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Standards Status Report – Summer Meeting, 2009. S2ESC Management Board July 27, 2009 Updated July 17, 2009. Dave Schultz Jim Moore Malia Zaman. Dashboard: Red Projects. P1061 (needs maintenance, and a decision) P1723 (no meeting of minds). 1061-1998.
Standards Status Report – Summer Meeting, 2009 S2ESC Management Board July 27, 2009 Updated July 17, 2009 Dave Schultz Jim Moore Malia Zaman
Dashboard: Red Projects • P1061 (needs maintenance, and a decision) • P1723 (no meeting of minds)
1061-1998 Standard for a Software Quality Metrics Methodology Last reaffirmed in June 2004, MZ: will require maintenance in 2009, Last deadline is Oct 19th, 09. Norm Schneidewind was the WG Chair P1061 is coming up for maintenance in 2009 Shall we ask Dave Zubrow to pick this one up? Jim suggests that we reaffirm it again. Or perhaps this one may be a candidate for stabilization Paul Croll has an old action item (August 2008) to discuss this with Dave Zubrow 3
P1723 • Standard for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Solution Reference Architecture • Liang-Jie “L.J.” Zhang will be WG Chair; his current draft reflects the IBM approach to doing business • PAR expires in December 2011 • Ken Costello is the Management Board representative • Ken has made several attempts to talk with L.J. to make sure the standard will be corporate-neutral • Paul has made several attempts to reach L.J. in order to set up a telecon with L.J., Ken, and Dave • No change in status since February 2009 F2F in San Diego
Dashboard: Amber Projects • P1008 (IEEE will eventually adopt ISO/IEC 29119, but 1008 needs maintenance this year) • P1012 (on track, but there are some concerns) • P1062 (we need more visibility into this one) • P1063/26514 (we need to open a PAR for the adoption) • P1228 (reaffirm or let it die) • P1490 (we need to adopt the 2008 PMBOK) • P1648 (PAR revision has been approved) • P2063/29148 (we need to find an IEEE editor) • P20000.1, .2 (who is going to move these projects forward?) • P25010 (will need an adoption chair) • 26513 (we need to open a PAR for this adoption)
1008-1987 Std for Software Unit Testing (last reaffirmed Dec. 2002) This will eventually be replaced by ISO/IEC 29119 Back in 2007, we requested a two-year extension, to give us time to “plan our approach” MZ: Will need maintenance this year, 2009. Last deadline is Oct 19th, 09. JWM: SC 7 has approved a joint project on software and system testing and formed a working group to execute the project. IEEE has contributed 829 (and the draft revision of 829) and 1008 to serve as “base documents” BSI has contributed their two standards to serve as base documents A multi-part ISO/IEC standard is expected Ursula Parker currently represents IEEE as the project editor The joint project with SC7, under the PSDO, does not look like it will produce anything soon. Jim has initiated a reaffirmation of 1008 6
1012-2004 (1 of 2) • Std for Verification and Validation • Roger has an active WG, with 10-12 members • The next version will include systems and hardware V&V; proposed title is “Standard for Systems and Software Verification and Validation” • The section on Systems V&V is nearly complete • MZ: The PAR for the next revision was approved in 2006 and expires in 2010 • Paul Diamond has replaced Scott as MB rep
1012-2004 (2 of 2) • There are some concerns: • They’re trying to address H/W V&V issues explicitly, but Jim’s not sure they have credibility in the Hardware arena • P1012 is looking for a hardware expert, to help with the hardware V&V tasks • Scott expressed some concern with how 1012 addresses testing • They’re not in sync with the direction SC7 is going • Will 1012 be consistent with ISO, 829, 1008, and other standards efforts? • JWM: The new SC7 project on testing wants to include “static techniques” within their scope. The working group chair is an admirer of 1012.
1062-1998 (slide #1 of 2) • Rec. Practice for Software Acquisition • Last reaffirmed in Sept. 2002. • MZ: New PAR was approved on May 19th, 2008 and will expire Dec. 2012. • We intend to revise 1062 for consistency with ISO/IEC 15288, which IEEE has now adopted • Joe Jarzombek has assigned Stan Wisseman, one of his contractors, to chair the P1062 WG. Joe and Stan are developing a direction for the project
1062-1998 (slide #2 of 2) • Joe reports that Stan Wisseman has joined IEEE and IEEE-SA in order to function as a WG Chair • The ExCom has suggested that Stan Wisseman look at the S/W Acquisition CMMI for ideas • ExCom has had no communication from Stan Wisseman whatsoever • Is Stan committed to producing a consensus software acquisition standard? • Now that the P1062 PAR has been approved, we’re looking for a membership roster
1063-2001/26514 Std. for Software User Documentation Last revised in Dec. 2001 There was some discussion within S2ESC of possibly doing a joint project with SC7 IEEE 1063 was reaffirmed in July 2007, to keep it alive until SC7 completes their revision SC7 WG2 intends to incorporate 1063 into a new ISO/IEC Process and Product standard, ISO/IEC 26514 JWM: ISO/IEC 26514 has now been published. Annette reports that the PAR for the IEEE adoption of 26514 has been submitted to NESCOM. 11
1228-1994 Std. for Software Safety Plans Last reaffirmed in December 2002; extended to Dec. 2009 S2ESC has no intention of revising 1228; our plan is to wait for ISO 15026, and adopt that The question is whether to reaffirm 1228 to keep it alive until we can adopt 15026, or simply to let it expire Dennis Lawrence argues that we should let it expire; we’ve tried unsuccessfully (twice) to revise it Jim feels that we should reaffirm it so it doesn’t expire 12
1490-2003 • IEEE Guide – Adoption of PMI Standard – A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge • IEEE 1490 was last reaffirmed in December 2003, based on the 2000 version of the PMBOK • IEEE never adopted the 2004 PMBOK • The balloting group voted to withdraw the IEEE adoption of the 2000 PMBOK, as being out of date; NesCom withdrew it in December 2008 • Our intention now is to adopt the latest version of the PMBOK, dated 2008 • Paul Diamond submitted a PAR to the March meeting of NesCom. NesCom rejected the PAR, arguing that it read too much like a guide • Paul revised the PAR to propose that the IEEE document remain a guide. NesCom accepted the revised PAR during continuous processing • JWM: ISO TMB (the highest technical body in ISO) has started a project on Project Management. This may have ramifications on SC7 – hence, on us.
P1648 Rec. Practice for Establishing and Managing Software Development Efforts Using Agile Methods Pekka Abrahamsson, of Finland, is now WG Chair Pekka wants to have two more F2F meetings before taking 1648 to ballot. Jim thinks that SC7 would also play a part P1648 PAR has been extended till Dec. 2009 MZ: We’ll probably to ask for a PAR extension beyond that Pekka is surveying the WG members regarding the remaining major issues; he expects to be in ballot by October 2009 New title will be “Recommended Practice for the Customer-Supplier Relationship in Agile Software Development” 14
P2063/29148 • Std. for Software and System Life Cycle Processes – Requirements Engineering • This will become a process standard, with a template for an SRS • There was a related SC7 study group, which recommended incorporating IEEE standards 830 and 1233 into a new ISO/IEC standard on Requirements Engineering, ISO/IEC 29148 • We’ll establish an IEEE “shadow” working group, which could do a coordinated development effort • Mark Henley prepared a “mash-up,” based on 830, 1233 and other materials. This was sent to the INCOSE editor for consideration. • We still need to find an IEEE editor who has funding to travel internationally • MZ:2063 PAR Expires Dec. 2009 & Standard will need maintenance in 2009, Last deadline is Oct 19th, 2009. We also need to decide whether to reaffirm IEEE 830 and 1233; they are due for maintenance in 2009
P20000.1, .2 • Information Technology – Service Management – Part 1 (Specification) and Part 2 (Code of Practice) • Adoption of ISO/IEC 20000-1:2005 and 20000-2:2005 • Terry Doran is chairing these IEEE adoptions; she plans to create mappings to related IEEE standards. Progress has been slow. • Paul and Annette havecandidates to move this project forward, if Terry is unable to do so • S2ESC has a set of reference processes for software and systems engineering that is shared with SC7 • Sharing this material permits IEEE and SC7 to write compatible standards • MZ: PAR was approved in 2006 and will expire Dec. 2010.
P25010/9126.1 • Software Engineering – Product Quality – Part 1: Quality Model • Future IEEE adoption of ISO/IEC 25010; will replace ISO/IEC 9126.1 • This standard is a taxonomy of quality factors • JWM: SC7 WG6 is continuing to revise this ISO/IEC standard; it’s now in Committee Draft status • Once ISO/IEC 25010 is completed, S2ESC will need to designate a WG chair to lead the IEEE adoption
P26513 Adoption of ISO/IEC 26513, “Systems and software engineering - Requirements for testers and reviewers of user documentation” Annette has offered to lead the adoption Paul agrees that we should adopt ISO/IEC 26513 We need to open a PAR for the adoption 18
Dashboard: Green Projects • P730 • P828 • P1016 • P1044 (balloting has been completed) • P1175.n • P1362 (reaffirmed; waiting on SC7 to determine our next step) • P1465/25051 (IEEE 1465 will be allowed to expire) • P1517 (we have initiated a revision of IEEE 1517) • P2001 (will need to be reaffirmed; may want to adopt the ISO/IEC number, 23026) • P14102 (The PAR for this adoption has been submitted) • P14471 (PAR has been submitted; very low priority) • P15026/1228 (being worked in SC7; IEEE ballot to follow) • P15289 (will replace IEEE 12207.1) • P16326 (will replace IEEE 1058) • P24748 (IEEE will adopt ISO/IEC 24748 to replace 12207.2-1997) • P24765 (will replace IEEE 610.12) • P42010 (ISO/IEC adoption of IEEE 1471)
730-2002 Std for Software Quality Assurance Plans Last revised in Sept. 2002 The next version will be a process standard Keith Middleton has replaced Ron Dean as WG Chair; the WG lost a year, but they’re getting back on track PAR was approved on June 7, 2007, expires Dec. 2011 F2F meeting was held in Ft. Worth, May 26-29, 2009 http://www2.computer.org/portal/web/sqa 20
828-2005 • Std for Software Configuration Management Plans • Last reaffirmed in February 2005.. • Chuck Walrad is WG Chair • The next version will be a process standard, and will incorporate the material from the 12207.1 compliance matrix into the text • NesCom approved the PAR for P828 at their September 2008 meeting, “pending verification of working group information” • Chuck has sent NesCom a membership roster (a contingency of the PAR approval) • JWM: SC7 has designated a “rapporteur” to work on IEEE’s revision of 828; the intent is to ultimately fast-track 828 as an ISO/IEC std
1016-1998 • Recommended Practice for Software Design Descriptions • First published in Sept. 1998; never revised • Keith Middleton has replaced Vladan Jovanovic as WG chair; Rich Hilliard continues as project editor • The first ballot was conducted in October/November 2008; the second ten-day recirculation began on December 17 2008 • RevCom approved IEEE 1016 in March 2009
1044-1993 • Std Classification for Software Anomalies • Last reaffirmed in Sept. 2002 • The original PAR for this revision was submitted in 2005 • MZ: The PAR for 1044 will expire in December, 2009 • A revised PAR was submitted in May 2009, and approved by NesCom on May 11. The 2009 expiration date is unchanged • Dave Zubrow has replaced Dave Card as WG chair • Dave has converted 1044 to a process standard; the title is not being changed • The balloting cycle was initiated in February, and closed in March 2009 • Recirculation is planned for the July or August time frame
1175.1-5 (1 of 2) • Guide for CASE Tool Interconnections – (various subtitles) • Carl Singer is chair of all five WGs • 1175.1 was reaffirmed in Sept. 2007 • 1175.2 was approved in Sept. 2006 • 1175.3 reaffirmation has been reaffirmed
1175.1-5 (2 of 2) • The revision of 1175.4 was approved in December 2008, and was published in March 2009. • The PAR for 1175.5 was submitted and approved on January 19, 2009 (the title has been modified slightly) • At some future date, Carl may also submit a PAR for a new standard, 1175.6
1362-1998 (also 1362a-1998) Guide for Information Technology – Concept of Operations Document; there is also an associated Interpretation MZ: Reaffirmation of 1362 and 1362a was approved at the Dec. 2007 Stds. Board meeting We should revise this for consistency with ISO/IEC 15288; we’ll need a WG chair We’ve sent IEEE 1362 to SC7 Update from Jim: It appears that parts of 1362 will be incorporated into the SC7 draft of a requirements engineering standard. Until that standard progresses more, we won’t know whether to keep or drop 1362. P1362 will next be coming up for maintenance in 2012 26
IEEE 1465-1998 / ISO/IEC 25051 Adoption of ISO/IEC International Standard 12119:1994(E) - Information Technology – Software packages – Quality requirements and testing Last reaffirmed in December 2004 ISO/IEC 12119 is currently under revision as 25051 A WG was formed to determine whether to adopt ISO/IEC 25051 as a replacement for IEEE 1465 The IEEE P25051 balloters have agreed that we should withdraw both 1465 and 25051 IEEE 1465 will be allowed to expire in December 2010 The PAR for P25051 will also be allowed to expire 27
1517-1999 Standard for Information Technology – Software Life Cycle Processes – Reuse Processes This is an extension of 12207 to address software reuse Reaffirmed in 2004 Elena “Laney” Strange is the WG Chair S2ESC contributed IEEE 1517 to SC7 for use in a revision of 12207 MZ: The revision of ISO/IEC 12207 was completed in January 2008 Now that 12207 has been revised, 1517 should also be revised, to include references to the material that 12207 took from 1517 NesCom approved the P1517 PAR during continuous processing 28
2001-2002 (ISO/IEC 23026) • Recommended Practice for Internet Practices – Web Page Engineering – Intranet/Extranet Applications • Jim Moore was WG Chair • ISO/IEC SC7 has adopted IEEE 2001, via fast-track, as ISO/IEC 23026 • IEEE needs to reaffirm 2001; we’ll have to retain the old number, though • JWM: Balloting group for the reaffirmation of 2001 is being formed • MZ: Currently it is being sold as ISO/IEC 23026 and can be looked up by either number. • MZ: This needs maintenance this year by 2009, Last deadline is Oct 19th, 09.
P14102 (replaces 1462-1998) Adoption of ISO/IEC International Standard 14102:1995 - Information Technology – Guideline for the Evaluation and Selection of CASE Tools Last reaffirmed in December 2004 JWM: The revision of ISO/IEC 14102 has been published The next step is for S2ESC to initiate a project to adopt it as a replacement for IEEE 1462-1998 Carl Singer submitted a PAR for the adoption of 14102; NesCom approved this PAR on May 11, 2009 30
P14471 • Standard for Information Technology – Software engineering – Guidelines for the adoption of CASE tools • JWM: SC7 revised 14471 in 2007 • Our strategy is for IEEE to adopt ISO/IEC 14471 • Carl and Jim agree that this is not a high-priority item for S2ESC • Carl has submitted a PAR for this adoption; NesCom approved the PAR in May 2009
P15026/1228-1994 • “Systems and Software Engineering – Systems and Software Assurance” • This is the adoption of ISO/IEC 15026; it will replace IEEE 1228-1994 • MZ: At the Dec. 2007 Stds. Board meeting, 1228 was extended till Dec. 2009, and will need maintenance this year. • IEEE balloting closed in Sept. 2007 with 82% response; in Comment Resolution stage since then (i.e., over one year) • Lou Gullo reported in October 2008 that the Reliability Society had agreed to co-develop this standard with IEEE-CS • JWM:There have been repeated ballots in SC7, but the draft is still regarded as immature. We will hold an IEEE ballot on the next round. • MZ: Paul will reaffirm IEEE 1228. The plan with 15026 is to withdraw the PAR and to submit four new adoption PARs in its place.
P15289/12207.1-1997 • S2ESC is in the process of adopting ISO/IEC 15289 to replace 12207.1, “Life cycle data” • A PAR was approved in May, 2007 • Annette is chairing the adoption of ISO/IEC 15289:2006 • IEEE balloting closed in August 2007 with 75% response; in Comment Resolution stage since then • SC7 may revise 15289 in a few years, after which S2ESC may have to adopt it again • JWM: 15289 needs editorial revision to accommodate the revision of 12207 and 15288.
P16326/1058-1998 • Std for Software Engineering -- Project Management • This is a coordinated merger, with SC7, of IEEE 1058-1998 and ISO/IEC 16326 • Mark Henley is ISO/IEC project editor • Recirc was performed September – October, 2008 • JWM: 16326 has been sent to FDIS ballot. We can anticipate final approval by both ISO/IEC and IEEE during 2009. • Mark reports that IEEE will need to conduct a minor change ballot • MZ: Modified PAR was reviewed and approved on Jan. 19th, 09. Can move forward to RevCom when ready. • MZ: Shall we let IEEE 1058 expire, since 16326 is nearly completed? • MZ: PAR for 16326 expires in December 2009, 1058 Standard expires in 2009
P24748 • Replaces IEEE 12207.2-1997, Industry Implementation of International Standard ISO/IEC 12207:1995, Software Life Cycle Processes – Implementation Considerations • ISO/IEC JTC1 SC7 is revising 12207:1995 as ISO/IEC 24748 • MZ: IEEE 12207.2 is coming up for maintenance • MZ: S2ESC will need to either revise or withdraw 12207.2 • If we revise it we should align it with ISO/IEC 24748 • IEEE intends to adopt ISO/IEC 24748 as a replacement for IEEE Std 12207.2-1997 • JWM: ISO/IEC 24748 is about to be sent for publication. The IEEE PAR revision to modify the scope is currently before NesCom. The final IEEE recirc. will occur shortly, followed by submission to RevCom. We have time; the PAR doesn’t expire until December 2011. • JWM: We need to discuss what to do with 24748 parts 2 and 3 • MZ: Modified PAR was reviewed and approved on January 19th, 09.
P24765 (replaces 610.12-1990) • Std Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology • 610.12 was last reaffirmed in Sept. 2002. MZ: 610.12 was due for maintenance in 2007 but an extension was requested till 2009. • The plan is to maintain the vocabulary in a shared database • We have negotiated with IEEE SA to permit public access to the database • IEEE-CS has developed a web-based application (SEVOCAB) for importing, editing, and displaying the definitions • NesCom has approved the PAR for the adoption of ISO/IEC 24765, so we’ll let 610.12 expire • MZ: P24765 PAR will expire Dec. 31st 2011
P42010/1471-2000 • Standard for Architectural Descriptions • WG Chair is Rich Hilliard • MZ: Par was approved in Sept. 2007 Stds. Board Meeting. MEC was submitted 1/16/09 • The 30-day IEEE ballot closed on May 2, 2009 • JWM: • SC 7 adopted IEEE Std 1471 as ISO/IEC 42010 • SC 7 and IEEE are cooperating in the revision of 42010