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An Introduction to Programming

This presentation is about introduction to Programming. This does not teach you any programming language or any techniques. This is only for novices who would like to understand what programming really is. Again, this is only for novices and not for people who already know what programming is.

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An Introduction to Programming

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Programming

  2. What this is about ? 1. How does a computer work ? 2. What is a Program ? 3. How a computer does what it does ? 4. What exactly is a programming language? 5. For extreme newbies

  3. What this is not about ? 1. Not an introduction to any language 2. Not about programming techniques 3. Not for people who know programming

  4. Lets get started.

  5. Why use a computer ?

  6. Communications Play Movie Game Banking Maps & many more things

  7. But, how does a computer know to do these things ?

  8. A computer is a general purpose device that can be programmed to perform various tasks.

  9. Wait a minute, What is a PROGRAM ?

  10. A PROGRAM is a set of instructions given to a computer.

  11. But there are complications

  12. The computer understands only0s and 1s 001110010101010101001110101

  13. We only understand Spoken Languages like English Hello there :)

  14. How do we bridge this gap ? Hello there :) 001110010101010101001110101

  15. Let me explain

  16. Here is alien called ZUZU. He only speaks in Alien Language. &(**(@#^$^

  17. Here is a kid, VIKI. He only speaks in English. Hello there :)

  18. How will they communicate ? Hello there :) &(**(@#^$^

  19. There is a simple solution. Can you guess ?

  20. A Translator :) Hello there :) &(**(@#^$^ Hello there :) &(**(@#^$^

  21. We do the same thing with computers too.

  22. Hello there :) 001110010101010 Translator

  23. The translator in this case is called as a Compiler.

  24. A Compiler is a computer program that transforms a human readable source into a machine readable code.

  25. Here is a complete process

  26. Text Editor A programmer writes a human readable program Source Code Compiler A Compiler transforms it to a machine readable code Machine Code CPU The CPU performs the instructions Output Output Device An output device shows the output of the program

  27. What does a Source Program look like ? Can I write it in English ?

  28. Not possible right now. The compiler would be too complex.Our Languages are filled with ambiguity.

  29. We write the source programs in a Programming Language. • Specifically designed to instruct the computers. • Have strict syntaxes. • Have special symbols to perform special duties. • Un-ambiguous. • Examples : C, C++, JAVA, .net, etc...

  30. An example program in C #include<stdio.h> main() { printf(“Hello World”); }

  31. Last Words

  32. Computers are really dumb.

  33. They are highly efficient in doing what they are told to do.They don’ think on their own. 1 A B 2 3

  34. Be smart in instructing, it will make the computer smart :) Its all about the Program. 1 A 2 B 3

  35. Thank You

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