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GD is a simulation of what one can expect in a meeting at the workplace.
GD is a simulation of what one can expect in a meeting at the workplace. During the meeting, everyone has his or her say. Members present their views forcefully and logically. The purpose of GD is to find whether the participants possess ability to think analytically and critical qualities needed to become an effective manager.
While the written Exam tests comprehension and analytical skill, the GD tests people in the following areas. Body language Communication skills Self confidence Team skills Listening ability Ability to present one’s views logically Time management
A GD is a wonderful challenge because, one has a maximum of 20 to 30 minutes to show if one has it in him or her to become an effective manager. • Gearing up for a GD • Building up a good knowledge base • Having a daily dose of reading:- News papers, Magazines etc… and keeping eyes and ears open to happenings around in various areas. • Maintaining a positive attitude i.e: Staying motivated and excited about the upcoming challenges.
Gearing up for a GD • Developing the abilities to see things from the other person’s view point also, and respect it even if you disagree. • 5. Participating in mock GD s
Initiation / and introductionThe following 3 distinct phases can be identified in a GD • 1. Initiation / and introduction • 2. Body of GD • 3. Summarization / conclusion
Initiation / and introduction Initiating GD is a high profit – high loss strategy. The initiator can make a powerful impression with his / her content and communication skills after he / she initiates the GD, it will help him / her sail to the discussion smoothly.
Body of GD The need here is to be logical, balanced and clear. In presenting the perspective on the topic, one should not endorse or be critical of others’ views, but be polite and tactful. Being suggestive is better than asserting bluntly or being argumentative.
Summarization / conclusion a) New point should be avoided while summarizing. • b) Viewpoints all others should be included. • c) Every aspect of GD should be dwelt upon. • d) Summary should be brief and concise. • e) It must incorporate all important points brought out in the GD.
Parameters to assess GD a) Body language, cordiality and confidence b) Avoiding argument and debate c) Speaking ability d) Speaking clearly e) Addressing everyonef) Listening fully g) Listening attentively
Parameters to assess GD h) Contributing new facts i) Following a systematic procedure j) Giving a chance to other members k) Being alert on points of order to keep the discussion on track and orderly. l) Raising questions for clarificationsm) Summing up effectively
To be effective in the GD 1) Try to grasp central point (core issue of the topic). Then build and conceptualize your point for presentation 2) Open your discussion with a short but emphatic statement, followed by brief analysis of the issue involved. 3) While expanding your points, stay centered on the issue being discussed and do not bring up too many points at a time. Doing so often leads to disconnection of thoughts and incoherent discussion 4) Try to think differently and creatively about the topic
To be effective in the GD 5) Do not openly challenge another speakers view and create a row during the discussion. 6) This does not mean that you should not be assertive. Be assertive, but without offending others or being overtly aggressive. 7) It’s not enough to start well; You also have to end well. Try to summarize and give your brief conclusion. 8) Finally, practice as much as you can in different groups (informally on various topics) Creative thinking and ability to present an issue differently (in a way not thought of by many) is a great skill for success in a very competitive GD.
Do’s and Dont’sDO’s a) Introduce yourself to the group. Be specific and brief. In most cases it suffices to mention your name, institution and academic stream. b) Take your seat as directed by the interviewer, and sit attentively. c) Listen carefully topic being proposed for discussion. You may ask it to be repeated, if you need clarification, but be clear.d) Carry a small pad and pencil to make a note of topic and main points by co - participants
Do’s and Dont’sDO’s e) Conceptualize your approach and ideas by jotting down a few points, but do it quickly f) Once ready take the lead to speak first, provided that no other candidate has begun speaking. g) If you get a chance to begin first, start with saying, “May I Start” with the permission of the interviewer and the group. h) Be brief and analytical
Do’s and Dont’sDO’s i) During the discussion always address the group members and not the interviewer making eye contacts with the all group members. j) It’s better to speak for a short while in the beginning (1 to 1 and half minutes) and then take the opportunity later to add some critical points after a few other have spoken. k) Do not interrupt when someone is speaking
Do’s and Dont’sDO’s l) Try to exhibit your leadership qualities by taking the lead in settling a point under discussion, that is being disrupted by others. m) Exhibit your team spirit by co-operating with others during the discussion. Be ready to summarize the main points discussed in your own words at the end (Jotting down important points during the discussion will be of great help). So, concentrate on the discussion very aggressively. Thank the interviewer and the group members at the end.
Do’s and Dont’sDont’s a) Don’t lean on the table. Sit straight and comfortably and look up at each other b) Do not whisper or top amongst yourself after the interviewer has started introducing. c) Do not repeat exactly what another candidate has already said. You must always have your own points to add. d) Do not remain silent for long. You must talk and contribute to the discussion at the earliest opportunity.
Do’s and Dont’sDont’s e) Do not start with any argumentative statement. Whatever you say must be value addition to the discussion. f) Do not cut shot or interrupt another speaker to enter into the discussion wait for an opportune moment to enter the discussion at the earliest. g) Do not simply say “I agree with you”. You must say based on your views and thoughts. h) Do not try to dominate the discussion by intervening everyone or by talking for too long or frequently
Do’s and Dont’sDont’s i) Do not stray away from the main topic j) Do not get agitated or angry because of difference views with others k) Do not make any personal attack or remark. Remember this is a team game. l) Do not add any new point of your own (which has not been discussed) while summarizing.m) Do not show any sign of indifference during the discussion: be enthusiastic during the discussion. These are easily said than done. Frequent informal mock sessions will make them easier.
Try out Mock Group Discussions on the following:- 1) US war on Iraq: Justified or not 2) Role of UN in peace keeping 3) Position of women in India compared to other nations 4) Environment management 5) Is China better than India in Software?6) Should Sonia Gandhi be made the PM? 7) BPO’s in India 8) Government contribution to IT
Try out Mock Group Discussions on the following:- 9) Will punch lines Advt.? 10) Pre marital sex 11) Is china a threat to Indian industry 12) India or West, which is the land of opportunities?13) Water resources should be nationalized 14) Balance between professional life and family life 15) Effect of cinema on youth 16) Education in India compared to foreign nations
Try out Mock Group Discussions on the following:- 17) What is the effect of movies on youth? 18) Are studies more beneficial in India or abroad 19) Cricket should be banned or not 20) Is china a threat to India 21) Present state of Indian Cricket team 22) Love marriage / arranged marriage 23) Advantages of co – education
Try out Mock Group Discussions on the following:- HOT TOPICS 24) How to deal with international terrorism? 25) Should we pursue our policy of dialogue with Pakistan?26) Are peace and non – violence out dated concepts?
Try out Mock Group Discussions on the following:-CURRENT TOPICS 27) A unipolar World spells disaster for under developed countries like India 28) Is globalization really necessary 29) What shall we do about our ever increasing population30) Corruption is the price we pay for democracy 31) Foreign Television channels are destroying our cultures
Try out Mock Group Discussions on the following:-CURRENT TOPICS 32) With media publishing and telecasting trivia, censorship is the need of the hour 33) Beauty contests degrade womanhood 34) The rise of regional blocks threatens independent nations like India 35) Is dependence on Computers a good thing? 36) Do beauty and brain go together
Try out Mock Group Discussions on the following:-CURRENT TOPICS 37) When I woke up in the morning I saw … 38) A ship docked in the harbour can not face the storm 39) Just as we have smoke – free zones, we should have child free zones 40) Marriage is a social trap
Try out Mock Group Discussions on the following:- SOCIAL TOPICS 41) The internet chains have come on the wings if signs and technology but are no less restrictive for all that 42) Secularism has become a tool to justify wrongs done by the minorities 43) Media is mixed blessing / how ethical is media? 44) To fight AIDS, stop being coy about sex education45) What should India strive – westernization or modernization
Try out Mock Group Discussions on the following:- ECONOMIC TOPICS 46) Developing countries need trade not aid 47) Why do we lag behind china 48) Capitalism is very flawed system but others are so much worse 49) Flexibility of labour laws is the key to attract more foreign direct investments 50) Is the business of business only business?
Try out Mock Group Discussions on the following:-POLITICAL TOPICS 51) Reserving seats for women in Panchayat has been a farce and has distracted from developing a more genuine voice of women 52) Have the nuclear test of 1998 benefited or harmed India?53) Voters, not political parties are responsible for criminalization of politics54) India should go for the presidential form of democracy
Try out Mock Group Discussions on the following:-ECONOMIC TOPICS55) In our economic matters there is an excessive tendency towards the thinking rather than doing every cloud has a silver lining 56) Can the economy achieve 8.5% growth rate57) Is the disinvestment really that good for India or is a rethink in order58) Are co – operatives relevant in today’s globalised environment
Try out Mock Group Discussions on the following:-ECONOMIC TOPICS59) Foreign aid is the dangerous drug that can stimulate in small dozes that can become fatally addictive in larger dozes 60) Modern day sport in industrialized society is an industry, as anything else61) Government should clean its own hands before pointing finger at the private sector
Try out Mock Group Discussions on the following:-MANAGEMENT TOPICS62) Is management an art or a science 63) The rush for MBA is really a rush for big money 64) Ethics in business are just a passing fashion 65) The objective of management is to maximize profit 66) Do professional managers have a chance in our family run Businesses
Try out Mock Group Discussions on the following:-MANAGEMENT TOPICS67) The internet is an exercise in hype 68) Is an MBA necessary to succeed in life69) Family – owned business vs professionally – run businesses 70) Smaller businesses and start - ups have more scope for professional growth 71) Dot com or doubt com
Try out Mock Group Discussions on the following:-MANAGEMENT TOPICS72) Managerial skills learnt in class room can never match those learn from experience 73) The power ministry should cut off supplies to all defaulting S E B s 74) Democracies hampering India’s progress 75) Religion is the private affair and should not be a concern for the state 76) MBA in India is highly over rated
Try out Mock Group Discussions on the following:-MANAGEMENT TOPICS77) Decreasing defends expenditure and increasing social expenditure 78) Nothing succeeds like success 79) Marxism and its future all over the world80) Universal disarmament is a must 81) RED IS RED, AND GREEN IS GREEN