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Optimization of Crop Residues: Regional case studies in Southern Africa Sustainable intensification: Where? For whom? How?. SLP final workshop 2-4 th October 2012, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Southern Africa team Sabine Homann- Kee Tui.
Optimization of Crop Residues: Regional case studies in Southern AfricaSustainable intensification: Where? For whom? How? SLP final workshop2-4th October 2012, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Southern Africa team Sabine Homann- Kee Tui
Drivers and trends of agriculture in southern Africa:Why do we need to look at options for Sustainable Intensification? Major pull: urbanization and income growth Growing food markets and changes in composition (more meat, dairy, processed food) Expansion of human populations: More food from smaller lands (food security) Resource constraints: > 80% of rural population below poverty line (poverty) Poor market linkages and support services (enabling structures) Degradation of rangelands and soils following current unsustainable practices (environment) Biomass as limiting factor: One growing season, semi-arid, rainfed, poor inherent soil fertility Strong impact of Climate Change: Hotspot with higher temperature and more variable rainfall Michigan State, Makerere, Stellenbosch and Pretoria Universities (2010)
Pathways for sustainable intensification (SI) • Diverse farming systems + 2 complementary options • More efficient use of available resources • Investments in production enhancing technologies, environmentally sound Crop livestock integration What are current levels of production? What are potential options for SI? Which pathways? Defined by what criteria? How can we facilitate the change? Nkayi → Farmers’ resource endowments and aspirations Changara Mzimba Extensive mixed systems Intensive specialized systems
Changara, central north Mozambique Socio-economic characteristics and production levels
The system: High risk, food and feed shortagesSI: Strengthen growth potential in livestock
The system: High risk, food and feed shortagesSI: Strengthen crop livestock intensification
The system: Higher potential & dependence on agricultureSI: Strengthen crop livestock integration and specialization
Current uses of crop residues Grazing as predominant CR use Kraal feeding as site specific form of intensified CR use Despite knowledge on soil fertility limited CR use for mulching -------------Maize--------- -------Small grains------ ------- Groundnuts-------
Pathways for context specific forms of SI Changara/Mozambique - High Trade offs in CR uses SI: Strong growth potential driven by investments in livestock a) More efficient resource use • National programs to support C+L for biomass development and its efficient use • Livestock market development to pull investments in crop production • Improved crop and rangeland management for food and feed • CR use: production, harvesting storage, feeding • b) Intensification • Crops (maize seeds) • Participatory forage production and development Crop livestock integration Nkayi → Farmers’ resource endowments and aspirations Changara Mzimba Extensive mixed systems Intensive specialized systems
Nkayi/Zimbabwe - High trade offs in CR uses SI- Strong growth potential through crop livestock intensification a) Strengthening more efficient resource use • Enabling innovations in crop and livestock (input/output) market development • Cost effective supply of crop and livestock inputs/information • Revisit the role of extension towards integrated crop, rangeland and livestock services • b) Intensification • Cereal and legume production • Participatory forage production and development • Spin offs from feed technologies on crops and livestock Crop livestock integration Nkayi → Farmers’ resource endowments and aspirations Changara Mzimba Extensive mixed systems Intensive specialized systems
Mzimba: Currently relatively low trade offs in CR uses SI - Strengthen crop livestock integration and specialization • More efficient resource use • Product market development - crops, livestock, feed (quality) • Complementary extension services for livestock • CR use improvement: soil or feed • b) Intensification • Investments in livestock production and marketing, e.g. dairy • Crop and CR quality improvement (dual purpose varieties) Crop livestock integration Nkayi → Farmers’ resource endowments and aspirations Changara Mzimba Extensive mixed systems Intensive specialized systems
Diversity of farming systems = multiple pathways for SI • Bottleneck SI: Biomass, resources, capital, risk (=low input, low output) • Currently feeding CR to livestock is smart (food security, efficient resource use) • Enhancing efficiency: Links between CL integration and overall farming systems productivity, including rangelands • Stimulating intensification: Market driven, feed technologies to reduce CR trade offs • Processes more important than technologies • Multi-stakeholder engagement to identify marketable products and leverage investments • Facilitate integrated market oriented development – cross financing btw crops and livestock • Strengthen farmers and support services capacities to generate knowledge and adjust, with a systems perspective • Policies and institutions to support the multiple pathways for SI Summary of key messages