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Trend Analysis and Sector Profiles ANE and E&E Regions. Total Fertility, 1990-2000. Replacement Level Fertility 2.1. Source: DHS/RHS1990-2001 and PRB 2001 Data Sheet. Maternal Mortality Ratios and Attended Births in ANE Region. *No current USAID PHN funding.
Total Fertility, 1990-2000 Replacement Level Fertility 2.1 Source: DHS/RHS1990-2001 and PRB 2001 Data Sheet.
Maternal Mortality Ratios and Attended Births in ANE Region *No current USAID PHN funding Source: UNICEF State of the World’s Children, 2002. DHS and WHO/Hill data used when UNICEF data not available.
Abortion and Non-Abortion Maternal Mortality Rate (MM) in Romania 1965, 1980-1999 Number of deaths per 100,000 women ‘65 ‘80 ‘81 ‘82 ‘83 ‘84 ‘85 ‘86 ‘87 ‘88 ‘89 ‘90 ‘91 ‘92 ‘93 ‘94 ‘95 ‘96 ‘97 ‘98 ‘99 Source: 1999 National Commission for Statistics/Romania; UNFPA
32% decline 28% decline 18% decline Stagnating Decline in Neonatal Mortality in ANE Region Note: Countries include those that have received USAID support for over 10 years Source: The State of the World’s Children 2002, UNICEF
Under-5 mortality rateUSAID-assisted countries-progress towards benchmarksEurope/NISBars reflect change in under-5 mortality rate, 1990-1997 KEY = reduction in rate 1990 1997 = increase in rate 1997 1990 APP 99 baseline average 51 Estimated 2007 plan average** 35 APP 99 plan average 1999 47 BUCEN average* 1997 44 Source: US BUCEN International Database * Country (unweighted average) ** 2007 Plan from APP 2000 *** When 1990 data were unavailable, the closest available year was used. Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia, Georgia, Kazakstan, Kyrgystan, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan all experienced increases in their under-5 mortality rates.
Falling Cure Rates for Falciparum Malaria in Southeast Asia ANE Region Example from Thailand 10% Cure Rate (%) AFR Region Malaria Deaths in ANE = 1.1 million Source: SE Asia J Trop Med Public Health 1999; 30: 68 Malaria in ANE Region
Trends in TB Case Notification Rates in E&E DOTS Countries Source: WHO Global Tuberculosis Report, 2002
Low Prevalence Low Risk in Bangladesh 9% are IDU Rickshawpullers (76% married) 69% Visit MSM FSW (46% married) IDU (40% married) 33% 34% Visit Visit FSW FSW FSW (9% married) 2% are IDU 1% are IDU Source: Bangladesh BSS
HIV Trends in Eastern Europe & Central Asia and Western Europe, 1993 - 2001 Source: Report on the Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic, UNAIDS July 2002
Population Pyramids, 2000 Romania Cambodia Population in Thousands Population in Thousands Source: US Bureau of the Census, International Data Base
Causes of Death in ANE Region, 2000 Source: WHO World Health Report, 2001
Causes of Death in E&E Region, 2000 Source: WHO World Health Report, 2001
Population and Economic Growth Rates in ANE Region * No current USAID PHN funding Source: (GDP) World Bank, World Development Indicators 2002, and (Pop) Bureau of Census, International Database 2002. No economic growth data available for Afghanistan.
Percentage of Population Living on Less Than $2 a Day in E&E Region Source: 2001 World Development Report/ The World Bank
Total Fertility and Modern Contraceptive Prevalence in ANE Region * No current USAID PHN funding Source: PRB 2001 Population Data Sheet
Contraceptive Prevalence Modern Methods in E&E Region Source: DHS or RHS, most recent surveys, 1993-2001, or PRB 2001 Population Data Sheet if DHS/RHS data not available.
Total Fertility Rate and Total Induced Abortion Rate in E&E Region Source: DHS or RHS, data from most recent survey, 1993-2001, or PRB 2001 Population Data Sheet if DHS/RHS data not available.
Outcome of Pregnancy in E&E Region Source: CDC RHS Surveys and Relationships between Abortion and Contraception in Republics of the former Soviet Union by H.I. Goldberg and F. Serbanescu (August 2001). Data ending five years before survey.
Unmet Need for Family Planning Services (Modern Methods) in E&E Region Source: DHS or RHS, data from most recent survey, 1993-2000, or PRB 2001 Population Data Sheet if DHS/RHS data not available.
World Summit Goal (2000)=50 Infant Mortality in ANE Region, 1990-2002 * No current USAID PHN funding Source: US Bureau of the Census, International Database, 2002. Uttar Pradesh data from DHS 1992-93 and 1998-99.
Infant Mortality in E&E Region, 1990-2000 Source: DHS or RHS, data from most recent survey, 1990-2001. UNICEF, State of the World’s Children 2002, 2000 data for CZ, MD, RU, and UA.
Under-5 mortality rateUSAID-assisted countries-progress towards benchmarksAsia/Near EastBars reflect change under-5 mortality rates, 1990-1997 KEY = reduction in rate 1990 1997 = increase in rate 1997 1990 Estimated 2007 plan** 74 APP 99 plan average 1999 56 APP 99 baselineaverage 60 BUCEN average* 1997 73 Source: US BUCEN International Database * Country (unweighted average) ** 2007 Plan from APP 2000 *** When 1990 data were unavailable, the closest available year was used.
Under-5 Mortality Rates and Immunization Coverage in ANE Region, 2000 *No current USAID PHN funding Source: UNICEF, State of the World’s Children, 2002
Country DPT3 Coverage – Official Figures by Child* DPT3 Coverage-Surveys by 12 Months of Age Azerbaijan 94.7% 72% Armenia 87.5% 63.4% Georgia 97.7% 61.4% Kyrgyzstan 98.2% 98.2% Tajikistan 94% 63.5% Immunization Coverage in Selected E&E Countries Source: Azzam, H. “GAVI and the Europe and Eurasia Region.” USAID, October 2000. Data for Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan from UNICEF/WHO Joint Report Form on Vaccine-Preventable Diseases. *Official national immunization rates are per child and not by 12 months of age as is the international standard of reporting. In Azerbaijan, the government just adopted the 72% figure of the EPI survey, the only one to do so. Georgia data collected for immunization between the age of 0-27 months. UNICEF’s data for the same period of time indicate 80.5% coverage. Tajikistan’s official data is for1998.
I R E L A N D D u b l i n U . K . U N I T E D K I N G D O M N O R W A Y B E L G I U M N E T H E R L A N D S S W E D E N D E N M A R K G E R M A N Y Maternal deaths per 100,000 live births Less than 30 Between 30 and 60 Between 60 and 90 More than 90 F I N L A N D R U S S I A E S T O N I A C Z E C H P O L A N D A U S T R I A R E P U B L I C L I T H U A N I A L A T V I A S L O V A K B E L A R U S R E P U B L I C H U N G A R Y Y U G O R O M A N I A R U S S I A M O L D O V A B U L G A R I A U K R A I N E B l a c k S e a T U R K E Y G E O R G I A A R M E N I A K A Z A K H S T A N S Y R I A C a s p i a n A r a l S e a S e a A Z E R B A I J A N J o r d a n U Z B E K I S T A N T U R K M E N I S T A N I R A Q K Y R G Y Z S T A N I R A N T A J I K I S T A N S A U D I K U W A I T A R A B I A P e r s i a n A F G H A N I S T A N G u l f Maternal Mortality Ratios in E&E Region, 1995 Source: Hill, Abou Zahr, and Wardlaw, 2001
Adult HIV Prevalence in ANE Region, 2001 Maharashtra>2% Andhra Pradesh>2% Tamil Nadu1-2% Karnataka1-2% Manipur1-2% Myanmar1.99% India0.8% Cambodia2.7% Thailand 1.8% Source: UNAIDS, July 2002 and the National AIDS Control Organization
HIV/AIDS and Drug Trafficking Routes in Central Asia Temirtau Almaty Yange Yul Osh Source: Synergy, 2001. Capital City Other Major City Country Boundary Major Road Narcotics Traffic
1,800 1,500 1,200 900 600 300 0 Cumulative reported HIV infections per million population in Eastern European countries: 1993-2001 Estonia* Russian Federation Cases per million population Ukraine Latvia Moldova, Republic of Kazakhstan Lithuania 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Projected * actual 2001 year-end data Source: National AIDS Programmes (2001) HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe. Mid-year report. Data compiled by the European Centre for the Epidemiological Monitoring of AIDS
DRAFT Source: Synergy, 2001.
HIV Prevalence Rate and Adults Living with HIV/AIDS in E&E Region, 2001 Percent Adults Living with HIV/AIDS in Eastern and Central Asia Total Adults Living with HIV/AIDS : 1,000,000 Source: UNAIDS, July 2002.
Causes of Death in ANE Region, 2000 WHO regions Source: WHO World Health Report, 2001
Infectious Disease Deaths in ANE Region, 2000 Source: WHO World Health Report, 2001
Estimated New Tuberculosis Cases in ANE Region, 2000 Source: WHO Global Tuberculosis Report, 2002
Tuberculosis Incidence in ANE Region, 2000 * No current USAID PHN funding Source: WHO Global Tuberculosis Report, 2002
Malaria Cases in ANE Region, 1999/2000 Source: WHO, Roll Back Malaria Web site, Country Profiles
Life Expectancy in E&E Region, 1990-2000 Women CEE 2.5% Increase 1.1% Decrease NIS CEE 2.2% Increase Men NIS 2.5% Decrease Source: WHO Regional Office for Europe, European Health for All Database Note: CEE Countries include Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, and Yugoslavia. NIS Countries include Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
Distribution of Chronic Disease Deaths in E&E Region, 2000 Source: WHO World Health Report, 2001
Trends in Cigarette Consumption in E&E Region, 1990s Note: Turkey data is for 1998. Source: The American Cancer Society, Inc. Tobacco Control Country Profiles, 2000.