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Question: 1 The FireAMP connector monitors the system for which type of actiityy A. iulnerabilites B. enforcement of usage policies C. fle operatons D. authentcaton actiity Answer: C Question: 2 Which dispositon can be returned in response to a malware cloud lookupy A. Dirty B. Virus C. Malware D. Infected Answer: C Question: 3 The FireAMP Mobile endpoint connector currently supports which mobile OS deiicey A. Firefox B. HTML5 C. Android D. iPhone Answer: C Question: 4 If a flees SHA-256 hash is sent to the cloud, but the cloud has neier seen the hash before, which dispositon is returnedy A. Clean B. Neutral C. Malware D. Unaiailable Answer: B Question: 5
Which statement describes an adiantage of the FireAMP producty A. Signatures are pushed to endpoints more quickly than other antiirus products. B. Superior detecton algorithms on the endpoint limit the amount of work the cloud must perform. C. It proiides enterprise iisibility. D. It relies on sandboxing. Answer: C