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Mandela’s Flight Against Apartheid. 4000Z032 彭雯琳 4000Z074 許筑婷 4000Z077 陳政淵 4000Z091 張亭婷. Main idea. First Apartheid was as system of legal racial segregation enforced by the National Party government of South Africa between 1948 and 1990. Second
Mandela’s Flight Against Apartheid 4000Z032 彭雯琳 4000Z074 許筑婷 4000Z077 陳政淵 4000Z091 張亭婷
Main idea First Apartheid was as system of legal racial segregation enforced by the National Party government of South Africa between 1948 and 1990. Second In 1994 , at the age of twenty-six , Nelson Mandela joined the Africa National Congress (ANC) , a party formed to increase the rights of the black South African population.
Main idea Third During this period, Mandela came to the conclusion that violence was inevitable, since the government met peaceful demands with force. Fourth In 1962, Mandela traveled abroad illegally to gather support from leaders of other countries for the anti-apartheid struggle.
Main idea Fifth It was Mandela’s firm belief that the struggle for freedom was not only for the oppressed but also for the oppressors. Sixth After twenty-eight years in prison, Nelson Mandela was released in 1990.
Vocabulary Discriminate歧視dis 離去 crim=criminal 有罪的ate-suffix (to make a difference in treatment base on anything other than individual merit) Section部分;區域 (a part of a larger whole) Urban都市的 (city-like) Protest抗議;反對 forward + test (to object or complain) Conviction定罪convict + process of(a legal judgment) Negotiate談判;協商 (to barter ; to try to agree)
Vocabulary Apartheid 種族隔離制 (a South African system of segregation) Racial種族的 (of or having to do with a race or the races of humankind) Segregation種族隔離 apart + flock + process of (separation of one race from other races) Enforce實施;執行 with + force (carry out effectively) Minority少數派 minor + condition (a group or number less than half of the total) Majority多數派 major + condition (the greater number or part ; more than half)
Vocabulary African National Congress (ANC) 非洲民族議會 Conservative保守的 con=together ;tive-suffix (wanting to keep things as they are) Boycott聯合抵制 (to refuse buying or using something as a form of protest) Civil disobedience不合作主義 (non-violent form of protest) Defiance反抗; 蔑視, 藐視 defy + quality (open resistance or disobedience) Unjust不公平的 not + just
Vocabulary Discriminatory差別對待的 (unfair in treatment) Suspend暫緩執行 under + pend (delay ; stop temporarily) Suspended sentence緩刑 Fellow夥伴 (a partner or companion) Elect選舉;推選 out + pick (choose by vote) Deputy代表;代理人 (a person appointed to help or act for another)
Vocabulary Conclusion結論 together + close + process of (an opinion formed by reasoning) Inevitable不可避免的(certain ; not to be avoided or escaped) Abbreviate縮寫 from + short + ate-suffix (make…shorter by leaving out some of the letters) Coordinate協調 together + order (the act of working smoothly together) Sabotage破壞;妨害 (damage deliberately) Paramilitary準軍事的 near + military
Vocabulary Equality 平等 equal + ity-suffix (the state or quality of being equal) Confine 監禁;幽禁 together - fine(imprison or keep indoors) Trousers 褲子 (a two-legged outer garment worn from the waist to the feet) Renounce 宣誓棄絕(give up by formal declaration) Ram 猛擊 (hit with force) ;打入 (drive with force) Contract 契約 (a legal agreement)
Vocabulary Oppressor 壓迫者 (a person who holds down or restrains others) Hatred 憎恨(extreme aversion ; hate ; intense dislike) Prejudice 偏見 before + judge (unreasonable feelings , opinions , or attitudes regarding a racial , religious or national group) Narrow-mindedness 心胸狹小的 (lacking tolerance or breadth of vision) Humanity 仁慈human + condition (human nature ; benevolence)