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Configuring a Verizon Cell Phone with the TSC2 for VRS Surveying

Configuring a Verizon Cell Phone with the TSC2 for VRS Surveying. Chuck Hutchins Vectors, Inc. Step 1: Bluetooth. Establish a Bluetooth partnership between the TSC2 and your cell phone. S elect: Configuration Controller Bluetooth from the main menu of Survey Controller.

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Configuring a Verizon Cell Phone with the TSC2 for VRS Surveying

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Configuring a Verizon Cell Phone with the TSC2 for VRS Surveying Chuck Hutchins Vectors, Inc.

  2. Step 1: Bluetooth • Establish a Bluetooth partnership between the TSC2 and your cell phone. Select: • Configuration • Controller • Bluetooth from the main menu of Survey Controller.

  3. Select the “Config” soft key at the bottom of the screen.

  4. Ensure that the “Turn on Bluetooth” box is checked. Do not check the box that places the device in discoverable mode.

  5. Select the devices pane at the bottom of the screen.

  6. Ensure that your cell phone is in discovery mode and select “New Partnership…”

  7. WARNING!!! This next part is tricky so pay close attention!

  8. Select your cell phone from the partnership list and select the “Next” soft key at the bottom right of the screen. Enter a password of 0000 on the TSC2. Enter the same password on the cell phone.

  9. Ensure that the “Dialup Networking” box is checked.

  10. Select the “Finish” soft key in the bottom right of the screen when you are finished.

  11. Notice that your cell phone is now in the partnership list.

  12. Select the “ok” soft key in the top, right corner to exit out of the Bluetooth Config.

  13. Select the “Esc” soft key in the lower, left corner of the screen to return to the main menu of Survey Controller.

  14. You have successfully created a Bluetooth partnership between your Verizon cell phone and the TSC2.

  15. Step 2: Creating a VRS Survey Style • Select: • Configuration • Survey Styles from the main menu of Survey Controller

  16. Select the “New” soft key at the bottom, left of the screen.

  17. Give the style a name and choose “GNSS” as your style type.

  18. Choose “Accept” at the bottom, right of the screen.

  19. Select “Rover Options.”

  20. Change the Broadcast format to: VRS (CMR)

  21. Continue to Page 2.

  22. Select the type of antenna that will be used as a VRS rover as well as the “Measured to” method (typically “Bottom of Antenna Mount”). Go to Page 3.

  23. Select the GNSS signals that you want your VRS rover to track.

  24. Tap the “Accept” key when you are finished.

  25. Notice that there is no longer any “Base Options” or “Base Radio.”

  26. Select “Rover Radio.”

  27. Change the Type to “Internet Connection.

  28. Select the extension arrow under Dial Profile.

  29. Select the “New” soft key at the bottom of the screen.

  30. Enter a name for the new dial profile.

  31. Select the extension arrow under Network Connections.

  32. Select “Config” at the bottom of the screen.

  33. Choose Add a new modem connection.

  34. Give the modem a name and select “Bluetooth” under Select a modem.

  35. Select “Next” in the bottom, right of the screen.

  36. Select your cell phone from the partnership list and then choose “Next.”

  37. Type in #777.

  38. Choose “Next” in the bottom, right of the screen.

  39. The User Name will be the 10 digit phone number of the cell phone @VZW3G.COM. For example: 5555555555@VZW3G.COM The password is (lower case): vzw

  40. Select “Finish” in the bottom, right of the screen.

  41. Select “ok” in the top, right of the screen.

  42. Choose the new Network Connection that was just created.

  43. Notice the Network Connection is now occupied. Select the extension arrow under APN and choose “None.” Ensure that the Use NTRIP box is checked and ensure that the Use proxy server is unchecked. Proceed to Page 2.

  44. Everything on page 2 will be provided to you by the entity that controls the local VRS Network.

  45. Once this information is attained, you may store the dial profile.

  46. Select the Dial Profile that was just created.

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