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Trillium Learning Global 21 st Century Schools Project. 云南风光. Left Bank Scenery 左岸风 景. Pan Long Primary School Kunming, Yunnan, China Student Team: Grade 6, Class 2 Teacher: Zhou, Mingli 周明理. 小组成员名单 Team members. 组长:周珂吉. 图片收集:陈君然. Team Leader. Photo Collector. 资料收集:马青叶
Trillium Learning Global 21st Century Schools Project 云南风光 Left Bank Scenery 左岸风景 Pan Long Primary School Kunming, Yunnan, China Student Team: Grade 6, Class 2 Teacher: Zhou, Mingli 周明理
小组成员名单 Team members 组长:周珂吉 图片收集:陈君然 Team Leader Photo Collector 资料收集:马青叶 Material Collector 王璐琪 Team Member 孟俊峰 Team Member 动画处理:王一昕 Animation Process 翻译:陈麒博 Other members 其他组员:苏政凯、朱政 Translator
云南风光 目录 Table of Contents 丽江 Li River 建水燕子洞 Swallow Cave of Jianshui 石林 Stone Forest 大理 Dali 建水朱家花园 Zhujia Garden in Jianshui 玉龙雪山 Yulong Mountain
丽江 Lijiang 丽江古城, 是国家级历史文化名城。金沙江古称丽水,因此古城得美名——丽江。古城的中心是四方街,澄碧如玉的玉泉水,凭借古城北高南低的地势,滚滚而来,过了双石桥,一分为三,形成西河、中河、东河三股支流进入古城。它们穿街走巷,入院过墙,又分为无数小渠,与城内的潭泉相连,形成水网,密布全城。城依水存,水随城在,充溢着雪山、绿地、小桥、流水、纳西人家的诗情画意。 Lijiang ancient city is a historical and cultural city in China. Jinshajiang was called Lishui in ancient time, so that the city got a pretty name - Lijiang. The center of the ancient city is the Everywhere Street. YuQuan water is rolling into the city relying on the topography of northern higher than southern. The water is formed into three branches when it crosses the ShuangShi Bridge. The water is divided again to countless small streams and linked with the springs inside of the city, and formed a water-net that covers the whole city. The city and the water-net are co-existing and created a special poetic scenes like snowy mountains, green fields, stone bridges, springs and Naxi nationality cultures.
丽江古城 The Lijiang City
玉龙雪山 The Yulong Mountain • 玉龙雪山,位于丽江坝北边距丽江县城15公里,山北麓直抵金沙江.整座雪山由十三峰组成,峰峰终年积雪不化,主峰扇子陡,海拔5596米,是世界上北半球纬度最低、海拔最高的山峰。玉龙雪山随着时令和明暗的交替,景观也变幻无常。时而云蒸雾涌,玉龙乍隐乍现,时而碧天如水,万里无云,群峰像被玉液清洗过一样. • Yulong Mountain is also called Jade Dragon Snowy Mountain. It’s located in the north of Lijiang Dam, 15 km away from Lijiang city. The north part of mountain reaches Jinshajiang. Entire snow mountain composed by 13 peaks, and covered by snow year long. The main peak Shan Zidou is 5596 meters above sea level, and is the lowest northern latitude and the highest peak in the world. The Jade Dragon Snowy Mountain’s landscape is also inconsistency due to seasonal changes and alternant of shades. Sometimes the Yulong Mountain hidden in steaming mist, sometimes the sky is cloudless, and the Mountain is like washed by water, clean and shinny.
The Yulong Mountain 玉龙雪山
大理 Dali 大理历史悠久,文物古迹众多,在大理古城及周围分布甚广,它们以古城为中心,沿苍山之麓、洱海之滨呈线状分布。大理主要人文古迹旅游景点:崇圣寺三塔 ·云南驿古镇 ·巍山古城 ·白族村寨周城(扎染之乡) ·严家院 ·剑川木雕 ·千年白族村 ·云龙太极图 ·大慈寺火葬墓群 ·虎头山古建筑群规范化富贵花。 Dali has a long history and numerous cultural relics. Dali and the surrounding area is broad. The ancient city places in the center and the area distributed along the mountain foot and the coast of Erhai. Dali’s main historical sites for tourist are: the Three towers of Chong Sheng Temple, the ancient Yunnan station, the Village of Wei Hill, the Bai nationality Zhou Cheng Village (the Tie-Dying township), the Yan Courtyard, the Jian Chuan Woodcarving, the millennium Bai Village, the Yunlong Taiji Diagram, the Daci Temple and the group of ancient buildings in Hutou Hill area…
大理好风光 Dali fine scenery
Dali fine scenery 大理好风光
建水燕子洞 The Swallow Cave of Jianshui 燕子洞被人们称为“南天一绝”, 位于古城建水东边30公里,属于建水国家重点风景名胜区。每年春天有数十万只雨燕从马来西亚等热带地区,飞来洞内筑巢安家、生儿育女,秋天又返回家过冬。春夏季的溶洞,形成”百万燕呼淝水战,一条浪吼浙江潮”的奇观。燕子洞由此得名。“到山不知门何处,洞口白云自吞吐”。这是古人对洞口风光的描述。燕子洞全长3000多米,分布着规模宏大的岩溶景观,被称为亚洲最大最壮观的溶洞之一。 • The Swallow Cave of Jianshui is known as “a spectacular of the southern heaven”. It’s located 30 kilometers away of the Jianshui City, and belongs to Jianshui National famous scenic district. Every spring, hundreds of thousands of swallows fly into the cave from tropical area like Malaysia. They fly into the cave to nest and generate babies, and return back to their home in autumn for winter. During spring and summer, there always a spectacle “white clouds” scenery that formed by the swallows. ”Don’t know where is the pass way while arrived the mountain, since there are white clouds at the gate". This is a description of the Swallow Cave by ancient people. The Swallow Cave is 3,000 meters in full-length, and is composted by large-scale of karst scenery. It’s known as the biggest and the most spectacular karst cave in Asia.
建水燕子洞 The Swallow Cave of Jianshui
建水燕子洞 The Gate of Swallow Cave
石林 The Stone Forest • 石林被称为“阿诗玛故乡”,是国家重点风景名胜区,距离昆明89公里。石林是一种特殊的地貌形态,这种地貌称为喀斯特地貌,也叫溶洞地貌。早在二亿七千万年前,石林所在的滇东一带,是沉在海中的,当时沉积了很厚的石灰岩。后来由于地壳运动这里被抬升,海退成陆。在高原形成的过程中,由于地下水时缓时急的下降,地表及地下水不断向下溶蚀、冲刷,最终分割成石林形态,距今200万年前形成石林。 • The Stone Forest is the hometown of Ah Shima. It’s a national key scenic area, and located 89 kilometers away from Kunming. The Stone Forest is a special kind of geomorphologic form and called karst landform. 270 million years ago, the the eastern Yunnan area was underneath the sea. When it’s lifted up by crustal movement, it’s deposited thick layer limestone. During the formation of plateau, the ground surface is flushed and carved continuously by water, and then formed into the Stone Forest. This formation took place about 2 million years ago from today.
石林风光 The Stone Forest Scenery
朱家花园 Zhujia Garden • 朱家花园素有边陲“达观楼”之称,占地2万多平方米,其中房屋占地5000多平方米,另外还有花园、水池、假山、戏台,院落层出,房舍迭进,变化无穷,一共有大小天井42个,整个建筑行如迷宫,是一组规模宏大,建筑风格独特,富有滇南私家园林韵味的居民建筑群。 • Zhujia Garden is known as ”a philosophical house” locally. It covers an area of more than 20,000 square meters, including more than 5,000 square meters building area. Additionally it has gardens, ponds, rocky hills, a performing stage, houses, and total 42 different sizes of courtyards. The whole Garden built as a maze of a group of large-scale complex with unique architectural style. The complex is in rich of south Yunnan private garden characteristics.
Interior of Zhujia Garden 朱家花园 图片展览室
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