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Organic Agriculture Worldwide. Graphs from the 2009 edition of ‚The World of Organic Agriculture‘ Helga Willer, FiBL, Frick, Switzerland March 10, 2009 www.fibl.org , www.organic-world.net. How to quote. Please always quote the sources as given in the individual slides.
Organic Agriculture Worldwide Graphs from the 2009 edition of ‚The World of Organic Agriculture‘ Helga Willer, FiBL, Frick, SwitzerlandMarch 10, 2009www.fibl.org, www.organic-world.net Frick, 01.01.2007
How to quote • Please always quote the sources as given in the individual slides. • The 2009 edition of 'The World of Organic Agriculture' should be cited as:Willer, Helga and Lukas Kilcher (Eds.) (2009) The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Trends 2009. FiBL-IFOAM Report. IFOAM, Bonn; FiBL, Frick; ITC, Geneva • If a name is given under a graph please quote both the original source as given under the graph and the full article in which it was published in ‚The World of Organic Agriculture 2009‘. For the table of contents see www.organic-world.net/contents-2009.html • Details on the sources and data providers for the 2009 FiBL/IFOAM survey are available at www.organic-world.net/fileadmin/documents/data-sheets-public/world-of-organic-data-sources.pdf • Further information is available at www.organic-world.net
The global organic survey • The global survey on organic farming is carried out by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL and the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements IFOAM. • Numerous experts from more than 140 countries are contributing data • Since 2008 the data collection activities have been supported under a project of the International Trade Centre ITC and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO. • NürnbergMesse, the organisers of BioFach Fair, have supported the survey and the yearbook since 2000. Since 2000 the latest figures have been presented annually at the BioFach Fair in Nuremberg, of which IFOAM is the patron.
Yearbook ‚The World of Organic Agriculture‘ • The yearbook 'The World Organic Agriculture' is a joint project of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). The yearbook, apart from the statistics collected in the frame of the global organic survey, documents recent developments and trends in global organic farming. • Numerous experts on organic farming contribute to this global yearbook • NürnbergMesse, the organisers of BioFach Fair, has financially supported this yearbook and the data collection since 2000. Since 2008, the data compilation published in the book, has been financially supported by the International Trade Centre ITC and the Swiss State Secretariat of Economic Affairs SECO.
Organic agriculture worldwide 2007 Source: FiBL and IFOAM 2009
Land under organic management (ha) in the countries of Africa 2007 Source: IFOAM and FiBL 2009
Land under organic management (ha) in the countries of Asia 2007 Source: FiBL 2009
Land under organic management (ha) in the countries of Europe 2007 Source: FiBL and ZMP 2009
Land under organic management (ha) in the countries of Latin America 2007 Source: FiBL 2009
Land under organic management (ha) in North America 2007 Source: FiBL 2009
Land under organic management (ha) in the countries of Oceania 2007 Source: FiBL 2009
Organically managed land by geographical region 2007 Source: FiBL and IFOAM 2009
The ten countries with most organically managed land 2007 Argentina, US and Uruguay: Only fully converted areas Source: FiBL and IFOAM 2009
Conversion status of organically managed land 2007 Source: FiBL & IFOAM 2009
The ten countries with the highest shares of organic land 2007 Source: FiBL/IFOAM 2009
Development of organically managed agricultural land and organic wild collection areas 1999-2007 (Revision date: 2009/02/23) Source: FiBL, IFOAM & SOEL 2000-2009
Development of organically managed agricultural land 1999-2007 (Revision date: 2009/02/23) Source: FiBL, IFOAM & SOEL 2000-2009
Organic producers by geographical regions 2007 Source: FiBL & IFOAM 2009
The ten countries with the largest numbers of organic producers Source: FiBL & IFOAM 2009
Land use in organic agriculture by geographical region 2007 Source: FiBL & IFOAM 2009
Organic wild collection areas by geographical region 2007, total 30.7 million ha Source: FiBL & IFOAM 2009
The ten countries with the largest organic wild collection areas and bee pastures 2007 Source: FiBL & IFOAM 2009
The ten developing countries with most organically managed land 2007 Source: FiBL & IFOAM 2009
The ten developing countries with the highest shares of organic land 2007 Source: FiBL & IFOAM 2009
Land use of organically managed land in developing countries Source: FiBL & IFOAM 2009
Organic data collection systems by geographical region 2007 Source: FiBL & /IFOAM 2009
The countries with most certification bodies 2008 Source: Organic Standard/Grolink, Rundgren 2009 27
Number of certication bodies/shares of the regions 2008 Source: Organic Standard/Grolink, Rundgren 2009
Start year of organic certification among 481 certifcation bodies Source: Organic Standard/Grolink, Rundgren 2009
Temperate fruit: Use of temperate organic fruit, berry and grape area 2007 Source: FiBL and Washington State University 2009; Granatstein et al. 2009
Temperate fruits/berries/grapes: Share by country 2007 Source: FiBL and Washington State University 2009Granatstein et al. 2009
Development of organic farming Uganda 2001 to 2007 Source: Nogamu 2008, see Bouagnimbeck 2009
Development of Organic Farming in India 2002-2007/08 Source: SOEL/FIBL and APEDA (2004/05-2007/08), see Kumar Menon 2009 33
Development of the organic and certified in-conversion land in Europe 1985-2007 Source: FiBL, Aberystwyth University, ZMP, see Willer 2009
Land use in organic agriculture in the countries of Europe 2007 Source: FiBL, ZMP 2009, Willer 2009, Schaack 2009 35
Source: Aberystwyth University, FiBL, ZMPSee Padel/Schaack/Willer 2009 Turnover with organic food in Europe: Distribution by country 2007; sales in million Euros
The European Market: The countries with the highest sales 2007 Source: Aberystwyth University, FiBL, ZMPSee Padel/Schaack/Willer 2009
The European Market: The countries with the highest shares of organic products 2007 Source: Aberystwyth University, FiBL, ZMPSee Padel/Schaack/Willer 2009
The European Market: The countries with the highest per capita consumption 2007 Source: Aberystwyth University, FiBL, ZMPSee Padel/Schaack/Willer 2009
Latin America: Growth of the organically managed land area 2000-2007, the leading countries 2007 Source: FiBL 2009, Garibay & Ugas 2009
Latin America: Organic banana area 2007 (includes in-conversion) Source: FiBL 2009, Garibay & Ugas 2009
Latin America: Organic sugarcane area 2007 (includes in-conversion land) Source: FiBL 2009, Garibay & Ugas 2009
Latin America: Organic cocoa area 2007 (includes in-conversion land; includes cocoa areas associated with other crops ) Source: FiBL 2009; Garibay & Ugas 2009
Latin America: Organic coffee area (including in-conversion land) 2007 Source: FiBL 2009, Garibay & Ugas 2009
Colombia : Development of organic agriculture 2002-2008 Programa Nacional de Agricultura Limpia, Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural de Colombia, 2008 45
Colombia: Use of fully converted organic and certified in-conversion cropland 2007 Programa Nacional de Agricultura Limpia, Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural de Colombia, 2008, see Escobar 2009
Ecuador: Development of the organically managed area* 2001-2007 * Including aquaculture and wild collection areas Source: GTZ Ecuador, see Rovayo/Lehmann 2009 47
Ecuador: Area under organic production by main products 2007 Data provided by accredited organic certifiers in Ecuador., comiled by GTZ Ecuardor; Elaboration: Rovayo/Lehmann 2009 48
Crops grown in organic agriculture in Mexico 2007 Source: CIIDRI – CIESTAAM, see Gomez Cruz et al. 2009
US: Organic food sales 1997-2006 Source: Organic Trade Association OTA: Manufacturer Survey 2007, Greenfield. MA, www.ota.com; see Haumann 2009