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Not discussing End of Life Treatment Options is like ignoring the elephant in the room…..or letting the elephant make the Decisions!! . Who do I want making my End of Life Treatment Options?. Vimty.com.
Not discussing End of Life Treatment Options is like ignoring the elephant in the room…..or letting the elephant make the Decisions!!
Who do I want making my End of Life Treatment Options? Vimty.com
To Make Choices I must be able to Communicate – I need to be alert, oriented, and able to communicate. If I am not, due to unforeseen crisis, who will make my decisions?
My Parents? • I am no spring chicken, so you can guess my parents are getting up there in age. • They have not driven the 5 plus hour trip to my home in years – too much traffic/too long a trip. • Could they? Would they? Let me go if I told them “If I cannot be functional and able to care for myself I do not want to live.”
My Siblings? I only have one brother, he is 18 months older than me. He once gave me a cool glass of lemonade on a hot summer day when we were young. It was really his urine on ice! Can I trust him to make the right choices, even if I never told him what I would want if I could no longer communicate my needs?
My Children? I still wash their clothes, make dinner, take them for hair cuts, I don’t think they are ready for that responsibility, nor do I want to burden them.
EMT/ER Personnel? They are bound by their licensure to treat me and keep me alive no matter what, unless I have written documentation and an advocate to be my voice.
Insurance Case Manager? She does not know me. My dreams, my children, my financial situation, my spiritual beliefs, fear of basements, love of key lime pie, how could she make end of life decisions for me????
The only way to ensure I have a say is by completing an Advance Directive. I can decide who will voice my care choices. I can decide if I want my life prolonged at any consequence. Or if/when heroic measures, feeding tubes or ventilators will keep my body functioning or be turned off.