INTERNATIONAL LAW. International law refers to laws that govern the conduct of independent nations in their relationships with each another . There are three distinct disciplines:
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International lawrefers to lawsthatgoverntheconduct of independentnations in theirrelationshipswitheachanother. There are threedistinct disciplines: 1 Publicinternationallawgovernstherelationshipbetweeninternationalentities, be theygroupsorindividuals. Itincludesinternational criminal law, internationalhumanitarianlaw and maritimelaw (i.ethelaw of the sea) 2 Privateinternationallawaddressesthequestion of underwhichjurisdiction a case may be heard
3 Supranationallawis a system in whichmemberstates pool theirauthority. Thesupranationalbodyisable to enforce legal normsfor and againstmemberstates and theircitizens. Anexample of such a systemistheEuropeanUnion´sEuropeanCommunity Law. Sources of internationallaw. There are twoprimarysources of internationallaw: 1Customary law: These are theaspects of internationallawwhich derive fromcustom.
Examplesincludethe rules governingvariousinternationalcriessuch as slaveryorgenocide. 2 Conventionallaw: Conventionalinternationallaw derives frominternationalagreements and treaties. Arguably, thepractices of internationalorganizationssuch as theUnitedNations are anadditionalsource of internationallaw. Rules establishedbytreaty are usuallygivenpreferenceiftheyexist. However, new customsmaysupersedeoldertreaties and new treatiesmayoverrideoldercustoms.
Match the Word. 1 Publicinternationallaw 2 supranationallaw 3 humanitarianlaw 4customary law 5conventional law 6 privateinternationallaw Lawsthatoriginatesfromtreaties Lawswhichgovernhowcountriesinteract Lawswhichgovernthejurisdiction of cases Lawswhichoriginatefromcustoms Lawsthatgovernwar Lawssenforcedbymanypooledauthorities