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RF: Items for Discussion . Definitions of ARF, CRF
1. Renal Failure: acute, chronic &ESRD Saeed M.G. Al-Ghamdi,FRCPS,FACP
Faculty of Medicine
King Abdulaziz University Hospital
2. RF: Items for Discussion Definitions of ARF, CRF & ESRD
Classification & causes of RF
3. ARF: Definition Abrupt decline of Glomerular filtration rate which is potentially reversible
4. ARF: Statistics Prevalence:
In 5% of medical-surgical ward admission
In 25% of non-emergent surgery
In 15% of ICU admission
Oliguric ARF: 50-80%
Non-Oliguric ARF: 15-40%
Risk of death: 6.2 folds
5. ARF: Classification & Causes Pre-renal ARF: 40-80%
Renal ARF: 20-30%
Post-renal ARF: 2-10%
6. Pre-renal Causes: 1) Extra-renal fluid loss:
Continuous un-replaced NG suctioning
Continuous un-replaced drainage
Diarrhea , intestinal fistula
Intestinal obstruction
Excessive Sweating & heat stroke ,burns
7. Pre-renal Causes: 2) Renal fluid loss
Osmotic Diuretics: hyperglycemia, mannitol
Loop and thiazide diuretics
Un-replaced post-obstructive diurecis
3) Change in renal hemodynamics
ACEI in bilateral Renal Artery Stenosis
NSAIDS in patient with dehydration or CHF
8. Pre-renal Causes 4) Cardiac causes
Due to renal hypo-perfusion
In severe systolic heart failure (EF <15%)
Severe valvular heart disease
Arrhythmias: Complete Heart Block
Cardiac temponade
Right Ventricular Infarction
Severe core pulmonale
9. ARF: Pre-renal Causes 5) Peripheral vasodilatation:
Anti-hypertensive drugs
6) Hepato-Renal Syndrome
Due to renal vaso-constrictors & third spacing
In advanced irreversible liver disease
Other causes of ARF should be ruled out
Very low urine sodium (<10)
10. Renal Causes of ARF 1) acute tubular necrosis (ATN)
Septic syndrome (with & without hypotension)
Significant bleeding leading to prolonged hypotension
Severe dehydration leading to prolonged hypotension
Cardiogenic shock
Severe PET & ET
11. Renal Causes of ARF (Cont..) 2) Toxic and pigment-induced ATN
Aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity
Amphotericin-induced nephrotoxicity
Hemoglobinuria (severe intravascular hemolysis)
Myoglobinuria (Rhabdomyolysis)
12. Renal Causes of ARF (Cont..) 3) Glomerular diseases and systemic vasculitis
Rapidly progressive Glomerulonephritis (RPGN)
Immune-complex nephritis: (post-infectious GN, lupus nephritis, HSP, ..Etc.)
Anti-GBM disease
Pauci-immune nephritis: Wegener's Granulomatosis
13. Renal Causes of ARF (Cont..) 4) acute interstitial nephritis
Drug-induced (NSAIDS, beta lactam antibiotics,rifampicin, furosemide, allopurinol ..Etc.)
Auto-immune (SLE, Sjogren syndrome, HES )
Infection-related (Legionella, salmonella ,..Etc.)
14. Renal Causes of ARF (Cont..) 5) Acute Pyelonephritis
In transplant kidney
In single functioning kidney
6) Acute Allograft Rejection
7) Lymphomatous Infiltration of the kidneys
In HIV+ve Patients
15. ARF: Renal Causes 8) renal vasular & Ischemic disorders
Scleroderma renal crisis
Malignant HTN
Renal artery thrombosis
Renal vein thrombosis
Cholesterol Athero-embolic disease
16. ARF: Renal Causes (contin..) 9) acute cortical necrosis (ACN)
In association with hypotension and DIC
Abruptio placenta, placenta previa
Loin pain
Gross hematuria
Cortical calcification (after healing)
17. Renal Causes of ARF (Cont..) 10) acute papillary necrosis
Acute Pyelonephritis in diabetic
Sickle cell disease
Phenacetin-induced nephropathy
Loin pain
Passage of tissues (papillae)
18. ARF: Presentation (Cont..) Features suggest renal causes of ARF
History of arthritis and or arthralgia
Recent drug exposure
Recent surgery and or intervention
Recent URTI or tonsillitis
Peri-orbital and facial edema
HTN and absence of signs of hypovolemia
Vasculitis or livedo reticularis
19. ARF: Post-renal Causes Intra-renal (tubular) obstruction : (medical)
Acute uric acid nephropathy
Calcium oxalate Crystalluria: ethylene glycol poisoning or high dose vitamin C
Myeloma cast nephropathy
IV Methotrexate crystalluria
IV acylovir and oral Indinavir crystalluria
Sulfonamides crystalluria (sulfadiazine, SMZ)
20. Post-renal Causes of ARF Extra-renal (tubular) obstruction (surgical)
Intrinsic: tumor, stone, clot, papilla
Extrinsic: retroperitoneal and pelvic malignancies , fibrosis and ligation
Bladder: stones, clots, tumor, neurogenic, BPH, Prostatic ca, post-operative
Uretheral: PUV, stone etc
21. ARF: Causes
22. Renal Artery Thrombosis In hyper-coagulable states
Severe loin pain
Gross hematuria
Complete anuria if bilateral
Diagnosis by Doppler, IVP & Angiogram
Treated by thrombolysis and or heparin
23. Renal Vein Thrombosis: S&S Loin pain
Macro and or Microhematuria
ARF if bilateral or single kidney
Diagnosed by
U/S Doppler
Spiral CT
Renal venography
24. RVT: Predisposing Factors Severe dehydration in neonates
Severe nephrotic syndrome (S.Alb.<20 g)
Hypercoagulable states
Protein S or C deficiency
Anti-Phospholipids antibody syndrome
25. Cholesterol Athero-embolic Disease Predisposing factors
Follows intravascular intervention
May follow bellow renal vascular surgery
May occur after anti-coagulation
May occur spontaneously
26. CAED: Presentation 3-6 weeks after vascular instrumentation
Progressive rise of S.Creatinine
Livedo Reticularis
Gangrenous toes and peripheral skin
Diagnosed by kidney biopsy
27. ARF: Presentation Features suggest pre-renal.
Vomiting, diarrhea , NGT ..Etc.
Uncontrolled DM.
Diuretic use.
Exposure to sun and hot weather.
Postural hypotension and tachycardia.
Low JVP.
Dry axilla and mucous membranes.
28. ARF: Investigations Rapidly rising S.Cr. & hyperkalemia
U/S kidneys & bladder
Urine analysis
RBCs and RBC casts suggest GN
WBCs and WBC casts suggest AIN or acute pyelonephritis
Brown granular casts suggest ATN
29. ARF: Investigations (Cont..) Urine Eosinophils : In AIN
Urine myoglobulin : in Rhabdomyolysis
Urine hemoglobin : in Hemoglobinuria
Urine sodium :
<10 mmol/l, suggest pre-renal
Na+ Excretion Fraction:
<1% suggest pre-renal
> 3% suggest ATN
30. ARF: Investigations Fractional excretion of sodium:
FENa: ----------------- X 100 =
PNa X Ucr
< 1%: Pre-renal
> 3%: ATN
31. ARF: Investigations (Cont..) Positive ANA & Anti-dsDNA in lupus nephritis
Low C3 & C4 in :
Lupus nephritis
Pos-infectious GN
Falsely positive RF in cryoglobulinemia
32. ARF: Investigations (Cont..) Positive ANCA.
Wegener's Granulomatosis.
Microscopic Poly-Angiitis.
Poly-Arteritis Nodosa.
Positive Anti-GBM in Good Pastures syn.
Monoclonal band in Serum and or urine electrophoresis in patients with paraprotein.