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A Secure VO Software for ATLAS Grid User Management

A Secure VO Software for ATLAS Grid User Management. Dantong Yu Brookhaven National Lab. The packages I am using:. GroupMan: http://heppc22.hep.caltech.edu/groupman/ VO server management tools http://cvs.infn.it/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/Auth/VO/sbin/ new edg-mkgridmap package

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A Secure VO Software for ATLAS Grid User Management

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  1. A Secure VO Software for ATLAS Grid User Management Dantong Yu Brookhaven National Lab

  2. The packages I am using: • GroupMan: • http://heppc22.hep.caltech.edu/groupman/ • VO server management tools • http://cvs.infn.it/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/Auth/VO/sbin/ • new edg-mkgridmap package • http://www.fis.unipr.it/pub/edg/repository/datagrid/ • http://grid.sinp.msu.ru/distribution/datagrid/wp6/RPMS/

  3. GUMS: A scalable Grid User Management System Virtual Organization User info User info UNM

  4. mkgridmap grid-mapfile grid-mapfile generation DOE Science Grid Certificate Authorities CA server VO server o=atlas,dc=ppdg-atagrid, dc=org OU=People ou=us-atlas, ou=atlas-dc1, OU=People CN=Dantong Yu CN=Jason Smith CN=Ed-May CN=Dantong Yu CN=Jason Smith CN=Ed-May

  5. Configure mkgridmap.conf • #### GROUP: group URI [lcluser]group ldaps://atlasgrid01.usatlas.bnl.gov:6220/ou=us-atlas,o=atlas,dc=ppdg-datagrid,dc=org#group ldap://grid-vo.nikhef.nl/ou=testbed1,o=atlas,dc=eu-datagrid,dc=org#group ldap://grid-vo.nikhef.nl/ou=testbed1,o=cms,dc=eu-datagrid,dc=org#### Optional - DEFAULT LOCAL USER: default_lcluser lcluserdefault_lcluser AUTO#### Optional - AUTHORIZED VO: auth URIauth ldap:// spider.usatlas.bnl.gov /ou=people,o=o=atlas,dc=ppdg-datagrid,dc=org#### Optional - ACL: deny|allow pattern_to_matchallow *INFN*#### Optional - GRID-MAPFILE-LOCAL #gmf_local /opt/edg/etc/grid-mapfile-local

  6. Grid-mapfile generated • …. • #---The following Users are added on Wed Jun 25 12:30:18 EDT 2003----------# • "/O=doesciencegrid.org/OU=People/CN=Dantong Yu 542086" dtyu • "/O=doesciencegrid.org/OU=People/CN=Edward May 948970" enm • "/O=doesciencegrid.org/OU=People/CN=Jason A. Smith 690157" smithj4 • "/O=doesciencegrid.org/OU=People/CN=Patrick T. McGuigan 843935" grid_a • "/O=doesciencegrid.org/OU=People/CN=Richard Baker 450963" rbaker • "/O=doesciencegrid.org/OU=People/CN=Robert W. Gardner Jr 663988" rwg • #--Above Users added on Wed Jun 25 12:30:18 EDT 2003-------#

  7. Current Status • The First Stage Development Is Completed • Available to Be Downloaded at: http://www.atlasgrid.bnl.gov/testbed/ACF-cache/mkgridmap • Ready to Run, Detailed Man Page

  8. Characteristics • Tractable, Flexible • Easy Installation and Management, after you do the RPM installation and setup your local configuration, the remain part will be automatically done by the software package • Cron Mode to run the script to generate the new gridmap and add them into your original grid-mapfile • The VO server could control who can access the VO server. The site has to register with the VO server. • The registration process is automatically done by the rpm installation script. It mail out the site host certificate to the VO administrator. ( Dantong is volunteer to act as the administrator) • Support GSI, every site which wants to download the VO information must has a host certificate, this host certificate is used to mutually authenticate with the VO server

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