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Using Prolog's Inference Engine. From: Chapter 2, Building Expert Systems in Prolog , http://www.amzi.com/ExpertSystemsInProlog/xsipfrtop.htm. Contents. The Bird Identification System User Interface A Simple Shell Summary. The Bird Identification System.
Using Prolog's Inference Engine From: Chapter 2, Building Expert Systems in Prolog , http://www.amzi.com/ExpertSystemsInProlog/xsipfrtop.htm
Contents • The Bird Identification System • User Interface • A Simple Shell • Summary Using Prolog's Inference Engine
The Bird Identification System • A system which identifies birds will be used to illustrate a native Prolog expert system. • The expertise in the system is a small subset of that contained in Birds of North America by Robbins, Bruum, Zim, and Singer. • The rules of the system were designed to illustrate how to represent various types of knowledge, rather than to provide accurate identification. Using Prolog's Inference Engine
Rule formats IF first premise, and second premise, and ... THEN conclusion conclusion :- first_premise, second_premise, ... Using Prolog's Inference Engine
Rules about birds • The most fundamental rules in the system identify the various species of birds. • We can begin to build the system immediately by writing some rules. Using the normal IF THEN format, a rule for identifying a particular albatross is: bird(black_footed_albatross):- family(albatross), color(dark). bird(whistling_swan) :- family(swan), voice(muffled_musical_whistle). bird(trumpeter_swan) :- family(swan), voice(loud_trumpeting). IF family is albatross and color is white THEN bird is laysan_albatross bird(laysan_albatross) :- family(albatross), color(white). Using Prolog's Inference Engine
Rules about birds • In order for these rules to succeed in distinguishing the two birds, we would have to store facts about a particular bird that needed identification in the program. For example if we added the following facts to the program: family(albatross). color(dark). ?- bird(X). X = black_footed_albatross Using Prolog's Inference Engine
Rules for hierarchical relationships • The next step in building the system would be to represent the natural hierarchy of a bird classification system. • These would include rules for identifying the family and the order of a bird. order(tubenose) :- nostrils(external_tubular), live(at_sea), bill(hooked). order(waterfowl) :- feet(webbed), bill(flat). family(albatross) :- order(tubenose), size(large), wings(long_narrow). family(swan) :- order(waterfowl), neck(long), color(white), flight(ponderous). Using Prolog's Inference Engine
Rules for hierarchical relationships nostrils(external_tubular). live(at_sea). bill(hooked). size(large). wings(long_narrow). color(dark). ?- bird(X). X = black_footed_albatross Using Prolog's Inference Engine
bird lysan_albatros black_footed_albatros trumpter_swan family(albatros) color(white) family(swan) voice(loud) family(albatros) color(dark) family(albatros) family(swan) order(tubenose) live(at_sea) bill(hooked) color(white) Relationships between some of the rules in the Bird identification system order(waterfowl) neck(long) flight(ponderous) Using Prolog's Inference Engine
Rules for other relationships • The Canada goose can be used to add some complexity to the system. • Since it spends its summers in Canada, and its winters in the United States, its identification includes where it was seen and in what season. bird(canada_goose):- family(goose), season(winter), country(united_states), head(black), cheek(white). bird(canada_goose):- family(goose), season(summer), country(canada), head(black), cheek(white). Using Prolog's Inference Engine
Rules for other relationships country(united_states):- region(mid_west). country(united_states):- region(south_west). country(united_states):- region(north_west). country(united_states):- region(mid_atlantic). country(canada):- province(ontario). country(canada):- province(quebec). region(new_england):- state(X), member(X, [massachusetts, vermont, ....]). region(south_east):- state(X), member(X, [florida, mississippi, ....]). bird(mallard):- family(duck), voice(quack), head(green). bird(mallard):- family(duck), voice(quack), color(mottled_brown). Using Prolog's Inference Engine
User Interface • The system can be dramatically improved by providing a user interface which prompts for information when it is needed, rather than forcing the user to enter it beforehand. • The predicate ask will provide this function. Using Prolog's Inference Engine
Attribute Value pairs • Before looking at ask, it is necessary to understand the structure of the data which will be asked about. • All of the data has been of the form: "attribute-value". • For example, a bird is a mallard if it has the following values for these selected bird attributes: AttributeValue family duck voice quack head green Using Prolog's Inference Engine
Attribute Value pairs • This is one of the simplest forms of representing data in an expert system, but is sufficient for many applications. • More complex representations can have "object-attribute-value" triples, where the attribute-values are tied to various objects in the system. • Still more complex information can be associated with an object and this will be covered in the chapter on frames. • For now the simple attribute-value data model will suffice. Using Prolog's Inference Engine
Asking the user • The ask predicate will have to determine from the user whether or not a given attribute-value pair is true. • The program needs to be modified to specify which attributes are askable. • This is easily done by making rules for those attributes which call ask. eats(X):- ask(eats, X). feet(X):- ask(feet, X). wings(X):- ask(wings, X). neck(X):- ask(neck, X). color(X):- ask(color, X). • Now if the system has the goal of finding color(white) it will call ask, rather than look in the program. If ask(color, white) succeeds, color(white) succeeds Using Prolog's Inference Engine
Asking the user • The simplest version of ask ask(Attr, Val):- write(Attr:Val),write('? '), read(yes). ?- bird(X). nostrils : external_tubular? yes. live : at_sea? yes. bill : hooked? yes. size : large? yes. wings : long_narrow? yes. color : white? yes. X = laysan_albatross Using Prolog's Inference Engine
Asking the user • There is a problem with this approach. • If the user answered "no" to the last question, then the rule for bird(laysan_albatross) would have failed and backtracking would have caused the next rule for bird(black_footed_albatross) to be tried. • The first subgoal of the new rule causes Prolog to try to prove family(albatross) again, and ask the same questions it already asked. • It would be better if the system remembered the answers to questions and did not ask again. Using Prolog's Inference Engine
Remembering the answer ask(A, V):- known(yes, A, V), % succeed if true !. % stop looking ask(A, V):- known(_, A, V), % fail if false !, fail. ask(A, V):- write(A:V), % ask user write('? : '), read(Y), % get the answer asserta(known(Y, A, V)), % remember it Y == yes. % succeed or fail Using Prolog's Inference Engine
Multi-valued answers • The ask predicate now assumes that each particular attribute value pair is either true or false. • This means that the user could respond with a "yes" to both color:white and color:black. • In effect, we are letting the attributes be multi-valued. • This might make sense for some attributes such as voice but not others such as bill, which only take a single value. Using Prolog's Inference Engine
Multi-valued answers • The best way to handle this is to add an additional predicate to the program which specifies which attributes are multi-valued: multivalued(voice).multivalued(feed). Using Prolog's Inference Engine
Menus for the user • The user interface can further be improved by adding a menu capability which gives the user a list of possible values for an attribute. • It can further enforce that the user enter a value on the menu. size(X):- menuask(size, X, [large, plump, medium, small]). flight(X):- menuask(flight, X, [ponderous, agile, flap_glide]). Using Prolog's Inference Engine
Menus for the user can be implemented using a sophisticated windowing interface menuask(A, V, MenuList) :- write('What is the value for'), write(A), write('?'), nl, write(MenuList), nl, read(X), check_val(X, A, V, MenuList), asserta( known(yes, A, X) ), X == V. check_val(X, A, V, MenuList) :- member(X, MenuList), !. check_val(X, A, V, MenuList) :- write(X), write(' is not a legal value, try again.'), nl, menuask(A, V, MenuList). Using Prolog's Inference Engine
A Simple Shell • The bird identification program has two distinct parts: • the knowledge base, which contains the specific information about bird identification; and • the predicates which control the user interface. • By separating the two parts, a shell can be created which can be used with any other knowledge base. • For example, a new expert system could be written which identified fish. • It could be used with the same user interface code developed for the bird identification system. Using Prolog's Inference Engine
A Simple Shell • The minimal change needed to break the two parts into two modules is a high level predicate which starts the identification process. top_goal(X) :- bird(X). • The shell has a predicate called solve, which does some housekeeping and then solves for the top_goal. It looks like: solve :- abolish(known, 3), define(known, 3), top_goal(X), write('The answer is '), write(X), nl. solve :- write('No answer found.'), nl. Using Prolog's Inference Engine
A Simple Shell • In summary, the predicates of the bird identification system have been divided into two modules. The predicates which are in the shell called Native, are: solve - starts the consultation; ask - poses simple questions to the users and remembers the answers; menuask - presents the user with a menu of choices; supporting predicates for the above three predicates. Using Prolog's Inference Engine
A Simple Shell • The predicates which are in the knowledge base are: top_goal - specifies the top goal in the knowledge base; rules for identifying or selecting whatever it is the knowledge base was built for (for example bird, order, family, and region); rules for attributes which must be user supplied (for example size, color, eats, and wings); multivalued - defines which attributes might have multiple values. Using Prolog's Inference Engine
A Simple Shell • To use this shell with a Prolog interpreter, both the shell and the birds knowledge base must be consulted. Then the query for solve is started. ?- consult(native). yes ?- consult('birds.kb'). yes ?- solve. nostrils : external_tubular? … Using Prolog's Inference Engine
Command loop • The shell can be further enhanced to have a top level command loop called go. To begin with, go should recognize three commands: • load - Load a knowledge base. • consult - Consult the knowledge base by satisfying the top goal of the knowledge base. • quit - Exit from the shell. go :- greeting, repeat, write('> '), read(X), do(X), X == quit. greeting :- write('This is the Native Prolog shell.'), nl, write('Enter load, consult, or quit at the prompt.'), nl. do(load) :- load_kb, !. do(consult) :- solve, !. do(quit). do(X) :- write(X), write('is not a legal command.'), nl, fail. Using Prolog's Inference Engine
Command loop • Two other commands which could be added at this point are: • help - provide a list of legal commands; • list - list all of the knowns derived during the consultation (useful for debugging). load_kb :- write('Enter file name: '), read(F), reconsult(F). Using Prolog's Inference Engine
User interface go ask menuask Major predicates of Native Prolog shell Inference engine solve load Knowledge base top_goal rules multi_valued askable Working storage known Using Prolog's Inference Engine
Command loop • Using an interpreter the system would run as follows: ?- consult(native). yes ?- go. This is the native Prolog shell. Enter load, consult, or quit at the prompt. >load. Enter file name: 'birds.kb'. >consult. nostrils : external_tubular ? yes. ... The answer is black_footed_albatross >quit. ?- Using Prolog's Inference Engine