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The new Deal, 1933-1940

The new Deal, 1933-1940. President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s new Deal programs stimulate the economy and the arts. The new Deal leaves a lasting, yet controversial mark on American government. A New Deal Fights the Depression .

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The new Deal, 1933-1940

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  1. The new Deal, 1933-1940 President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s new Deal programs stimulate the economy and the arts. The new Deal leaves a lasting, yet controversial mark on American government.

  2. A New Deal Fights the Depression • After becoming president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt uses _______________________ to fight the Depression. (next slide) • Electing FDR • Democrats nominate New York governor Franklin D. Roosevelt. • Reform-minded; projects friendliness, confidence • _______________ overwhelmingly win presidency, Senate, House • With “______________,” FDR formulates policies to alleviate problems • ___________- relief for needy, economic recovery, financial reform

  3. Americans Get a New Deal • The Hundred Days • FDR launches _________________; passes over 15 major New Deal laws • Emergency Banking ____________________ permits Treasury Department to inspect ___________. • Decides which are insolvent, sound, or need loans • _____________________ in banks revived. • FDR gives _____________________________ - raido talks explaining New Deal measures • First chat discusses need for public support of _________________________________.

  4. Americans Get a New Deal • Glass-Steagall Act establishes _____________ ___________________ Insurance Corporation insures individual bank accounts, regulates _____________________. Federal Securities Act – companies must give all information on _______________. ___________________ Commission created to regulate stock market. FDR gets law allowing production of some ____________________. 21st Amendment repeals _______________ by end of 1933.

  5. Helping the American People • ________________________________ (AAA) raises food prices, lowers supply • __________________________(TVA) creates jobs renovating, building dams • Civilian Conservation Corps- public works jobs for ____________________ • _______________________ money to states to create jobs • Civil Works Administration builds rural ______________, pays ______________

  6. Promoting Fair Practices • NIRA establishes codes of fair practice for ____________________ • Creates National Recovery Administration (NRA) sets standards, ___________, limits production • Home Owners Loan Corporation gives loans to prevent _____________________. • Federal Housing Administration gives loans for _________________, repairs • Federal Emergency Relief Administration - direct _________ to the Needy

  7. The New Deal Under Attack • _______________________ -spending more money than government takes in • Funds New Deal • ________________: New Deal does not do enough to help poor fix economy • __________________: New Deal used to control business, _______________ economy • Supreme Court strikes down ___________, ______ as unconstitutional • FDR proposes _________________: Congress, press protest • Starting in 1937, justices retire; FDR appoints __________ new ones

  8. The New Deal Comes Under Attack • Some conservative opponents form ______________________ • Think measures violate respect for personal rights, property • ____________________ withdraws initial support of New Deal • Wants guaranteed ________________, banks _____________________ • Dr. ___________________ devises____________ plan for elderly • Presidential hopeful, Senator _________________ has popular social program

  9. The Second new Deal Takes Hold • The Second Hundred Days • Furthering the New Deal • By 1935, __________________not as great as FDR had expected • FDR launches ____________________: more relief for farmers, workers • First Lady ________________________, a social reformer, prods president.

  10. Reelecting FDR • 1936, Democrats win ______________, large _______________ in both houses • First time most _________________ vote Democratic. • First time labor unions support _______________ candidate

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