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Explore masquerade scenarios, message encryption, MAC, hash functions, and basic uses of encryption and error control in messages. Learn about authentication, confidentiality, and various attacks such as MAC collisions and birthday attacks.
MESSAGE AUTHENTICATION and HASH FUNCTIONS - Chapter 11 • Masquerade – message insertion, fraud, ACK • Content Modification • Sequence Modification – insertion, deletion, re-ordering • Timing Modification – delay, replay
AUTHENTICATION • Message Encryption – EK (M) • Message Authentication Code (MAC) – CK(M) • Hash Function – H(M)
Fig 11.1a : Legitimacy test at B (intelligible) - small subset of plaintext legitimate - structured Fig 11.2a : Structured redundancy via FCS - internal ECC - authentication Fig 11.2b : External ECC – opponent can construct code words - authentication Any ’structure’ will do e.g. Fig 11.3 STRUCTURE
Fig 11.1b : Confidentiality Fig 11.1c : Authentication - plaintext needs structure Signature - only A could have sent, not even B Fig 11.1 : Confidentality / Authentication Table 11.1 PUBLIC-KEY
MAC A, B share key, K MAC =CK(M) Transmit message + MAC (Fig 11.4a) MAC not necessarily reversible - less vulnerable than encryption
Authentication + Confidentiality Figs 11.4b and 11.4c - Two separate keys (Table 11.2) - Fig 11.4b preferred Use MAC, not conventional Encryption - MAC gives no signature - sender/receiver share key
Authentication + ConfidentialitySCENARIOS • Broadcast message – one destination monitors authenticity • 2. Heavy load – selective authentication • 3. SporadicAuthentication of computer program • 4. Secrecy Unimportant • 5. Separation of authentication and confidentiality • - flexible • 6. Prolong protection against modification
HASH FUNCTIONS variable size fixed size M H(M) M|H(M) (error detection) Fig 11.5 – Table 11-3 (b) and (c) require less computation (e) - no encryption
FOR AUTHENTICATION: COMPARE HASH WITH ENCRYPTION • Encryption is: • Slow • Costly in hardware • Optimised for large data blocks • Patented • Export control
MAC MAC = CK(M) many-to-one, domain is arbitrary length Attack: MAC collisions : 2k keys, 2n MACs, 2n < 2k Many keys for one MAC : opponent cannot choose Opponent must iterate attack for many MACs: Round 1 : 2k-n keys Round 2 : 2k-2n keys .. .. .. Round r : 1 key
MAC PROPERTIES • Given M and CK(M), too much work to construct M’ such that, CK(M’) = CK(M) 2. CK(M) uniformly distributed: pr(CK(M) = CK(M’)) = 2-n
HASH FUNCTIONS h = H(x) - file fingerprint Properties: 1. Any size input 2. Fixed-size output 3. H(x) easy to compute 4. Infeasible to compute x given h – (one-way) – 2n 5. (Weak Collision Resistance) – 2n Given x, infeasible to compute y not equal to x such that, H(y) = H(x) - prevents forgery 6. (Strong Collision Resistance) – 2n/2 Infeasible to find (x,y) such that H(x) = H(y) - Birthday Attack
BIRTHDAY ATTACK Given M , find M’ such that H(M’) = H(M) ~ 2n-1 hashes But (Fig 11.5c), • Prepare 2n/2 variations of M • Prepare 2n/2 variations of M’ • Search for H(M) = H(M’) • Pr(success) > 0.5 using 2n/2 hashes • A signs M H(M) • Opponent substitutes M’ for M • A encrypts M’|H(M)
MEET-IN-THE-MIDDLE ATTACK • Block Chaining Given M = M1 | M2 | ………| MN H0 = init Hi = EMi[Hi-1] G = HN Opponent has M and encrypted signature, G • Construct arbitrary message Q1 | Q2 | …….| QN-2 • Compute Hi = EQi[Hi-1] up to HN-2 • Find X,Y such that EX[HN-2] = DY[G] (prob 2n/2) • Construct Q1 | Q2 | ….| QN-2 | X | Y = M’ • Substitute M’ for M
BRUTE-FORCE ATTACKS Hash : 2n/2 MAC : min(2k,2n) - like symmetric encryp.
SECURE HASH CODE If compression function collision-resistant then so is iterated hash function