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Comprehensive Guide to Laplace's Expansion in Matrix Calculations

Learn about Laplace's expansion in matrix calculations, including definitions, theorems, examples, and exercises. Understand minors, cofactors, adjoint matrices, and how to find determinants using expansion by cofactors. Explore different methods for computing determinants efficiently.

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Comprehensive Guide to Laplace's Expansion in Matrix Calculations

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  1. 4.III. Other Formulas 4.III.1. Laplace’s Expansion Definition 1.2: Minor & Cofactor For any nn matrix T, the (n1)(n1) matrix formed by deleting row i and column j of Tis the i, j minor of T. The i, jcofactor Ti, jof Tis (1)i+jtimes the determinant of the i, j minor of T. Example 1.4:

  2. Theorem 1.5: Laplace Expansion of Determinants Where Tis an nn matrix, the determinant can be found by expanding by cofactors on row i or column j. for any i for any j Proof: Write row/column as a vector sum.

  3. Example 1.6 : We can compute the determinant by expanding along the first row, Or expand down the second column: Example 1.7: A row or column with many zeroes suggests a Laplace expansion.

  4. Tk j contains 2 identical rows. if k i → Definition 1.8 : Adjoint The matrix adjointto the square matrix Tis i.e. Theorem 1.9: Where Tis a square matrix, Corollary 1.11: If |T|  0, then

  5. Exercises 4.III.1. 1. Find the adjoint of 2. Prove or disprove: adj (adj(T) ) = T.

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