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Word List: co-, com-

Discover a collection of words that describe the act of people coming together, discussing, and sharing experiences. From communication to coexistence, explore ways to build stronger connections and relationships.

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Word List: co-, com-

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  1. Word List: co-, com- co-, com- = together, with

  2. What is the word that describes the unlikely event of two unplanned things happening at the sametime?

  3. coincidence A sequence of events happening together that although accidental seems to have been planned or arranged

  4. What is the word that describes what you would be doing if you met witha friend for lunch to discuss a sad event in both of your lives?

  5. commiserate to feel sorry for someone, something, or a situation; to fell pity; to get together with someone to fell sadness

  6. What is the word that describes what you would be doing if you mixed eggs and flour togetherto make cookies?

  7. combine to put two things together

  8. What is the word that describes a group of people meeting together to discuss a way to raise more money for our school?

  9. committee a group of people who meet together to discuss a topic

  10. What is the word that describes two people who get along together, have the same interests, and love doing the same activities?

  11. compatible able to live together and get along; things that can gotogether without problems

  12. What is the word that describes how we talk with each other?

  13. communication an act of talking with someone and discussing something together

  14. What is the word that describes a water polo team that works together to achieve victories?

  15. cohesive sticking together

  16. What is the word that means a group of people living together in the same area and sharing the resources that are available there?

  17. community a place where people live together

  18. What is the word that names how a friendly dog and a friendly rabbit could live together in the same house without any problems?

  19. coexist to live together without any problems; to be together in the same time or space Peace

  20. What is the word that describes what you do when you try to find three characteristics that you and your friend share together?

  21. compare to put things together to see how they are the same

  22. What is the word that describes what you do when you try to find three characteristics that you and your friend share together?

  23. the prefixes co- and com- which means together or with

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