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Mela = black melanite. Melanite is black.Melanoma, melancholy, melanesia, melanocyte, melanin. Vice = In place of Vice versa. Vice president, vice counsel, viceroy. Foli = leaf foliage. Folio, foliolate, biofoliolate, foliation, defoliate, portfolio, folium. Atom = Vapor or particle atom. The atom is a particle.Atomic, atomizer, atomize, atomism, subatomic, diatomic.
1. List 20 Word Within the Word
2. Mela = blackmelanite Melanite is black.
Melanoma, melancholy, melanesia, melanocyte, melanin
3. Vice = In place ofVice versa Vice president, vice counsel, viceroy
4. Foli = leaffoliage Folio, foliolate, biofoliolate, foliation, defoliate, portfolio, folium
5. Atom = Vapor or particleatom The atom is a particle.
Atomic, atomizer, atomize, atomism, subatomic, diatomic
6. Orb = circleorbit The Satellite orbits the earth.
Exorbitant, orbital, orbicular, supraorbital
7. Mult = manymultiply To multiply means to make many.
Multiped, multifarious, multitudinous, multilateral
8. Ign = fireignite The fire ignited.
Igneous, ignition, reignite, ignescent, ignitron
9. Moll = softmollusk Mollusks are soft so many of them live in shells for protection.
Mollify, emollient, mollescent
10. Lin = linelinear The wheels on the skate are linear, in a line.
Delineate, lineation, lineal, rectilinear, lineage
11. Hemi = halfhemisphere Africa and Asia are in the same hemisphere, half of the earth.
Hemialgia, hemiplegia, hemipterous, hemicrania
12. Oo = eggoology Oology is the science of eggs.
Oophyte, oocyte, oogenesis, oogonium, oospore
13. Grad = stepgradual Plants grow gradually, step by step.
Grade, gradual, grading, retrograde, downgrade, gradualism, degrading
14. Pneumo = lung or airpneumonia Pneumonia is a lung infection.
Pneumogastric, pneumonectomy, pneumobacillus
15. Radi = rayradio Radio is transmitted through rays.
Radio, radian, radial, radiolarian, radiance, irradiate, radiation
16. Oscu = mouthosculate Osculum, osculation, osculant
17. Ob = againstobsolete Objurgation, obluquy, obdurate, oblique, obstinate
18. Vect = carryconvection Vector, invective, vectorial
19. Digit = fingerdigital Digitize, digitation, prestidigitation
20. Gymn = nakedgymnasts Gymnasts originally practiced naked.
Gymnasium, gymnosperm, gymnosophist, gymnastics
21. Plasm = formplasma Cytoplasm holds the organelles in form.
Ectoplasm, cytoplasm, endoplasm, plasmodium
22. Narco - sleepnarcolepsy Narcolepsy is an attack during sleep.
Narcotic, narcotine, narcotism
23. Verm = wormvermin Vermicide is used to kill worms.
Vermicelli, vermin, vermivorous
24. Lign = woodligneous Ligneous things have the appearance of wood.
Lignify, lignite, lignocellulose
25. Dendr = treerhododendron A rhododendron is a flowering tree.
Dendroid, dendrology, dendrite
26. Lachry = tearlachrymose He was lachrymose and had a tear falling from his eye.
Lachrymatory, lachrymal