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PG&E’s 2009 Participating Load Pilot

PG&E’s 2009 Participating Load Pilot. Overview. Regulatory Context Pilot Characteristics Lessons Next Steps. Regulatory Context. Participating Load Pilot. Can we create demand response for the wholesale market with the attributes of supply side alternatives?.

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PG&E’s 2009 Participating Load Pilot

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  1. PG&E’s 2009 Participating Load Pilot

  2. Overview • Regulatory Context • Pilot Characteristics • Lessons • Next Steps

  3. Regulatory Context

  4. Participating Load Pilot Can we create demand response for the wholesale market with the attributes of supply side alternatives?

  5. “What is Participating Load?” • Load acting as a resource to: • Participate in the wholesale market and offer ancillary service and energy products • Load resource must be scheduled daily on an hourly basis, even without the DR load reduction: • Separated from overall load schedules • Must meet all CAISO technical specifications; e.g., 5-minute settlement metering, 10-minute responses, 4-second real time demand meter data, etc…

  6. Customer recruitment: Retail (HVAC), Industrial (Process),Local Gov. Office (HVAC) No co-generation or back up generation Already on Auto-DR Pilot Characteristics CAISO ADS • Customer benefits: • Receive Capacity + Energy (if called) incentives • Able to receive real-time data • Convenience and ease by having pre-determined load shed strategies; peace of mind

  7. Pilot Characteristics For real time meter data, PG&E used real time equipment to harvest meter data from end use sites transmit to the CAISO. Transmit meter data in 4-seconds. Communication must be running at all times even without DR bids. Setup node points in CAISO’s EMS and Full Network Model (FNM) database. For notification of a dispatch events, once CAISO initiates the event, Auto-DR triggers the customers’ pre-determined load shed strategies within the customers’ EMS and sends an email alerting the customer of an event.

  8. Pilot Operations • Pilot ran from July 29th to October 31st • Day-Ahead Non-Spinning • Bid during Monday – Friday • Bid in as both contingency and economic

  9. Example of PLP Event

  10. Lessons: Technology • Successful system integration: • Real-time (4-second instantaneous) data delivered from customers site to CAISO EMS systems • Seamless dispatch from CAISO to customers • Customers did not recognize that an event was dispatched • Feedback mechanism control between Auto-DR server to customer

  11. Lessons: Operations • Customers responded when called by the CAISO • On average, resources were able to respond within 4 minutes of receiving the dispatches • A total 16+ hours were called for non-spinning reserves • More experience should lead to less forecasting errors

  12. Lessons: End Use Resources • Retail and office building customers are ideal candidates • Dominant use of HVAC load • Industrial participant less predictable • High customer satisfaction: • Since everything was automated, customers felt participation was easier • Events were relatively short and not disruptive

  13. Next Steps • 2Q 2010: Continue to work on rules surrounding direct participation with the CPUC • 3Q 2010: CAISO is scheduled to release and operate “Proxy Demand Resource” which will allow direct participation • 1Q 2011: Field study for pilot demonstration on intermittent renewables • 1Q 2011: Submit 2012 – 2014 DR portfolio proposal to CPUC. Portfolio will include programs that will have mechanism for bidding into wholesale market

  14. Questions Steve McCarty Director – IDSM Portfolio Optimization & Metrics PG&E SJM8@PGE.COM

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