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Robotic Grasp Planning

Robotic grasping is a complex field. hand design: high level (number of fingers, kinematic structure, etc.) and low-level (mechanism design, motors, materials, etc.); hand control algorithms: high level (find an appropriate posture for a given task) and low-level (execute the desired posture); inf

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Robotic Grasp Planning

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    1. Robotic Grasp Planning Peter Allen Department of Computer Science Columbia University

    2. Robotic grasping is a complex field hand design: high level (number of fingers, kinematic structure, etc.) and low-level (mechanism design, motors, materials, etc.); hand control algorithms: high level (find an appropriate posture for a given task) and low-level (execute the desired posture); information from sensors (tactile, vision, range sensing, etc.); any pre-existing knowledge of objects shape, semantics and tasks (e.g. a cup is likely to be found on a table, should not be held upside-down, etc.); ...and more!

    3. Human Grasping vs. Robotic Grasping Human performance provides both a benchmark to compare against, and a working example that we can attempt to learn from. However, it has proven very elusive to replicate: the human hand is a very complex piece of equipment, with amazing capabilities; humans benefit from an unmatched combination of visual and tactile sensing; human continuously practice grasping and manipulation, the amount of data they are exposed to dwarfs anything tried so far in robotics; are we setting the bar too high\ Speed stacking!

    4. Robotic Manipulation Process allowing a robot to make physical changes to the world around it. Includes moving objects, joining objects, reshaping objects, etc. Moving objects can be done by grasping, pushing, carrying, dropping, throwing, etc. Task accomplished by a manipulator with some sort of end-effecter.

    5. Grippers vs. Hands Structured environments Reliable Simple Low cost Unstructured environments Adaptable Complex Expensive

    7. Simulation for Grasp Planning Integrated grasp analysis Grasp quality, weak point, force optimization Perform many grasps quickly Faster than using a real arm and hand Build a library of saved grasps Recall grasp when object is encountered again

    8. GraspIt!: A Tool for Grasping Research Library of hands and objects Intuitive user interface Visualize grasp wrench space Quality measures evaluate grasp Dynamic simulation Grasp Planning

    9. Library of hands and objects Intuitive user interface Visualize grasp wrench space Quality measures evaluate grasp Dynamic simulation Grasp Planning GraspIt: A Tool for Grasping Research

    10. GraspIt Components

    12. Hand Kinematics

    13. Hand/Arm Library

    14. Grasp Analysis Occurs when a contact is formed or broken Computes space of forces and torques that can be applied by the grasp Quality measures numerically evaluate grasp Provides a means to evaluate grasps Compare grasps of one hand, one object Compare grasps of many hands, one object Compare grasps of many hands, across a task specified object set.

    15. Wrench Spaces In 3-space, a wrench is a 6D vector composed of a force and a torque: The space of wrenches that may need to be applied during a task is the task wrench space. The space of wrenches that can be applied by a grasp is the grasp wrench space. A possible quality measure:

    16. Special Types of Grasps A force-closure grasp completely restrains the object. Origin is contained within grasp wrench space. A manipulable grasp can impart arbitrary velocities on the object without breaking contact.

    17. Friction Cones

    18. 2D Example

    19. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    20. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    21. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    22. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    23. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    24. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    25. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    26. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    27. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    28. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    29. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    30. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    31. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    32. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    33. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    34. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    35. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    36. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    37. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    38. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    39. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    40. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    41. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    42. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    43. Contact Wrenches Each force acts at a position on object. Compute the corresponding wrench with respect to objects center of gravity: l - torque scale factor,

    44. Objective: find total space of wrenches that can be applied by a grasp of unit magnitude. Grasp vector: Define with norm: Sum magnitude of contact normal forces is 1. Compute grasp wrench space using qhull: Grasp Wrench Space

    45. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    46. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    47. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    48. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    49. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    50. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    51. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    52. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    53. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    54. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    55. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    56. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    57. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    58. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    59. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    60. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    61. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    62. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    63. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    64. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    65. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    66. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    67. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    68. Two Measures of Quality Assume task wrench space is unknown. Estimate with wrench space ball - good grasps will resist all wrenches equally well. Previously proposed measures of quality: Radius, e, of the largest wrench space ball that can fit within the unit grasp wrench space. Volume, v, of unit grasp wrench space.

    69. Grasp Wrench Space Projections To visualize the 6D grasp wrench space project it to 3-space by fixing three coordinates. A useful choice: See the forces that can be applied without applying a net torque (or vice versa).

    70. Visualizing the Results

    71. Comparing Grasps

    72. Comparing Grasps

    73. Comparing Grasps

    74. Simulating Dynamics

    75. Simulating Dynamics

    76. Hand Posture Subspaces A grasp can be a considered a point in a high-dimensional hand configuration space To find a grasp, need to search this space: expensive, intractable

    77. Eigengrasps Can be seen as generalization of grasp taxonomy [Napier 56, Cutkosky 89, Iberall 97, etc.]

    78. Grasp Planning using Eigengrasps Low-dimensionality basis for grasping Derived from human user studies and mapped to robotic hands Practical implications dimensionality reduction Completeness: can it cover the space of good grasps? Search eigengrasp subspace for good grasps use simulated annealing as search algorithm stochastic nature allows escape from local minima no analytical gradient is necessary Planner works independent of hand kinematics

    79. Grasp planning using Eigengrasps Apply Eigengrasp concept to a range of hand models: From simple gripper (4 DOF) to human hand (20 DOF) For human hand, use available data For robotic hands, attempt to define grasp subspaces similar to the one obtained in the case of the human hand direct transfer possible for anthropomorphic models

    81. Grasp planning using Eigengrasps Energy function formulation attempts to bring pre-specified contact locations on the palm in contact with the object Simulated annealing search is performed over 8 variables 6 for wrist position / orientation 2 eigengrasp amplitudes Our implementation: 100K iterations, ~150 seconds

    83. Grasp planning using Eigengrasps

    85. Grasp planning using Eigengrasps

    86. Grasp planning using Eigengrasps We need the final posture for stable (form-closure) grasps Completeness: perfect grasp postures can not be found in EG space Can come very close with simple heuristic: close all fingers! Perform form-closure tests in parallel in a multi-threaded environment takes advantage of multi-core architecture Form-closure in 23 out of 30 cases

    87. Interactive Online Grasping Dexterous hand prosthetics human control combined with artificial hardware and algorithms benefits from results in both human and robotic grasping but also open new interface problems! Task: achieve a stable grasp using a dexterous prosthetic 3D tooltip positioning under neural control [Taylor et al. 02] finger posture has proven more difficult to specify EMG [Zecca et al. 02], neural control [Taylor et al. 03] low-dimensional, noisy Approach: reduce the dimensionality of the searched posture space use on-line operator input to simplify hand position Matei Ciocarlie and Peter K. Allen, Hand Posture Subspaces for Dexterous Robotic Grasping, The International Journal of Robotics Research, Jul 2009; vol. 28: pp. 851 - 867.

    88. Neural Control of Prosthetic Hands

    89. Interactive Dexterous Grasping Operator specifies approach direction has no control over finger posture Automated grasp planner knows object shape and position records position input searches for a stable grasp according to user approach direction sets finger posture accordingly Operator changes approach direction, or completes grasp (binary close all fingers command)

    90. Interactive Grasp Planning Hand posture: 2 variables (eigengrasp amplitudes) Hand position: user not expected to fully specify final position affects interaction, can not handle noise 3 variables to re-parameterize hand approach: d, ? and f define a conical search space Total: 5 variables loops of 2000 Simulated Annealing iterations continuously update base hand position search does not get stuck if one loop fails best pre-grasps tested for form-closure

    91. Interactive Grasp Planning Examples

    92. Interactive Grasp Planning Examples

    93. Interactive Grasp Planning Examples

    94. Is Grasping Indexable? Many previous attempts to taxonomize grasps Is there a finite set of grasps we can pre-compute? If so, can we build an indexable database of grasps? Given a new object to grasp, can we find a similar grasp Some Problems: Lots of objects to grasp Lots of DOF in a hand (~20 + 6 in human hand) Lots of different robotic hands Intractable? But maybe not.

    95. The Columbia Grasp Database We have built a large scale grasp database. High quality form closure grasps for: Multiple hands Thousands of objects Hundreds of thousands of grasps We can use the grasp database for: Data-driven grasp planning Rigorous benchmarking of grasp planners

    96. Finding Stable Grasps Problem: Collecting grasp data from humans is expensive Human studies do not scale to large datasets How can we collect data on robotic hands? Solution: Automate the data collection Use a powerful offline grasp planner as the source Works for human or robotic hands, inexpensive Caveat: Database quality depends on the quality of this planner Advantages of Eigengrasps Stochastic, so can give many grasps for one object Gives form-closure grasps

    97. Objects to Grasp We reused the 3D models from the Princeton Shape Benchmark* Well known academic dataset of 1,814 models Encourage collaboration with shape researchers All models resized to graspable sizes We provide grasps at 4 scales because grasping is scale dependent .75, 1.0, 1.25 and 1.5 times the size of each model 7,256 3D models in all *Shilane et al., SMI 2004

    98. Robotic Hands We provide grasps for 4 hands Human hand model (20 DOF) Barrett Hand (4 DOF + disengaging clutch) Barrett Hand with rubber coating Willow Garage gripper More hands to come!

    99. The Completed Database Building the database Took 1 month on 6 multicore computers. Resulted in ~250,000 distinct form closure grasps For each grasp we saved: Grasp and pre-grasp joint angles and position Ferrari-Canny volume and epsilon metrics Available for download now! grasping.cs.columbia.edu

    101. Data Driven Grasp Planning Given a new 3D model to grasp Find nearest geometric neighbors in database Initial implementation with Zernike descriptors Collect pre-grasps from neighbor models Evaluate candidates in GraspIt! simulator

    103. CGDB: Benchmarking That seemed to work, but can we quantify it? Historically not easily! Evaluating a grasp planner is very difficult No consistent benchmarks for comparison Our proposal: Benchmark on this database Simulate planned grasps on each model Report aggregate statistics Easily repeatable, no expensive hardware required Quality metrics are only possible in simulation

    104. Benchmarking We benchmarked two planners Eigengrasp Planner and Database Planner We benchmarked two hands Human and Barrett We report the average quality of the first 25 grasps from each planner over 1814 models (single scale)

    105. Planner Benchmarks Data driven vs computationally drivenData driven vs computationally driven

    106. Results Consistent results over both hands For first grasp Database planners quality matches Eigengrasps But is much faster (not shown in the chart) 1 minute vs. 10-15 minutes For subsequent grasps Database planner produces many more good grasps

    107. Grasping a Sensed Object Data from a NextEngine laser scanner noisy, missing and occluded regions Do geometric match into database, test these grasps Works for human or robotic hands

    109. GraspIt! Simulation Engine focused on robotic grasping Can quickly test thousands of potential grasps, using arbitrary hand geometries and object models. Includes dynamics, visualization, GWS calculation Easy to add new hand designs Eigengrasps: Reduced subspace for grasping On-line grasp planning: Add user input to eigengrasps to reduce search space further Applied to a number of robotic and human hand models, using both real and simulated environments Columbia Grasp Database: indexed set of grasps across large model and hand space

    110. Acknowledgements Andy Miller: Original GraspIt! design and implementation Matei Ciocarlie: Eigengrasps, online planner, soft finger contacts Corey Goldfeder: Columbia Grasp Data Base NSF and NIH

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