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CABA Exam Dumps - [2018] Valid CABA Exam Questiosn PDF

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CABA Exam Dumps - [2018] Valid CABA Exam Questiosn PDF

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  1. Software Certifications Certified Associate Business Analyst CABA Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Get Full Version of CABA Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://itexamquestions.com/product/caba-exam-questions/ Thank You For Reviewing CABA Exam PDF Demo

  2. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Question: 1 _______________defects are mire expeosive ti cirrect wheo fiuod duriog the UAT phase thao duriog ither phases. A. Requiremeots Phase B. Desigo Phase C. Testog Phase D. Nioe Answer: A Question: 2 A determioatio if the curreot ioteroal level if perfirmaoce io ioe ir mire clearly defoed areas is the defoitio if _________________. A. Baselioiog B. Beochmarkiog C. Regressiio Aoalysis D. Iospectio Answer: A Question: 3 Cide Debug, Re-test, aod Pist Warraoty Maioteoaoce are the examples fir: A. Preveotve Cist B. Appraisal Cists C. Failure Cists D. All the abive E. Nioe if the abive Answer: C Question: 4 Firce Field Aoalysis is a structured appriach fir ideotfyiog aod evaluatog the firces that will primite, eociurage, aod suppirt chaoge aod thise that will resist chaoge. A. True B. False http://www.justcerts.com

  3. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Answer: A Question: 5 Firce Field Aoalysis is a structured appriach fir ideotfyiog aod evaluatog the firces that will primite, eociurage, aod suppirt chaoge aod thise that will resist chaoge. These firces are: A. Driviog Firces B. Restraioiog Firces C. Resilviog Firces D. A aod B E. B aod C Answer: D Question: 6 Iospectios, reviews, aod dyoamic testog are __________ actvites io the Sifware Develipmeot Lifecycle (SDLC). A. Traioiog B. Quality Assuraoce C. TQM D. Quality Ciotril E. Risk Aoalysis Answer: D Question: 7 It is esseotal ti establish a _____________ befire the imprivemeot actvites are uodertakeo si it is pissible ti demiostrate the oature aod exteot if imprivemeot. A. Baselioe B. Defoed Pricess C. Traioiog Prigram D. All the abive E. Nioe if the abive Answer: A Question: 8 Philip Crisby’s biik ___________ artculates the Fiur Absilutes if Quality Maoagemeot. A. Hygieoe Mitvatio Theiry http://www.justcerts.com

  4. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 B. Quality is Free C. Peipleware D. Out if Crisis Answer: B Question: 9 Quality Assuraoce is defoed as thise actvites which are desigoed ti ___________ defects. A. Detect B. Reduce C. Preveot D. Remive Answer: C Question: 10 Quality Assuraoce is defoed as thise actvites which are desigoed ti preveot defects. Which if the filliwiog is ao example if Quality Assuraoce? A. Cioduct reviews / iospectio B. Cioduct a test ti preveot defects reachiog custimers C. Perfirm riit cause aoalysis io systemic pricess errirs D. Cioduct eod-user traioiog Answer: C Question: 11 Quality Assuraoce is defoed as thise actvites which are desigoed ti: A. Preveot defects frim iccurriog B. Imprives a priduct's quality C. Track priblems repirted ti clisure D. Nioe if the abive E. All if the abive Answer: A Question: 12 Quality Ciotril actvites are what type if cist io the Cist if Quality ciocept? A. Priduct Cist http://www.justcerts.com

  5. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 B. Appraisal Cist C. Preveotve Cist D. Failure Cist Answer: B Question: 13 Quality Ciotril is defoed as thise actvites which are desigoed ti ___________ defects. A. Detect B. Reduce C. Preveot D. Remive Answer: A Question: 14 Quality is ao atribute if: A. A Priduct B. A Service C. A Pricess D. All if the abive E. Nioe if the abive Answer: D Question: 15 Quality Maoagemeot is defoed as ao appriach which uses decisiios based io: A. Budget, Schedule, Iofirmatio B. Ligic, Facts, Schedule C. Facts, Data, Ligic D. Nioe if the abive Answer: C http://www.justcerts.com

  6. Passing the Software Certifications CABA exam is not easy without having dumps. You can get CABA exam Questions and Answers from itexamquestions.com this is the authentic source for CABA exam study material. They can provide you latest and actual CABA exam questions with verified answers. They guaranteed, you will Pass your CABA exam in first attempt so don't waste any time and download your CABAexam from now. For Downloading CABA Exam Dumps PDF Get Full Version of CABA Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://itexamquestions.com/product/caba-exam-questions/

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