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How overweight can lead to multiple diseases.

Overweight or obesity insidiously works against us. From a low sex drive to diabetes, it brings nothing but miseries. Read more about it in the presentation.

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How overweight can lead to multiple diseases.

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  1. How overweight can lead to multiple diseases Add15years.comadd15years.in Author: (Prof.)Dr.S.OmGoel,MD/DM From family ofdoctors fromAIIMS,MAMC &DelhiUniversity MD Medicine,USA DM/Fellowship,USA

  2. What is obesity? • Today, the concept of telling that he or she is overweight, just by looking at someone, is obsolete. • Medical professionals goes by the concept of Body Mass Index (BMI) which is based on our height, weightand a formula. • What BMI indicates? • Normal weight / Body Mass Index is between 18 and 25. • If our Body Mass Index is less than 18, then we are underweight. We worry about such a person being malnourished. • If our Body Mass Index lies between 25 and 30 then, we call that person overweight. medical term used is ‘Obesity’. • If Body Mass Index exceeds 40, then we should all treat it as a medical emergency www.add15years.comwww.add15years.in

  3. Today, there are many mobile application measuring BMI score for free. They are available in both android and IOS platform.

  4. Daily habits leading to obesity… Snacking while watching TV: Eating-amnesia is a TV-induced condition, in which we unknowingly consume lot of calories than we should. Alcohol consumption: Alcohol is a high caloric beverage. Not only it increases blood sugar level, it also adds up on our weight. Lower physical activity: A sitting job in morning and couch hrs. in evening leads to totally passive-life. Poor sleep routine: A poor sleep, increases our appetite. This happens because of Cortisol hormone. Calorie ignorance: Calorie consciousness is a must. www.add15years.comwww.add15years.in

  5. Obesity welcomes lurking diseases Inflammation: Frequent acid refluxes. Diabetes: Obesity comes along with increased sugar levels. And Type-2 diabetes tied along with it. High blood pressure: Obesity means blocked arteries. If arteries are blocked, high blood pressure is obvious. And sadly a heart-attack or stroke tags along. Arthritis: Our skeleton structure can carry a certain weight. Carrying extra kilos will surely affect joints. Arthritis is a sad outcome. Cancer: Overweight or obesity raises risk of cancers in colon, kidney, gallbladder, or uterus. www.add15years.comwww.add15years.in

  6. Obesity problems

  7. How to manage weight? • Know your meal: Wemust eat calorie-measured meal. It’s wise to be conscious about our food. • Plan meal in advance: Since diet varies person to person taking help of nutritionists and dietician helps a lot. They prepare delicious customized diet plans for us • Exercise: Being physically activealways helps.Aerobic exercises are must. If possible, include weight training, it will help a lot. Muscles have higher metabolism than fat, more lean muscles will itself control weight. • Sleep deep: Deep sleep reduces cortisol (stress hormone) levels. This hormone is responsible for increased appetite. www.add15years.comwww.add15years.in

  8. AVAIL OFFERNOW ADD25%OFF Author: (Prof.)Dr.S.OmGoel,MD/DM From family ofdoctors fromAIIMS,MAMC &DelhiUniversity MD Medicine,USA DM/Fellowship,USA www.add15years.comwww.add15years.in

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