :A Q uesti on:3 Re fe r to the ex hi bi t.

  3. W he re wi ll the g ue sts brow se r be re di re cte d duri ng a capti ve portal l og in attem pt? A . The capti ve portal pag e hoste d on the A ruba control l er B . The re di re ct wi ll tim e out and fan to re sol ve C . The capti ve portal pag e hoste d on C l earPass D. The capti ve portal pag e hoste d on A ruba C e ntral in the cl oud Answer :D Q uesti on:4 D R A G DR OP Match the Cl earPass sy ste m de scri pti on to the be st te rm Opti ons are used onl y once. Answer:

  4. Q uesti on:5 W hat a re "Know n" e ndpoi nts in Cl earPass? A. Th e se are e nd po i ntsw ho se b e a co nshave be en dete cted but have ne ver com pl eted a uthe nti ca ti on B. The l abe l "Know n" i ndi cate s rog ue e ndpoi nts l abe le d as "fri e ndl y" or "i g nore" C . "Know n" e ndpoi nts hav e be fing erpri nte d to de te rm i ne the ir ope rati ng sy ste m and m anufacture r. D. "Know n" e ndpoi nts ca n be authe nti ca te d ba se d on MA C addre ss to by pa ss the ca pti ve portal l og i n. Answer :D For More Info:- HPE6-A82 Dumps

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