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MICE = critical R&D for neutrino factory and muon collider. neutrino factory: accelerate muons and store to produce neutrinos. Or opposite charges (and anti-). -- flux known to <±1% -- high energy electron neutrinos long baseline oscillation manifests itself by wrong sign muons:.
MICE = critical R&D for neutrino factory and muon collider neutrino factory: accelerate muons andstore to produce neutrinos Or opposite charges (and anti-) -- flux known to <±1% -- high energy electron neutrinos long baseline oscillation manifests itself by wrong sign muons: Golden channel: LARGE (100kton) magnetized iron detector + unique ability to test e
Practical realizations of ionization cooling are delicate… IDS Neutrino Factory MICE (from Study II 2001) Cooling Figure of Merit
Practical realizations vary… But all contain solenoid magnets (for transport and focus) RF cavities (for re-acceleration) and absorbers (for cooling itself. Best is Liq H2)
MICE the Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment -- Design, engineer and build a section of cooling channel capable of giving the desired performance for a Neutrino Factory; -- Place it in a muon beam and measure its performance in various modes of operation and beam conditions, thereby investigating the limits and practicality of cooling. Particle by particle measurement [ (in- out)/in ]= 10-3
MICE Collaboration across the planet Coupling Coils 1&2 Focus coils Spectrometer solenoid 2 Spectrometer solenoid 1 RF cavities RF power Beam PID TOF 0, TOF 1 Cherenkovs Downstream particle ID: TOF 2, KL EMR VariableDiffuser Liquid Hydrogen absorbers 1,2,3 Incoming muon beam Trackers 1 & 2
MICE SCHEDULE update February 2012 V1 Run date: Completed, submitted to publication (Tracker station and EMR run in 2012) Q1-4 2013 Under construction: (may skip) STEP VI NB: target date 2016
RF requirements: • Baseline mode, step V / VI • Beyond the baseline
MICE should cool by 10%. For 200 MeV particlesthisrequires22 MV of • RF voltage. • This couldbereachedwith 4 RF cavities operating at 16MV/m, 201MHz • However: • It is not clearthat RF cavitiescouldoperatestablyatthis voltage in magneticfield (separate R&D, MUCOOL) • This wouldrequire 16 MW of peak RF power at room temperature whichwe do not have • This wouldlikely cause somuchdarkcurrentthatoperation of detectors wouldbe impossible. • Darkcurrent (electrons) grow as E9 • 4. It waspreferred to operate MICE with 8 cavities at 8MV/m
Nominal MICE step VI • will operate with 8 RF cavities at 8MV/m. • This requires 1MW of peak RF power per cavity, shared among two RF couplers • Frequency 201 MHz. • Value is not critical within ~1MHz as long as we have coherent system • RF cavities themselves are equipped with tuners • Should be tuned to maximize RF cavities performance and then fixed and stable • Duty factor about 10-3 -- this is not a hard fact – is this a problem? • e.g. 1ms RF pulse every second • -- or 2ms every 2s if this is preferred • are compatible with MICE beam operations (target dips in ISIS beam for 2ms) • pulse longer than 2ms is not useful for MICE beam • pulse shorter than ~0.5 ms becomes inefficient
MICE particle spill Presently 1 every 2.56 seconds 2 ms
Step V STEP V “sustainable” cooling: cooling happens in the absorbers but production of cool beam requires acceleration with RF cavities old simulation (at 88MHz) Eout-Ein -1- running with shutters to commission RF cavities (no beam needed) -1’- running with LH2 and RF first with no beam to check RF noise -2- running with beam with no RF and no LH2 to check optics -3- running with beam with LH2 no RF-4- running with beam with LH2 and RF -5- or running 2-3-4- with solid absorbers? RF phase limited in optics and performance step VI!
MICE is an R&D experiment Phases of each pair of cavities should be tunable to match changes in muon momentum from 140 to 240 MeV/c this should be routine operation and not require a specialist (presently done several times a day) Phase and Volts should be recorded in real time to match with muon measured arrival time Possibility to run higher gradients should be preserved -- by feeding more RF power to fewer cavities -- by cooling cavities at LN2 rather than water This is *not* routine operation (change over a shut down)
A muon in MICE Px Py, Pz, x,y T1 Px Py, Pz, x,y T2 RF acceleration 1 RF acceleration 2 Rikard Sandström – PhD thesis
RF specification summary from A. Moss, MICE CM32 baseline DF= 10-3 0.4-1 Hz 2-1 msec What is needed here is ability to provide phase and gradient for each muon
RF specification summary from A. Moss, MICE CM32 Beyond baseline Liq N2 operation or re-connection of RF power into fewer cavities would allow exploration of higher gradients shouldthese appear to be feasible from e.g. MUCOOL Should not preclude this, although will be done at the end of experiment
Concerningregulation of phase and amplitude: • phase regulation by pair of cavitiesisenough and simplifies the system • whatisreallyneededisability to know phase and gradient for each muon • thereis no unique way of doingthis and thisshouldbe an outcome of this workshop • Withwhichprecision? • -- Absolutescale of amplitude • -- Global phase shift (time delay) between RF system and TOF system • willboth come fromanalysis of large samples of muons in operation.
Imagine this is the RF pulse: Millisecond scale nanosecond scale t1_i t0 ¦A¦(t) A(t) +-5% OK 2 ms 2.5 ns t_i Muon i , i= 1,200 t Muon i , i= 1,200 Must be able to tell ¦A¦(t_i) and t_i for each muon Desired reproducibility : few 10-3 for amplitude and few ps for phase over a day individual measurement fluctuations can be larger (up to a few % and 15ps)
Desired reproducibility : few 10-3 for amplitude and few ps for phase over a day individual measurement fluctuations can be larger (up to a few % and 15ps) Explanation Individual measurement precision can be ~1/3 of the measurement resolution on time and energy gain of individual particles But if one measures 105 particles in identical conditions several times a day the measurement device should not drift or vary by more than a few 10-3 for the amplitude or a few ps for the timing. If we observe a larger variation it should be because the RF system itself has varied (which is OK), not the measurement device itself.
Comments as discussed immediately after the RF review 1. we need a MICE-wide RF group – and organization (we have recast the WBS in this direction) 2. we should consider an RF system test before launching ourselves into MICE step VI. there is a good window for this in 2014 when step IV meaasurements are complete these should also be outcomes of this workshop