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AFP Strategic Planning 2011 – 2013 Chapter Leader Teleconference July 12, 2010

AFP Strategic Planning 2011 – 2013 Chapter Leader Teleconference July 12, 2010. Good is the enemy of great. Jim Collins. AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010. What do we want to accomplish today ?. AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010.

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AFP Strategic Planning 2011 – 2013 Chapter Leader Teleconference July 12, 2010

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  1. AFP Strategic Planning 2011 – 2013Chapter Leader TeleconferenceJuly 12, 2010

  2. Good is the enemy of great. Jim Collins AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010

  3. What do we want to accomplish today? AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010 • Overview of AFP Strategic Planning • 2011 – 2013 planning process and timelines • Results of Strategic Planning Retreat April 8, 2010 • Summary of CPC planning session April 11, 2010 • Review AFP Divisions work • Discussion • Ideas for member/chapter feedback • How to use the AFP IHQ plan to inform chapter planning

  4. Strategic Planning Committee • Andrea McManus, CFRE, Chair • Alice Ferris, ACFRE • Bill Bartolini, ACFRE, Ph.D. • Robert E. Carter, CFRE • Patrick J. Feeley, CFRE • Jay Frey, CFRE • Ann Hale, MA, CFRE • John Hicks, CFRE • Larry Hostetler, CFRE • Rachel Keene-Hutchisson • John Joslin, CFRE • Shauna Klein, MA • Vincent Law, CFRE • Grant Martin, CFRE • Richard Martin, CFRE • William Moran, FAHP, ACFRE • Missy Ryan, CFRE • Martha Schumacher, ACFRE • Vivian Smith, CFRE • Roberto Soto-Acosta • Paulette V. Maehara, CFRE, CAE, (Ex-Officio) • Robbe A. Healey, MBA, NHA, ACFRE, (Ex-Officio) • Timothy R. Burcham, CFRE (Ex-Officio) AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010

  5. Planning Approach • “Refresh” current strategic plan rather than start anew: reaffirm or modify current goal statements • Use existing AFP divisions (Professional Advancement, External Relations, Membership Services) to provide leadership on goals relevant to their areas • Increase focus on defining measurable outcomes and metrics AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010

  6. AFP Planning Approach • Environmental Scan 6. Action Planning, Budgets 2. Mission, Vision Core Ideology (Purpose/Values) 5. Organizational Strategy 3. Goals &, Objectives 4. Measurable Outcomes, Metrics AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010

  7. Timeline for Developing 2011 – 2013 Plan AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010

  8. Timeline for Developing 2011 – 2013 Plan AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010

  9. Strategic Planning Committee April 8, 2010 Retreat AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010

  10. Key Trends AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010 • There is a worldwide appetite for understanding and participating in the role of philanthropy in society • Collaborations, alliances and partnerships are key to expanding AFP’s presence Rate of technological change is accelerating and will challenge AFP’s ability to stay ahead.

  11. AFP Core Strengths AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010 Code of Ethics Size and brand recognition International growth Educational offerings Networks – influence, partnerships, alliances Leadership commitment at all levels

  12. AFP Key Accomplishments AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010 Growth in size and scope – international and chapters Technology enhancements Governance changes Advocacy/government relations Weathering financial crisis while enhancing member services Inclusiveness/collaborations

  13. Key Challenges AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010 • The pressure for accountability • The demand for effectiveness • The need for infrastructure

  14. What will AFP be known for in 2015? AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010 AFP is the global go to resource for anyone interested in fundraising AFP is the standard-bearer for ethical processes AFP provides the optimal member experience AFP provides a community - actual/virtual/ global - for all

  15. Strategic Context Statements AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010 To fulfill our mission, AFP must recognize that in an increasingly global community, AFP and its members are evolving from a focus on fundraising tools and techniques to a more comprehensive focus on philanthropy*.

  16. Strategic Context Statements AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010 To fulfill our mission, AFP must expand its leadership role through broad-based collaboration, targeted strategic alliances and multi-sector partnerships across all national and international spectrums. We must engage people from diverse backgrounds and cultures, and position AFP to be a catalyst for change.

  17. Strategic Context Statements AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010 To fulfill our mission, AFP must be nimble and embrace rapidly changing technologies to serve and engage members and expand our reach.

  18. Chapter Presidents’ CouncilStrategic Planning SessionApril 11, 2010 AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010

  19. How can AFP (IHQ and Chapters) address the needs of fundraisers in enhancing professional development? IHQ Chapters Take advantage of webinars Budget for chapter scholarships, speaker fees Chapter meetings agendas include links to AFP resources on website Develop affinity groups around topics, e.g., planned giving • Increased use of online training mixed with F2F • Regional training • More collaboration like Stanford/Boston College • Cutting edge webinars planned well in advance • Strengthen marketing of existing programs AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010

  20. How can AFP (IHQ and Chapters) address the needs of fundraisers in increasing branding and marketing efforts? IHQ Chapters Develop local media relations plans Better use of chapter website for marketing Develop and use chapter database of event attendees (non-member) Establish/expand mentoring program • Elevate the status and recognition of profession • More talking points about value of membership • More marketing materials for chapters • Media relations strategies that chapters can use AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010

  21. How can AFP (IHQ and Chapters) address the needs of fundraisers in educating boards, CEOs on value of profession? IHQ Chapters Invite members’ boards/ CEOs to chapter meetings Hold CEO/Board briefings on AFP value Develop white paper targeted to CEO’s Thank you notes from chapter president to member’s CEOs • Links, webinars, articles that can be forwarded to boards, CEOs • Direct marketing by IHQ to CEO’s • More visibility for AFP as widely quoted and noted authority • Training programs for CEOs AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010

  22. AFP 2007 – 2010 Goal Areas • Knowledge – Developing Superlative Practitioners • Strengthening the Profession – Educating External Audiences • Advocacy and Public Policy – Shaping Public Policy • Optimal Value – Enhancing the Member Experience • Advancing Diversity – Establishing a Diverse Profession • Outreach – Supporting the International Community AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010

  23. AFP 2007 – 2010 Goals Knowledge: Developing Superlative Practitioners Goal: AFP will develop more skilled, knowledgeable and ethical professionals Outcome: AFP members are considered to be better fundraisers as a result of knowledge gained through AFP educational offerings Key Metric: Member surveys measure satisfaction/ value of AFP educational offerings AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010

  24. AFP 2007 – 2010 Goals Strengthening the Profession: Educating External Audiences Goal: AFP will promote effective, ethical, accountable fundraising as both a recognized profession and as an essential component of philanthropy. Outcome: The fundraising profession will be viewed by the public, governments, donors and the sector as a vital part of the philanthropic process. Key Metric: Donor, community foundation surveys measure value of AFP members AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010

  25. AFP 2007 – 2010 Goals Advocacy and Public Policy: Shaping Public Policy Goal: AFP will advocate for public policy based on principles important to AFP and the fundraising profession. Outcome: Legislation and regulations are enacted that are favorable to AFP’s members, donors and the general public. Key Metric: Passage of legislation, and enactment of regulations that affect donors, the fundraising profession and the charitable sector. AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010

  26. AFP 2007 – 2010 Goals Optimal Value: Enhancing the Member Experience Goal: AFP will deliver optimal value to members. Outcome: Chapters and the international headquarters will work together to deliver value for membership, with members consistently rating their overall experience with AFP as exceeding expectations. Key Metric: Member retention rates, member satisfaction surveys and chapter leadership feedback and responses. AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010

  27. AFP 2007 – 2010 Goals Advancing Diversity: Establishing a Diverse Profession Goal: AFP will embrace and engage diverse individuals, groups and organizations within the fundraising profession. Outcome: AFP will be viewed as a leader in engaging diverse organizations and as the member organization of choice for diverse fundraisers. Key Metric: Set baselines and track progress for a number of metrics, including percentage of diverse members and number of chapters offering diversity programs. AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010

  28. AFP 2007 – 2010 Goals Outreach: Supporting the International Community Goal: AFP will increase its influence and presence worldwide. Outcome: AFP will be a leader in establishing the most effective environment for fundraising communities worldwide by ensuring that a wide range of services is accessible to fundraisers worldwide. Key Metric: Evaluate its progress by examining and following the number of members, chapters and strategic alliances it has outside the United States and Canada, as well as participation at AFP-sponsored events outside North America. AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010

  29. Discussion AFP Chapter Leader Teleconference – July 12, 2010 • Member/chapter feedback ideas – what are the best ways to engage members/chapters? • How to use the AFP IHQ plan to inform chapter planning (and vice versa) – how do we ensure we are all headed to the same destination?

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