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Promotion of Christianity in Greco-Roman World: An Overview of Luke

Explore the promotion of Christianity in the Greco-Roman world through the Gospel of Luke. Delve into introductory issues, authorship, date, and purpose, as well as key events such as John the Baptist's birth, Jesus' ministry, teachings, and trials. This comprehensive survey sheds light on the universal message of Christianity to a diverse audience in the ancient world.

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Promotion of Christianity in Greco-Roman World: An Overview of Luke

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Survey of the New Testament Chapter 9 Luke: A Promotion of Christianity in the Greco-Roman World at Large

  2. Introductory Issues Sources and Purpose Authorship 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … The Evangelist Theophilus and a Gentile Audience Universality

  3. Introductory Issues Prayer Holy Spirit 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … Date and Provenance Plan and Materials An Outline of Luke

  4. Reading Luke with Interpretation Prologue Annunciation to Zacharias and Mary 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … John the Baptist’s Birth Nativity of Jesus

  5. Census Papyrus

  6. Stone Manger

  7. Reading Luke with Interpretation Prologue Annunciation to Zacharias and Mary 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … John the Baptist’s Birth Nativity of Jesus Presentation in the Temple Visit to the Temple

  8. Reading Luke with Interpretation The Baptist’s Ministry 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity …

  9. Lk. 3:1-2 – “In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar …”

  10. Reading Luke with Interpretation The Baptist’s Ministry Jesus’ Baptism and Genealogy 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … The Temptation

  11. Judean Wilderness where Jesus was tempted by Satan

  12. Reading Luke with Interpretation The Baptist’s Ministry Jesus’ Baptism and Genealogy 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … The Temptation In the Synagogue at Nazareth

  13. Cliff near Nazareth according to Luke 4:29 residents sought to throw Jesus over “the brow of a hill”

  14. Reading Luke with Interpretation The Baptist’s Ministry Jesus’ Baptism and Genealogy 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … The Temptation In the Synagogue at Nazareth Fishing

  15. Reading Luke with Interpretation Healing a Leper and a Paralytic Call of Levi 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … Feasting instead of Fasting The Sabbath Question

  16. Reading Luke with Interpretation Sermon on the Plain 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity …

  17. Traditional Site of the Beatitudes

  18. Reading Luke with Interpretation Sermon on the Plain A Centurion and the Widow of Nain 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … John the Baptist A Sinful Woman Support by Women

  19. Reading Luke with Interpretation Parables Stilling a Storm and Exorcising Legion 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … Jairus’s Daughter and the Woman with a Chronic Blood Flow Mission of the Twelve Peter’s Confession

  20. Reading Luke with Interpretation Transfiguration A Hard Exorcism and the Strange Exorcist 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … Journey to Jerusalem Mission of the Seventy-two Peter’s Confession

  21. Reading Luke with Interpretation The Good Samaritan 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity …

  22. WadiQilt, though which the road from Jerusalem to Jericho runs setting of the Parable of the Good Samaritan – Lk. 10:25-37

  23. Reading Luke with Interpretation The Good Samaritan Martha and Mary 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … Prayer Disbelief

  24. Reading Luke with Interpretation Pharisees and Lawyers Repentance 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity …

  25. Fig Tree note Jesus’ parable in Luke 13

  26. Reading Luke with Interpretation Pharisees and Lawyers Repentance 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … Healing

  27. Reading Luke with Interpretation Salvation Herod the Fox 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … Healing and Table Talk Discipleship

  28. Reading Luke with Interpretation A Trio of Parables The Lost Sheep 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … The Lost Coin

  29. A coin-bedecked headdress (note the parable of the lost coin Luke 15:8ff)

  30. Reading Luke with Interpretation A Trio of Parables The Lost Sheep 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … The Lost Coin The Prodigal Son The Father The Older Brother

  31. Reading Luke with Interpretation The Unjust Steward The Rich Man (“Dives”) and Lazarus 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … Christian Community The Healing of Ten Lepers Lot’s Wife

  32. Reading Luke with Interpretation A Widow and an Unjust Judge A Pharisee and a Tax Collector 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … Zacchaeus

  33. A sycamore tree

  34. Reading Luke with Interpretation A Widow and an Unjust Judge A Pharisee and a Tax Collector 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … Zacchaeus The Minas In the Temple

  35. Arch of Titus: Inner Relief displaying a triumphal procession with loot from the Jewish temple

  36. Reading Luke with Interpretation Passion Narrative Passover Preparation 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … Table Fellowship A Dispute Satan and Simon

  37. Reading Luke with Interpretation Passion Narrative Normalcy 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … Sorrow and Sleep Arrest

  38. Reading Luke with Interpretation Jesus’ Trials Before the Sanhedrin 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … Before Pilate

  39. Inscription from Caesarea mentioning Pontius Pilate

  40. Reading Luke with Interpretation Jesus’ Trials Before the Sanhedrin 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … Before Pilate Before Herod Antipas Back to Pilate Via Dolorosa

  41. Reading Luke with Interpretation Crucifixion with Criminals 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity …

  42. Ankle Bone of a Crucified Man

  43. Reading Luke with Interpretation Crucifixion with Criminals Praying in the Dark 9 – Luke: A Promotion of Christianity … A Good Man and Faithful Women The Emmaus Disciples Bodily Resurrection and Ascension

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